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Dining in Style at Wayne State University
I recently had the pleasure of hosting a dining seminar at the Mike Ilitch School of Business at Wayne State University. It was a terrific evening introducing these fine young students to the importance of etiquette in business situations.
Cruise Etiquette
Cruise Ship
More families are choosing to cruise as their vacation of choice. Etiquette goes everywhere, even in the middle of the ocean. Cruising calls for special attention to your manners and behavior. Below are some guidelines to make your cruise a vacation to remember.
Be Respectful
The beauty of cruising is meeting people of other cultures. Respect is the number one goal of etiquette.
Be Patient
Debarking and embarking often involves lengthy lines. Keep the mood upbeat. No grumbling. Have your identification and tickets ready.
Be Friendly

Acknowledge those around you. Speak to those waiting with you. These will be your shipmates for the next few days. Smile, introduce yourself and your companions. 
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Be Presentable

Cruising calls for a variety of clothing options. Follow the dress code for the ship. Your appearance always counts.  
Be Timely

Evacuation drills, dinner seatings and show times all require that you be on time.  Being late delays and disturbs the other passengers.  
Be Neat

Cruise dining will give you a number of dining choices. Remember dining etiquette rules still apply. Be noiseless, neat and clean.  
Be Considerate

Placing personal objects on lounge chairs for an indeterminate amount of time is rude. If you are going to be gone longer than thirty minutes take your items with you. This frees the chairs for other guests.  
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Be Thankful

The crew of a cruise ship often goes overboard accommodating guests. Remember that thank you, please and excuse me are always appropriate.

Bon Voyage!
Trusted Recommendations
"Wisetta does a phenomenal job making etiquette interesting and appealing.  Our students were highly engaged and were ready to use the information presented in a professional business setting. I highly recommend her for young and mature audiences alike as these skills are invaluable to all!"

Kiantee Ruper-Jones
Director, Mike Ilitch School of Business
Wayne State University
"We had Ms. Dolsey present her dining etiquette course to our juniors and seniors in the Corporate Mentorship Program.  Ms. Dolsey kept the students engaged throughout the entire experience, and took extra care to provide much needed one-on-one support to students during the dining portion of the event.  We all took away many helpful tips and tricks as a result of the presentation.  Thanks for helping our students build much needed skills in dining etiquette!"

Emily Kravetz
Director, Mike ILitch School of Business Corporate Mentor Programs
Wayne State University
Elevator Etiquette
Elevator Button
The elevator is the most public intimate space used by mankind. This seven by six or smaller foot box transports over 50 million riders per day. This sharing of space calls for special consideration. Below are some guidelines to make your next elevator ride as painless as it is fast.
Stand to the Right
While waiting for an elevator stand to the right. Standing to the right allows passengers that are exiting to use the left and middle of the elevator.
Exit First
Allow people to exit before you enter the elevator. Standing to the right keeps the entry clear.
Enter Quickly
When you enter, move to the rear, stand close to the wall, turn and face the doors. The corners should be filled on an elevator first, then middle.
In and On
In a crowded elevator it may be necessary for the people in the front to step out. Out of courtesy hold the door to allow passengers to safely exit.
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The Operator
In the old days, most elevators had operators. The operator operated the doors and pushed the floor buttons for passengers. Standing near the control panel calls for extended courtesy to the other passengers. Pushing the open or hold door button, asking new passengers for their floor number is just a simple yet impactful courtesy. If you assume the position, assume the job, gracefully.
Exit Stage Left
Letting fellow riders know you are getting off at the next floor is imperative. Don't wait until you have reached your floor to scramble out. Speaking out in advance allows people the opportunity to help in your egress. Step to the right when allowing people to exit.
Hold large packages near your legs. There is more space in the front of your legs than in front of your upper body.
Eye Contact
The elevator is not the place to practice good eye contact. Fleeting eye contact is the order of the day. Unless you are regular companions on the elevator.
Communication in the elevator is discouraged.  If you are on your cell phone discontinue the conversation. Other conversations are also discouraged, as is music. Clients or company business should never be discussed in the elevator.
Non-verbal Communication
Grooming, belching, flatulence, eating, scratching and PDA's are all discouraged during the fifteen second elevator ride.
Practicing common courtesies while riding the elevator is always encouraged.  Please, thank you and excuse me are always appropriate and especially in confined spaces. 
Tip of the Month 
books with titles

"Titles are not just for books. Mr., Mrs. Ms, Miss, Dr., Sir and M'am all have their place. You need permission to be on a first name basis."

Our etiquette classes can help you improve your workplace etiquette, guide your children in learning good manners, and help you refresh your etiquette skills for formal events. We can also customize a program to your unique needs.


Wisetta  Dolsey
Call to book an appointment - 248-238-1993
Five Star School of Etiquette
 [email protected]  |  http://www.MichiganManners.com

Five Star School of Etiquette
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