September 20, 2024

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This Week In Worship

Sunday, September 22, 2024

In-Person Worship 

8:30am & 10:30am

YouTube Livestream at 10:30am

See the Sunday morning Crosswinds to watch the YouTube Livestream this week.

Church News

Staff Out of Office

Brenda will be on vacation starting today, September 20th through Wednesday, September 25th.

Karl will be on vacation Monday, September 23rd.

September Gift of Love Visitor this Sunday

Our Gift of Love offering this month is Good News Jail & Prison Ministry, and will directly support the work of Pastor Jeff Freeman, who is a chaplain at the Hennepin County Correction Center. Jeff will be with us at both services and will offer a forum in the Alcove between services. GNJ&PM is in need of XL thru XXXL sweat pants & shirts, and fall/winter coats. You can drop off items at the Donation Station here at church.

Using Rooms at Church

If you need to use one of the rooms for your meeting, please make sure to contact Brenda in the church office so she can find a room that works best for you and add it to the calendar.

Volunteers Needed

The Stewardship Team is looking for volunteers to help plan and lead the annual fund drive. This team will only work through November, so it is a short-term opportunity to help out. If interested, please reach out to Brett Turnquist directly or via email at

September Listening Posts

If you haven't completed a Listening Post session yet, we have 3 more dates available in September:

Sunday, 9/22 @ 11:30am

Wednesday, 9/25 @ 7:00pm

Saturday, 9/28 @ 9:30am

You can sign-up at the Welcome Center and choose which date and time works best for you. All sessions will be held here at church.

Refugee Sponsor Team

Welcome to our country and our community, Ruth and Ethan!

Our sponsorship team is helping Ruth and Ethan get settled in their temporary home these first days, buying groceries and getting familiar with the neighborhood. Thank you to the quilters for their gift of a new car seat! A special thank you also to Elena with Que Tal for joining us at the airport and beyond; her kindness and interpreting skills were a tremendous gift. And thanks to all who have generously donated funds already! We have not yet received the grant money, so your gifts are much appreciated. We look forward to our time with Ruth and Ethan, and will continue to provide updates in the Crosswinds. Your prayers are being heard and felt!  

Guest Preacher on September 29th

Rev. Dr. Wondimu Sonessa earned his Bachelor of theology (B.Th.) from Mekane Yesus Seminary and Master of Arts (M.A.) in Biblical and Theological Studies from Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology, both in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, prior to receiving Master of Theology (M.Th.) from Luther Seminary in St. Paul, where he recently also completed his Ph.D. He is the Interim Director for Evangelical Mission for the Minneapolis Area Synod. To read his full bio click here.

The Prayer Chain

The Prayer Chain is starting up again. If you would like to participate in praying for our members and friends, please let Pastor Stephanie know. If you would like to request prayer from our Prayer Chain, please contact Brenda in the church office or Pastor Stephanie. Please indicate if you would like your prayer request to be shared with the congregation, or if it is confidential. 

St. Barnabas Blog

How would you be known?

When people speak of you, how do you want to be known? This is a simple, but profound question of legacy, identity, values, and priorities.

Click here to read more.

Other News & Church Activities

October, November & December 2024

Devotional Books are Here!


“The Word in Season” devotional books are available in the Narthex. This daily devotional, published quarterly, enriches life with a contemporary message for today's Christian. It reflects on the themes of Sunday's texts with relevant meditations throughout the week.

Cross+Generational Activity

The Faith Formation team heard in our feedback sessions that the one thing people really missed about Wednesday Night Lighthouse was the cross+generational fellowship. This year, we're experimenting with a monthly gathering for a meal and fun active learning. We'll meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 5:30-7:00. The most important element of these gatherings is the opportunity for people of all ages to gather together. We’d love for families to attend. And single people. And retired people. And working people. Everyone is welcome, and is needed to guide each other in growing our faith. Are you intrigued? Sign up at the Welcome Center and join us on October 10th, 5:30-7:00! 

Organics Composting

St. Barnabas now has a organics composting cart which will be picked up on a weekly basis. The cart is located by the coffee area and there is a list of accepted materials that can be placed in the cart. The small composting bin will remain on the kitchen counter for use as well.

JustGifts Workshop

September 20-21, 9:30am-2:30pm

Bring anything you may be working on for the JustGifts Market in December, or come and work on one of our selected projects.

Bring your sewing machine, come and iron, choose fabrics for a project to donate - we have many jobs available.

A sign-up sheet for sharing food on both days will be posted in the Gardenview Room (inside the closet door); coffee and water will be provided.

“All are welcome in this place!”

Just For Fun!

Please save the date for our second annual “Just For Fun” community event, taking place after worship on October 13th (one service only at 9:30am). More information to come!

The JustGifts Market (Dec. 7th & 8th) Needs You!

It takes many volunteers to make our market a success!

We need more committee members, craft-makers, cashiers and help with set-up and tear-down. If you might be interested in helping, please sign-up at the Welcome Center and someone will contact you.

Free Qigong Exercise Classes are Back!


Qigong (pronounced “chee gong”) is a form of traditional Chinese mind/body exercise and meditation that uses slow and precise body movements with controlled breathing and mental focusing. 

When: September 26th through December 19th

Time: 11:15am to 11:45am

Location: Ministry Center East


Some health benefits include: improved circulation, improved balance & coordination, improved body awareness, some movements aid breathing, can help reduce stress and blood pressure


Please sign-up at the Welcome Center so Elena knows how many people are interested.

St. Barnabas Fun Stats!

Coming soon!

Gift of Love

September "Gift of Love"

Hennepin County Prison Chaplaincy


Good News Jail & Prison Ministry-Hennepin County is the local chapter of Minnesota. It’s the largest independent supplier of chaplains for jails and prisons worldwide, serving in 22 states, 1 American territory, and 25 countries. The Hennepin County Adult Correctional Facility Provides a ministry of presence within the correctional facility for both staff and residents. They facilitate and oversee religious volunteers and provide one on one religious counseling as needed. Your gifts helps bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to prisoners. We thank you for helping us reach those who others have forgotten.

September Birthdays

Photo of the Week

Sunday School September 15th

We had our first Sunday School class.

We told the story of God's promise to Abraham to provide him with many descendants.

We created our own "Mariner's family tree"

outside the Gardenview Room.  

Bonnie and Colleen 

Community Happenings

Donations Needed

Donation Station

Here is what we're currently collecting at our Donation Station in the Narthex.


Good News Jail Ministry (Gift of Love for September) 

Needed: XL thru XXXL sweat pants & shirts, and fall/winter coats.


IOCP Coats & Boots Needed through October 15th

IOCP is collecting winter coats for children in toddler through teen sizes. Coats should be new or like-new and warm, waterproof styles intended for playing outdoors. They are also collecting new snow boots in toddler through teen sizes. If this is something that interests you, please bring your donations and drop them off here at church in the Narthex. Please label them for the IOCP Coat drive.

IOCP Food Shelf Most Needed Items

Pull-Ups (size 4-5)

Baby Diapers (size 6)

Adult Diapers (size XL & 2XL)

Feminine Hygiene Products (especially pads)

Canned Chicken

Bottled Water

IOCP Client Clothing Most Needed Items

Underwear and Bras, Sports Bras, and Socks (all sizes) new for clients:

Children’s Socks & Underwear (all sizes)

Men’s Underwear (S, M, L)

Women’s Underwear (XS, S, M, L)

Women’s Socks (all sizes)

Women’s Bras (XS, S, M)

Toddler-size Clothing – new or like new for clients

Children’s Shoes and Jackets – all sizes (toddler – youth)

Men’s Clothing – all sizes, including big & tall

Women’s Clothing – size 12 & up

Resources & Links

Spread the Word!


Have you Liked and Followed our Facebook and Instagram pages? No? Go there right now and do it! (Please.) When you like our pages, they show up for the people you know, and we can extend our reach. Plus, the more you engage (like commenting, liking, and sharing posts), the further the word gets out! It's an easy way to tell everyone you know about St. Barnabas!


Want something in the E-News?

Do you want your small group information, community activities or church news in the

weekly E-News? Please email your articles to  Brenda Ericson with all the details by Wednesday morning of the week you want it shared.

Church Council Minutes

Copies of the minutes are available in the narthex. They are also located on our website.

If you'd like to be added to the email list, call the church office at 763-553-1239

Bulletin Delivery

Want a Bulletin Delivered? For those who are not able to access the worship video, some of our BeFrienders will deliver printed copies of the bulletin on Friday's or Saturday's.

If you'd like to have a Bulletin dropped off, you can call the church office at


Counseling and Therapy


Like us on Facebook
