Crosswinds Newsletter

January 15, 2025 - Volume 756

A Word from the Pastor

In our Methodist tradition, we recognize two sacraments: communion and baptism.  A sacrament is a sacred practice that Jesus gave us whereby we experience His grace.  As a church, we share communion every month.  Baptism is something we do when either a family wants to recognize Jesus’ claim over their child or the individual makes the decision themselves to follow Jesus.  Either way, baptism is a powerful act that symbolizes our immersion into a new life God.

On Sunday, we will be celebrating a baptism in the By the Well service.  Leigh Morris wants to be baptized as a testimony to her belief in Jesus.  We want to extend the invitation to be baptized to you.  If you have chosen to put your hope and trust in Jesus and have yet to be baptized but would like to consider it, please contact me at  We would love to celebrate that moment with you.  

On Sunday, we will be offering both baptism by immersion or sprinkling.  In other words, you can get a little wet or a lot of wet.  We’re happy to accommodate your preference.  

If you have yet to be baptized, please be in prayer about taking this step.  It is a moment you won’t want to miss out on personally and it is a highlight for your church family to experience with you.

Brady Johnston

Wednesday Night Meal

Tonight's Menu:

VIlla Italiana Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo, Rolls, Salad, & Dessert

Dinner is $8 per person - 18 and under eat free. Cash or a check may be placed in the box at the serving line. Venmo is also available.

Click Here to Register

Registration Open!

FMC Youth Winter Retreat registration is open again until January 26th!

Click Here to Register

Adult Volunteers Needed

We need 2 more Winter Retreat leaders, male or female. Please sign up at the same link as participants or contact Josh Snodgrass, Youth Pastor for more information.

Click Here to Register
Click Here to Support Zoe Empowers

Opportunities to Serve

Children's Ministry: email Keelee Allen

Youth Ministry: email Josh Snodgrass

Hospitality & Welcome Team: email Valerie Dick

Missions & Outreach: email Missions

Care Ministry: email Renee Sutton

Prayer & Card Ministry: email Joy Price

Mark Your Calendars

Jan 15: Wednesday Nights start

Jan 18: Church Leadership Summit

Jan 20: Rooted Ministry Fellowship (College Ministry) @ 6 PM in FLC

Jan 26: Discover Grace

See weekly information below for regularly occurring events.

Worship Together

January 19th 

"Witness: Jesus' Change"

Acts 1:4-26

8:30 & 11 AM Traditional Worship

11 AM Contemporary Worship

FMC on YouTube

FMC on Facebook LIVE

FMC Website

We offer Nursery and Early Childhood Care (infant through pre-k) during our Sunday morning worship services, Sunday school, Wednesday nights and many events. 

WayPoint is a weekly devotional, written by our pastors to dig deeper into the current sermon/series. Click the links below to access digitally.

Waypoints on FMC Website

Waypoints Daily on Facebook

Office hours are Monday through Thursday 8 AM - 4 PM and Friday 8 AM - 12 PM. 

For non-emergencies, please contact church staff during office hours or send email.

Weekly & Monthly Gatherings

Sunday School Classes meet between worship services from 9:45-10:45 AM. Children's classes meet in the Main building (MB). Youth and adult classes meet in the Family Life Center (FLC).

Men's Monday Night Bible Study, Mondays 7-8:30 PM, MB 302

Discipleship Groups, contact the church office for information

Wednesday Night Activities

  • 4:30-5:45 Pastor April’s Bible Study, MB Sanctuary
  • 5:00-5:45 Children’s Choir, Choir Room, MB 301
  • 5:30-6:15 Dinner, FLC Great Hall
  • 6:30-7:30 K.I.D.S. Club, MB Hallway 2
  • 6:30-8:00 FMC Youth, FLC
  • 6:30-8:00 DC4K, FLC 201 - starting Feb. 12
  • 6:30-8:00 Divorce Care, FLC 203 - starting Feb. 12
  • 6:30-7:30 Pastor Brady’s Bible study, FLC 204/205
  • 6:30-8:00 Adult Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room, MB 301

Creation Kids Links:

Elementary Student's Remind

Early Childhood Remind

Stay connected in Creation Kids Children's Ministry! Follow us on our Facebook page, Creation Kids, and our Instagram page, @creationkidscmEmail Keelee Allen.

FMC Midlo Youth Links: 

Sign up for the Youth newsletter! Click FMC YOUTH for for our webpage. Follow us on our Youth Facebook page, FMC Midlo Youth and our Instagram, @fmcmidloyouth. For Remind 101 for Youth, text @midloyouth to the number 81010. Email Josh Snodgrass.

If you would like to continue or start receiving the FMC Youth Newsletter, please click the link and fill out the Google form to be added to the mailing list! Click here for FMC Youth Newsletter SMORES Sign Up!

Leading a Ministry or Hosting a Church Event?

Please complete a Church Event Request form and return it to Mary Beth in the church office. Forms must be submitted for all event and ministry requests so that staff can review for conflicts, approve and create a communication plan. Click here to download the Communication & Event Request Form. Please allow a minimum of two weeks for communication to begin. All events and communication are subject to approval, and schedule changes are made as necessary.

Prayer Requests

Please send your prayer request to Mary Beth or Joy. If you want to join our Prayer/Card Ministry group, send your request to Joy.


ARMY - Matt Carroll, Tim Kruettner, Harold Barton, Josh Schenck, Austin Lockwood, Trey Ditto, Zach Hill

NAVY - Matthew Price, Andrew Cantrell, Zachary Tucker, Thomas Shirley, Matthew Watford, Thomas Padgett, Travis Domke

AIR FORCE - JD Culps, Andrew Miller 

MARINES - Josh Dunaway, Bradley Perez, Elizia Delapaa, Cash McAdoo


TEXAS ARMY NATIONAL GUARD - John Jackson, Derek Vance

Note: Please email Joy Price or Chelsea Hornburg if anyone on the list above should be removed.

Thank You for Your Generosity

Thank you for your generosity! We continue to do great ministry as a church because of you and your faithfulness. You can give to the church's ministries in service, mailing in your financial gifts or clicking below to give online. Every gift helps us do great things for God's Kingdom!

Give Online

Church Staff

Senior Pastor: Brady Johnston

Executive Pastor: Dr. April Fehler

Youth Pastor: Josh Snodgrass

Children's Pastor: Keelee Allen

Early Childhood Coordinator: Paige Houser

Director of Music Ministries: Laurie Duke

Contemporary Worship Leader: Jason Westbrook

Director of Connections: Valerie Dick

Communications Coordinator: Chelsea Hornburg

Administrative Assistant: Mary Beth Mayo

Finance Administrator: Barry Hornburg

A/V Director: Tad Downing

Hospitality: Dan Maresca

FMC Midlothian | 972-775-3993 |

Office Hours: M-Th: 8 AM - 4 PM, F: 8 AM - 12 PM

Pastors are available for non-emergencies M-Th during office hours

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