Jesus is the Reason for the Season!
All of us at UNITE INDY wish you and your families a holy and happy Christmas. We know so many who read this are involved in supporting our work, or work in parallel efforts to help the marginalized and hopeless in our Central Indiana neighborhood.
Thank you for everything you do!
Thank you for sometimes loving the unloveable, for feeding the hungry, for fighting violence, and for your help in reducing recidivism and rescuing otherwise wasted human capital.
We are a nine county metro area, united in support of one another. May we all be blessed this Christmas, and may those we serve find peace, health, and promise in the New Year.
God bless us everyone!
Second Chance Indy Job Fair, An Overwhelming Success
Prepared for the 20 or so folks who pre-registered, UNITE INDY's Second Chance Indy Job Fair attracted a group of 60 reentrants, who crowded Parole District 3 offices, anxious for employment, information, and assistance.
Said, Assistant Parole District #3 Director John Taylor, "This is probably the best use of this space ever."
Four UNITE INDY staffers worked tirelessly to register, assess, and help the men and women choose the right job path for them. Training on the web site followed so each could find jobs and apply online. Then they all had the opportunity to talk to seven on-site, welcoming second chance employers who met with them individually and walked them through their job openings, transportation options, pay scales, and more.
UNITE INDY is working with Indiana Department of Correction's Hoosier Initiative for Re-Entry (HIRE), Parole District 1, and Parole District 3 to introduce unemployed parolees directly to employers willing to offer a second chance. The employers who came and set up booths to welcome potential hires, were MW Cold, Park 100 Foods, Volumod, Ken's Foods, Renewing Management, Dora Hospitality, and Standard Change-Makers.
The folks in overflow out in the hall were well served and told, "Don't worry about the crowd. We've got you covered. There are plenty of jobs!"
Final figures are being collected, but for those whose paroles are contingent upon finding and keeping a job, this job fair was a God-send. To see what happened, click Here.
Another Rate Cap Bill...
Another Chance At Equitable Lending
An important step was taken last month when the Veterans and Consumers Fair Credit Act of 2021 was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. The act would extend the 36 percent APR cap to payday and car title loans, some of which are now capped at 300 percent. In a bipartisan effort, sponsors hope to protect veterans, military reservists, communities of color, older persons and rural consumers from being targeted by predatory lenders.
Shelby County Judges, Churches, & Corrections Officials Mobilize
With an ever-growing understanding of the importance of reducing recidivism through mentoring, job training and employment, Shelby County officials contacted UNITE INDY to work with them to help reentrants.
What a thrill it has been to meet with representatives of six churches united to work together to supply mentors. What an honor to meet with Shelby County Sheriff Koch, judges, and county corrections officials, who with a single voice spoke with enthusiasm about bringing UNITE INDY 's reentrant programs to Shelby County. Meanwhile conversations with Boone County are continuing in the same direction. Lots to do, but willing hearts get things done. More to come!
What's the best thing you've ever done?
What is it? "I can easily say it was writing Jesse who was an inmate at Putnamville Correctional Facility, a place where God does some of His most magnificent work," said Nancy Cotterill in her latest blog post. "I recently received a letter from a man named Jimmy, who corresponds with our Inmate Correspondence Team Leader, Sara Cobb. He wanted to thank me for referring him to Sara, who shares scripture and wisdom with him, having built a true friendship through their letters. Says Nancy, "The thing I’ve learned is that the human soul, confined in a small barred room, is a far easier target for God to penetrate." Jimmy says writing us was the "best thing I could've done." Read the amazing letter Jimmy sent, here. Read the blog post here! Sign up to be a correspondent here!
Reentry Navigator: Bringing
Power To The People
As a reentrant, coming out of long-term incarceration, the contacts you need to handle the myriad of issues you face are your keys to successful reentry.
UNITE INDY's Reentry Navigator is being developed to provide just that: Quick connections to the people one needs for successful reentry, from a parole officer, to a drug treatment center, someone to help get a needed driver's license, or assistance with housing, finances, or just about anything a reentrant will need. Coming soon on your phone. BAM!
Why Support UNITE INDY?
In addition to a major effort to work with the 12,000 inmates reentering our area after incarceration, we are working to improve employment in our poorest neighborhoods.
How You Can Support Jobs for Justice- Involved Individuals
3. Become a Member - Your tax deductible gift will buy either 5 Student Workbooks for a class or 10 meals for students, their mentors, and instructors to gather around a table before each class, sharing food, transforming the moment into something more unique by creating a sense of community, which strengthens the relationship building process.
Support of Ministries and Charities:
Since 2017 UNITE INDY has provided a free web-based system at that connects churches, ministries, and other charities to share their volunteer needs or needed items. UNITE INDY also provides the manpower necessary to assist smaller organizations—that have no one to upload needed items—the help they require to access this service. Through this portal, UNITE INDY has brought hundreds of volunteers and thousands of dollars worth of needed goods into the hands of those who assist the poor.
Serving the Servants:
UNITE INDY comes behind urban pastors and ministry leaders by addressing personal and professional needs with free services for those who work tirelessly in their neighborhoods to care for the needy and bereft.
Remember, almost 1 out of every 3 children in Indianapolis lives below the poverty level, yet even in the aftermath of the COVID shut down, as our economy comes back to life and employment is returning, all this good news stops at the lines surrounding many of our inner city neighborhoods. In some neighborhoods of Marion County unemployment is now 21%, and poverty remains the overwhelming divider of people.
Please donate to UNITE INDY now. There are a number of choices that are all secure and safe. By sending your fully tax deductible gift* now we can have a greater impact meeting needs in our community in 2021.
Many, many thanks!
*UNITE INDY, Inc. is approved under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3) as a Public Charity, donors can deduct contributions they make under IRC Section 170.
Corporate Partners
A big Thank YOU to our Corporate Partners for their unwavering support which makes it possible for us to provide our services at no charge to job applicants and employers!
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