"T eamwork is not a virtue. It is a choice—and a strategic one ." ~Pat Lencioni
Introducing the 5 Behaviors for Virtual Teams
From Zoom fatigue to miscommunication, virtual teams everywhere are feeling the challenges of working remotely. Keeping up with today’s demands means adapting quickly—but luckily, there’s already a proven solution.

Introducing “The Five Behaviors ® for Virtual Teams” learning experience!

This new virtual learning experience can help you build and strengthen teamwork skills—from anywhere—to maintain cohesion and success. This robust experience includes an exclusive virtual event where you can learn directly from best-selling author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni, on the behaviors needed for effective teamwork within your remote workforce. Watch this video to find out more:
The three parts of this learning experience:
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The Assessment

First, take The Five Behaviors® Personal Development assessment to unlock personalized insights and improve collaboration and teamwork skills. You will discover your strengths as a team player as well as areas for improvement. These skills are applicable to any and all teams you belong to.

The assessment is $120 and the Pat Lencioni event and follow up training is $75.
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Exclusive Virtual Interview with Patrick Lencioni

Tune into “The Five Behaviors for Virtual Teams,” an exclusive virtual event featuring The Five Dysfunctions of a Team best-selling author Patrick Lencioni, to hear his unique insights on the challenges teams are currently facing, and the behaviors needed to work together effectively.

August 19, 10:00-11:00 CST
Replay available afterwards.
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Virtual Training

After the virtual event, a customized Five Behaviors Personal Development follow-up virtual training with Mike will bring the learning experience full circle. You may plan to attend with some colleagues or on your own. Either way, you will reap benefits.

Available dates/times are:
August 28, 11:30-1:00 CST
September 2, 10:00-11:30 CST
September 4, 9:00-10:30 CST
If you'd like to participate in this unique learning experience for virtual teams, register below. The investment is $195 if you have not yet taken a 5 Behaviors Personal Development Profile. If you have taken a 5B Personal Development Profile, the cost is $75. You may participate as a single participant or attend with several members of your team. The virtual interview with Pat Lencioni is August 19 at 10:00-11:00 am central. Replay will be available after the event. Follow up training dates/times are above under step "3." Please contact us with any questions you may have. You may reply to this email or contact Sarah at 918-622-3292, ext 107 or [email protected]. We'd love for you to join us!