Crusader Connection

April 12, 2024

Dear St. Anne Catholic School Parents:


THANK YOU and CONGRATULATIONS to our Gala Co-Chairs, Mrs. Klutter, Mrs. Hernandez, and Mrs. Sparks, our Development Director, Mrs. Minch, and all of our volunteers whose hard work and dedication made this year’s All that Glitters Gala an evening to remember. It was a beautiful testament to the strong commitment of our families to Catholic education. We appreciate our investors, donors, sponsors, patrons, underwriters, and guests who all contributed to the success of the event.


On Monday, April 15th, at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall we will have our Smart Families Shaping Souls Family Night. During Family Night, you will create your own Family Code, a cornerstone in reinforcing our dedication to guiding our children through the complexities of modern life, which encompasses far more than just smartphone usage. Click here to RSVP.


We are delighted to extend a warm invitation to all our dedicated volunteers to join us for a special event: the Volunteer Appreciation Brunch on Wednesday, April 24th , right after mass in the Parish Hall. Our school thrives because of the selfless dedication and support of our volunteers. Whether it's helping out in classrooms, organizing events, or lending a hand wherever needed, your contributions are invaluable and deeply appreciated.

The Volunteer Appreciation Brunch is our way of saying a heartfelt "thank you" to each and every one of you for your tireless efforts and unwavering commitment to our school community. Please click here to RSVP for the brunch.


As we approach the end of the school year, we want to ensure that you don't miss out on any of the exciting events and activities planned for our students. The calendar of events is located in the Crusader Connection. From our book fair to spring play to sports contests to recognition ceremonies and graduation celebrations, there are numerous opportunities for our students to showcase their talents and accomplishments. We encourage you to mark your calendars and make arrangements to attend these special occasions.

Whether it's cheering on our sports teams, applauding our performers at the spring play, or celebrating student achievements, your support and participation mean a great deal to our students and staff. We look forward to seeing you on campus.



Have a blessed weekend!


With Gratitude,


Kendall Shamas



Dear St. Anne Parents,


Our All that Glitters Gala was a tremendous success! It was an amazing evening of fellowship and fundraising. The accounting is still in process, but I am confident that we will achieve our goal.

Thank you to all who sponsored, donated, volunteered and attended the Gala. We would not have been able to accomplish what we did without you. Special thanks to the co-chairs, Kelsey Clutter, Jackie Hernandez and Melanie Sparks for their dedication and commitment to the success of the event. I am grateful for their energy and positivity throughout the planning and execution of this beautiful evening. I am humbled by the generosity of our community and eternally grateful for your support. We are blessed to have such an amazing community at St. Anne.

Thank you for your support.

Have a blessed day,

Sherri Minch

Development Director

Please contact Sherri Minch to schedule pickup of auction items


Raffle ticket sales continue through this month. Raffle tickets must be turned in by April 29. Winners will be drawn on May 1. 

We are asking each family to sell 10 tickets. Please return ticket stubs to the front office in the bag you received the raffle tickets in so we can properly account for all tickets distributed and ensure incentives are awarded properly. Please return any unsold tickets to the front office.

Incentives for raffle ticket sales are as follows:

Each family that sells one book (10 tickets) - one free dress day (5/3)

Each family that sells 5 books - lunch with Corporal Foote

Each family that sells 10 books - silly string the Principal

Raffle tickets will be sold through the end of April.

Thank you for your continued support. I am grateful for this amazing community.

All School News


Upcoming Field Trip Dates

April 25 | 4th grade travels to Washington on the Brazos

RSVP Smart Families Event


Orders Close on

April 15


Mark your calendar - Field day is Friday, May 10th!

Order Field Day Shirt Here

NJHS Induction Ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday, April 17 following Mass.

Crusader Athletics




4/15 Home vs St. Anne Houston

4/15 Home vs St. Theresa

4/27 Strake Jesuit

4/17 Home vs SEAS

4/17 Away vs Epiphany

4/22 Home vs St. Rose


Chick Fil A Spirit Night - Wednesday, 4/17

Come support St. Anne at Chick Fil A on Wednesday, April 17 from 5pm - 8pm for Spirit Night. A portion of the sales will be donated back to St. Anne.

You can use Code: SACES17 for mobile orders.

Book Fair

The Book Fair is available online!

Pre Order or Preview Book Fair HERE!


Book Fair is on campus on  

April 22 - 26

April 25 - Drama Class Spring Play

April 26 - NJHS Middle School "Decades Dance"

April 18 in the library

Author Peg Sundberg, Cowgirl Peg 

RSVP Volunteer Appreciation 2024

Dads Club Workday- April 27

Thank you to everyone who attended our Dads Club meeting last night. Your input for our upcoming events is greatly appreciated.

Our next event will be a workday on Saturday, April 27th, starting at 8 AM. The primary task will be cleaning the gutters again. Please bring leaf blowers, ladders, and gloves if you have them. Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Best regards,

Paul Feldman


Advisory School Council Invitation

Dear Parents and Friends of St. Anne:


At this time we are looking to add new members to our School Advisory Council for the

2024-2025 school year.


Parents or friends of the school who have an interest in participating in the discernment process please send an email by Monday, April 15 to Dan Sadenwater, our Advisory School Council president or email to Dr. Shamas

Read More

Lunch Program

Pizza Friday

April and May pizza ordering now closed.

How to order pizza from Family Portal flyer

How to check if you ordered pizza flyer

Pizza Monthly Calendar flyer

Lunch Volunteers

We are in need of lunch volunteers to help distribute hot lunch Monday through Thursday.

We especially need help on Tuesday and Thursdays' because they are our most popular hot lunch days.

Please call the school office or email us with any questions.

Sign up link here...

Please register your student with School Eatery.  

Sign up at and choose 'Parent Click Here to Sign UP." You will receive an email to activate your account and will need a school code to add your student(s). 


Our school code is ANNE (all caps). 

Lunch orders must be placed by 8am for same day lunch.


Go to jostens. com

Click- Shop your school

Type- St Anne Tomball

Select- 2024 Yearbook ($35)

Student Recognition Ads also available

If you have questions contact Cary Herndon

Calendar of Events

**updated 4/12/2024

4/15 | Last Day to order Field Day Shirt | $5 free dress NJHS fundraiser | Smart Families, Shaping Souls Family Night | Softball Home vs St. Theresa | Baseball Home vs St. Anne Houston

4/17 | Fr. Tommy Birthday celebrated | NJHS Inductions | Softball Away @ Epiphany | Baseball Home vs SEAS | CFA Spirit Night

4/18 | Gala Flip Flop and/or Crazy Hair Day | Library Author Visit

4/19 | Principal/Teacher for the Day

4/20 | Track - Barnett Stadium

4/22-26 | Book Fair

4/22 | PreK and Kinder Earth Day Activities | Softball Home vs St. Rose

4/23 | Career Day

4/24 | Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast | Cheer Meeting for 2024-2025

4/25 | 4th Grade Field Trip | Spring Play

4/26 | NJHS Middle School Dance | Gala Crazy Hat Day | Progress Reports Posted to Family Portal

4/27 | Track - Strake Jesuit | Dads Club Workday

4/29 | Gala Raffle Closes

May 2024

5/1 | May Crowning | Altar Server Breakfast | Gala Raffle Drawing

5/2 | PreK Mother's Picnic in the Courtyard

5/2 | Kinder Mothers Tea

5/4 | Cheer Camp

5/6-10 | Teacher Appreciation Week

5/8 | Candle Passing

5/9 | 3rd Grade Wax Museum

5/9,13,14 | 8th grade exams

5/10 | NOON Dismissal | NO After School Care | FIELD DAY

5/12 | Mother's Day

5/16 | 8th Grade Graduation Mass

5/17, 20,21 | 6th and 7th Grade Exams

5/22 | Last School Mass |First Holy Communion Celebration

5/23 | Noon Dismissal, Last day of school, PK/K moving up, end of year celebrations

5/24 | Report Cards Posted to Family Portal

Around the Parish and Community

Love God's Will


CLICK HERE to purchase movie tickets

CMG Safe Haven Training and Background Check

Required – CMG Safe Haven Training and Background Check


We are so excited about the upcoming 2023-2024 school year, and we are thankful for everyone who volunteers their time and talents to St. Anne Catholic School. The students, teachers and parents really appreciate all the hard work that is put into making all our events a success.

All volunteers and staff must be CMG Safe Haven trained to work with children within the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Please plan time to take the online, self-paced, Safe Environment Course (CMG Connect). This course certification is entirely free, online, easy to complete, and valid for five years.


Click on the link below to register. You will not need to print the certificate since all your training completion dates are retained in the system. If you have any questions or need some assistance, please  email Elizabeth Dailey in the school office.


Click here to register for CMG Safe Haven Training



You will be required to complete a criminal background check as part of the registration process. 


Under the Affiliation tab answer the following questions:

·       “Primary Parish/School” – Answer: St. Anne Catholic School - Tomball

·       “Select A Role” – Answer: Volunteer.

·        “I participate as a/an” – Answer: #2 Volunteer (Church/Archdiocesan Catholic School)


From your Dashboard – Click: Start Safe Environment Mandatory Training– Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.


On the last page of the curriculum, submit your background check information. Please enter your name as listed on your government issued identification.


·        Note: The training will remain In Progress until your background check is processed and reviewed by the Archdiocese. This can take up to 2 weeks.


St. Anne Catholic Church

St. Anne Church Bulletin


WEDNESDAY | 8:30 AM and 6:30PM


FRIDAY | 8:30 AM (Anointing of the Sick after Mass)

SATURDAY | 5:00 PM English |

    First Saturday of the Month Mass 8:00 AM

SUNDAY |8:00 AM and 10:00 AM English

12:00 PM (Noon) Spanish


THURSDAYS | 5:00-6:00 PM | Parish Hall


THURSDAYS | After 8:30 AM Mass until 7:00 PM

PATRIOTIC ROSARY | via Zoom every Monday at 6:00 PM (

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