Church of the Holy Comforter | Vienna, VA

Cultivate Resilience in the New Year

with these Adult Formation opportunities!

The Holy Bible

6-Session Bible Study on Paul’s Letter to the Philippians

Thursday Nights; 7:15–8:15 p.m.; Beginning Jan. 11; on Zoom

We are excited to offer a new 6-session Zoom Bible Study on Paul’s letter to the Philippians, led by Anna Wallich.

Anna Wallich has led Bible Study groups elsewhere in the past. This year, here at Holy Comforter, she will facilitate this exploration of Paul’s words to the church in Phillippi. 

For more information and to register, please contact Anna Wallich. Once you register with Anna, she will send you the Zoom link.

Prayer Practices with Mike Croghan

Tuesday, Jan. 16; 7:15 p.m.; in the Ministry Center

On Tuesday evening, January 16, we are opening up the Episcopal 101 class to everyone! This will be a special session on various contemplative ways to practice the presence of God. Come try out some new ones and perhaps deepen your spiritual practices for 2024! 

The Path Ahead: Spirituality and Purpose in Later Life

Fridays; 11 a.m.–Noon; Jan. 19, 26; Feb. 9,16; in the Ministry Center (for seniors)

Through conversation, short videos, differing forms of contemplative practices, and other exercises, we will look at the challenges and rewards of aging within a spiritual context. Come explore these questions in a small group (up to 10 people).

Registration encouraged: sign up HERE. For more information, contact Norma Williamson or Judith Bowers.  

The Seven Principles of Making Marriage Work by John Gottman

Monday Nights; 8:30–9:30 p.m.; Feb. 5, March 9, April 8, May 6, and June 3; on Zoom (for couples)

Join us for book study and conversation on Zoom with the Rev. Jon Strand. Buy the book HERE. Feel free to drop in or come for them all with your significant other.