"I Sing a Song..."

“I Sing a Song of the Saints of God” is a hymn I sung growing up. Each verse follows a pattern: A description of what the saints did: “…they toiled and fought and lived and died for the Lord they loved and knew.” A description of who the saints were: “And one was a soldier, and one was a priest, and one was slain by a fierce wild beast.” Finally, an affirmation: “Lord, I want to be one, too!” 

Though the song is a little cheesy (I’m glad it’s not part of our repertoire), it does raise a question: Do I want to be one of the saints? Do I want to follow unreservedly? Witness boldly? Give sacrificially? Serve unconditionally? Pray unceasingly?  Etc.

On second thought, maybe I don't want to be a saint. I'll just be a run-of-the-mill, comfortable Christian.

However, the Church if full of men and women, living and dead, who did just what that song describes. They lived and died for the Lord they loved and knew. What compelled them? My hunch: Desire. They wanted to be one of the saints, too.

If you find yourself wanting to be nothing more than an ordinary, comfortable Christian, ask the Lord to help you want what you ought to want.



Upcoming Events

Welcome Brunch

January 12.

Join us if you are visiting or new to Christ the King for a chance to hear more about the church and community. Save the Dates for our Spring Membership Class (May 25, June 1, June 8), which prepares interested participants to join the church on June 15 when the Bishop visits.

Small Groups Sign Ups:

Through January 12. 

Coed Small Groups kick off in late January.  Groups are geographically based, and meet biweekly for friendship, study, prayer, and support. Group options are listed in the foyer and on the website, including two new groups with childcare: a Sunday group meeting after church, and a Sunday afternoon group meeting at the Kempers. If interested in joining or helping lead a group, sign up by Jan. 12 by emailing Peter at pschwanda@ctkalexandria.org. Leaders Meeting on Jan. 19, 10:20-11:00 a.m. 

MariH Center Bottle Drive

January 5 - 26.

Each year during January we support MariH Center's work of caring for the unborn and new mothers by collecting change in baby bottles. Beginning January 5, we will have baby bottles in the foyer to take home, fill with change, and return to the church on January 26.

Volunteer Sign-ups

January 12.

Volunteer Sign ups & Ministry Training. January 12 &19. 10:20-11:00 a.m. Recruitment and sign ups for our various volunteer ministries on January 12. Training for various ministries on January 19. Specifically, we are in need of Sunday service volunteers for 11:15: Ushers, Prayer Leaders, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, and Readers.

Men's Academy

January 14.

A monthly breakfast gathering for the men of the church. Meeting three times in the fall and four times in the spring, we will consider the seven deadly sins- their perils and pitfalls and the grace we have to persevere.

Ladies' Hike

January 18, 9:00 - 11:45 a.m.

Walk with us at Mason District Park. Stay to visit over coffee and snacks. If interested, please sign up here.

We are Hiring!

We are hiring a part-time administrator. The position requires up to 20 hours weekly. PD found here. Email here if interested.

To view all CtK events, visit our website.

Witnesses to the World


Please join me in praying for Young Life Alexandria this week. Some of their current needs are:

  • finding a part-time Spanish speaking Young Lives Coordinator
  • Spanish speaking Young Lives volunteer Mentors
  • and an apartment for two of their leaders in the Alexandria area.

If you have questions, reach out to Jesse Perl.

Worship at CtK

Worship service and staff contact information.

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Christ the King is a member of the Anglican Church in North American and the Diocese of the mid-Atlantic. Both distribute regular updates and newsletters. You will find information about the Anglican Church in North America here; information about the Diocese of the MidAtlantic here.