
Cultural Trust Grant Guidelines Now Available

Institutional/Financial Stabilization Grants for Arts Organizations


The New Jersey Cultural Trust provides grants to support institutional and financial stabilization of arts, history, and humanities organizations in New Jersey.


Priority: For FY23, Institutional/Financial Stabilization project proposals must address the financial, operational and/or capacity challenges that have significant impact on the organization’s ability to serve its community.


The purpose of Cultural Trust funding is to provide financial support to assist qualified organizations in addressing the financial and operational challenges that threaten stability and resiliency.

Awards may support a wide variety of expenses, ranging from immediate response activities or costs associated with planning or investment strategies that reimagine work and build resiliency and sustainability. Stabilization challenges/advancement issues are limited to the following categories:

  • Deficits
  • Advancement and Capacity Building
  • Working Capital Fund
  • Cash Reserve
  • Strategic Planning
  • Professional Development for Staff and/or Board
  • Technology Assessment/Upgrade


July 20, 2022         Deadline for Qualification applications (details below)        

                               Requests for extensions to the deadline will not be permitted.

July 28, 2022        Cultural Trust grant application available in SAGE

August 2022         Application Assistance: Webinar and ZOOM Office Hours

August 30, 2022   Cultural Trust grant applications due in SAGE by 4:00 PM EST

                              Requests for extensions to the deadline will not be permitted.

Cultural Trust FY23 Grant Guidelines
Fondo Cultural de Nueva Jersey Directrices del programa de subvenciones del ejercicio 2023

Cultural Trust Qualification

In order to be eligible for funds from the Cultural Trust program, organizations must first be designated qualified by the Cultural Trust. The qualification application is a paper form and must be postmarked no later than July 20, 2022. 


Please note: Qualification applications sent to the Cultural Trust since August 2021 are currently in review, and those applicants are not required to send a second application. The current list of qualified organizations can be found on the Cultural Trust website


If you have questions about the qualification process, please contact Isabel Kasdin, Executive Director of the New Jersey Cultural Trust, at isabel.kasdin@sos.nj.gov or by phone at 609-633-0522.

The New Jersey Cultural Trust was created in July 2000 as a public/private partnership to help ensure a stable and healthy nonprofit cultural industry in New Jersey that is sustainable even in the toughest of economic times. The Trust provides grants to support capital projects, endowments and institutional and financial stabilization of arts, history and humanities organizations in New Jersey. Funding for the grants comes from interest earned on the Cultural Trust Fund, which is a permanent investment fund.

The New Jersey State Council on the Arts, created in 1966, is a division of the NJ Department of State. The Council was established to encourage and foster public interest in the arts; enlarge public and private resources devoted to the arts; promote freedom of expression in the arts; and facilitate the inclusion of art in every public building in New Jersey. The Council receives direct appropriations from the State of New Jersey through a dedicated, renewable Hotel/Motel Occupancy fee, as well as competitive grants from the National Endowment for the Arts. To learn more about the Council, please visit  www.artscouncil.nj.gov.

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