Our Fall Lifecycles 201 Intensive course was completed in November. The students offered this great feedback after completing this deeper dive into Lifecycles capacity consulting:
What is one thing you will apply immediately to your work as a result of this Intensive Training?
"Conveying the importance of aligning all aspects of the organization to create the capacity to fulfill the mission. In other thought circles, I was taught to know and work on my wobble. The same concepts exist here, in nonprofit language, which is helpful when I work with nonprofit organizations."
How will your work be impacted by completing the Intensive Training?
"The intensive training has built my confidence and has armed me with the right phrases, questions, and situational awareness."
Any other feedback?
"I got a lot out of the breakout sessions. Often we had completely different viewpoints, but valid evidence to substantiate our views. I think this creates a great resource to lean on in consulting - I'm there to facilitate conversation, ask questions, and lead them to their conclusions."
Interested in taking this next step? You can already sign up for the Fall 2024 Lifecycles 201 Intensive.