Self-Deception. Self-Examination

How well do we know ourselves? According to theologian Cornelius Plantinga, we should pause before a quick, affirmative answer. Self-deception, he asserts, has long been a growth industry. “We prettify ugly realities and sell ourselves the prettified versions.”* 

A light-hearted example from our home:

Parent: “Why did you hit your brother?”

Sibling 1: “Because she hit me first.”

Sibling 2: “Yes, I hit him first. But, I hit him nicely. He hit me meanly.”

A sober example from the Bible: Consider the self-deception of the Pharisees, convinced of their own goodness, yet wide of the mark. (Luke 11:42, etc.)

What’s the cure for self-deception? Lent helps. Self-examination leading to repentance is the first discipline of a Holy Lent according to our Prayer Book, and Ignatius, the founder of the Jesuit order, developed a simple, daily practice: 

  • Thanksgiving – Thank God for the gifts and blessings of the day.
  • Petition – Ask for the grace to see the day and yourself with clarity and honesty.
  • Examination – Reflect on the day and review your thoughts and actions, noting where you felt God’s presence and where you felt distant.
  • Repentance – Acknowledge failures and ask for forgiveness.
  • Renewal – Look ahead and ask for God’s grace for the next day.

This past Sunday we looked at this simple tool (10 minutes?) in Adult Education and Youth Ministry. Give it a try. Self-examination leading to repentance is the antidote to self-deception.



*Plantinga, A Breviary of Sin

News & Upcoming Events

Marriage Workshop

March 16, 12:30-2:00 p.m.

A marriage workshop offering practical guidance and peer to peer learning. Topics: Maintaining Intimacy, Navigating Conflict, Open Communication. Facilitated by experienced counselors, Coulter Weaver, Elizabeth Welch and Amy Lehman. Lunch and child care provided. Registration is required; click here to register.

Ladies' Lunch Bunch

March 16, 12:30-2:00 p.m.

All ladies are invited to join us for lunch at Ramparts, located at 1700 Fern Street in Alexandria.

Ladies Spring Retreat

March 28 & 29 at Christ the King

"Small but Mighty: Your Part in God's Big Picture.

Sign up here or in the foyer on Sunday. Make your Bittersweet Catering selection for lunch. If paying by check, write "Ladies' Retreat" on the memo line. Email Katherine with any questions, requests for scholarship help or if you want to help us host.

Deadline to register is March 16th.

Mozart Requiem

March 30, 9:00 a.m.

Our worship service includes a presentation of Mozart's Requiem. A great opportunity to invite friends and neighbors.

Elections for Vestry

April 6

The Vestry, the lay leadership body of CtK, is responsible for the financial and general oversight of the church. Its 7 members serve staggered 3-year terms. Candidates for Vestry are parishioners, nominated by and voted into office by the congregation. Nominations are being accepted until March 23rd, with the election on April 6 after both services. To make a nomination,


Pledge Request & Update

Please assist the vestry with their responsibility for the financial health and growth of the church by filling out this financial pledge for our Operational Budget and our 84:1 (Building Fund). 

Operational Budget for 2025

Number of pledges received: 46

Goal: 100

Amount pledged: $469,680

Goal: $1,266,388

Psalm 84:1 Fund (Building Fund)

Number of pledges received: 36

Goal: 100

Amount pledged: $1,175,915

Goal: $5,000,000 over 6 years

To view all CtK events, visit our website.

Witnesses to the World


Below are prayer requests and upcoming outreach opportunities for us to love our neighbors.

Litter-Free Alexandria: March 22, 8 - 9 a.m.

Give a gift to our neighbors near the church and help make our city cleaner. Join other CtK members in picking up trash in our neighborhood. Bring work gloves. CtK will supply trash bags and grabber tools. Children accompanied by parents are welcome. Questions? Contact Eric Keber

New Wineskins Conference: Sept. 17 - 20. Early bird pricing ends March 31. This conference occurs every 3 years and is an opportunity for mutual encouragement between Anglican churches and missionaries and offer support for their ongoing ministries. Register Here

Please join me in praying for MaRiH Center:

  • We celebrate 50 years of their ministry caring for the vulnerable in our community and pray for the success of their anniversary celebration this Sunday. We pray that the Lord would touch the hearts of those with means to meet their critical material needs, mostly diapers and baby wipes. We also pray for volunteers and continued financial provision for their ministry.

Worship at CtK

Worship service and staff contact information.

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Christ the King is a member of the Anglican Church in North American and the Diocese of the mid-Atlantic. Both distribute regular updates and newsletters. You will find information about the Anglican Church in North America here; information about the Diocese of the MidAtlantic here.