Vol.03, 2020
Dear Friends,

Warm greetings during this Spring season of new beginnings. 

I've just returned from a trip to California, spreading the good news about CdK's life-changing work in Mexico. In four cities I met loving people who care about our students and breaking cycles of poverty. As I was welcomed, I couldn't help but notice Nature's not so subtle reminder of "good news" as I drank in the beauty of Spring---surging forward as rebirth explodes in new growth and countless blossoms. 

We understand that during this current pandemic, we all need reminding of what is good and eternal. Whatever we can do to help others comes back and helps us as well, individually and corporately. Let's resolve to do what we can to stay centered and poised while offering our neighbors the best encouragement we can muster. 

Our upcoming  7th annual Cinco de Mayo Event,  usually held in Sarasota, Florida, will not be held in person for various health concerns, but will instead be held as an  online event We have 25 reasons to be excited about this because we now have 25 students in our program! 

I am currently working with two new students I watched grow up in a local orphanage. While they are ill-equipped for the adult world, I will do everything I can to assist them. Watch for later announcements about them and our online event. 

Our work here in Oaxaca with these courageous youth continues with optimism and determination! All of this is made possible thanks to you--our friends and generous donors. 

In Gratitude,
Drew L. Vogt
CdK President/cofounder
We rise by lifting others
Robert Ingersoll
Cultural Trip: Centro de las Artes, in San Agustin Etla, Oaxaca
Last month we held two local day trips of cultural interest for our Oaxaca students. Visiting local sites is often cost-prohibitive, or not on their “radar” depending on their family or having been raised at distant locations.

On this mini trip, we took them to CaSa, a former fabric factory from the last century, renovated by Francisco Toledo in 2006 to be a local center of art. Large exhibitions and seminars teach locals about national and global art trends.

Then our students enjoyed a nice lunch at Santa Marta Buffet and made plans and suggestions for future trips.
Beatriz, Montserrat, Pablo and Laura
Eraclio, Xochitl and Mayra
Long Path to Becoming an MD
We'd like to introduce you to Jose Alberto, one of our four students in medical school here in Oaxaca city. He comes to us from the tropical, southern part of Oaxaca called Istmo. His parents have manual labor jobs, and could not afford to put him through medical school. Jose has been in our Casa de Kids program for three years, and is now completing his fourth year in medical school and is excelling. He has a few more to go. He will be the highest educated person in his family.

Your support in action
Thanks to donors like you, young women like Laura are overcoming barriers to education. Studying to become an elementary teacher, she is asked to provide materials to use while completing her interships. Now Laura is well prepared to teach kids and gain valuable experience before graduating. Keep up the good work Laura!
Why Oaxaca? 
Oaxaca City is the capital of the state of Oaxaca (pronounced wah-ha-kah). While our state is famous for native and culinary arts, it ranks as the country's third poorest with one of the highest illiteracy rates. Its mountainous terrain makes commerce and education difficult, attracting many seeking a better life to Oaxaca City.
Community Activities: Music for Life
CdK encourages students to participate in local activities that support our communities. This recent opportunity found us attending a choral and symphonic concert at the famed Alcala Theatre. Only a few of our students had been in this historic and elegant architectural gem, so it was an honor to have the others attend. This event benefited people with HIV/AIDS. Our students are learning to give back to their communities. 
Building Alliances
Our organization is growing! Now with 25 students we are always looking for increased support. Last month, Drew Vogt spoke at several California locations on CdK's life-changing work. He shared a slide show with heart warming stories, in San Francisco, Palm Springs, and San Diego. CdK's Board President, Loren Rice, hosted one such presentation with 20 of Palm Desert's movers and shakers. Our plan is that several of these meetings will lead to California's first CdK fundraising event. Drew was very warmly received at the Palm Desert Rotary Club. 
To empower disadvantaged youth with education and life skills, enabling them to break cycles of poverty.
A world where youth are treated with respect and empowered through education, thriving in equality, integrity and freedom, creating the life of their dreams, while giving back to their community.
Know someone who'd like to learn of our work?
Casa de Kids | www.casadekids.org
EIN #83-0774465