Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance offers this bi-monthly e-newsletter featuring the foundational pillars of the Headwaters Food Charter. The Charter was developed in partnership with WDG Public Health and has been widely endorsed. This series aims to keep you informed about issues and events relating to the Charter's 6 Pillars, 15 Goals and 27 Actions prioritized by our communities to enhance our food system.
Buy Local for the Holiday
Get your holiday orders in now!

Food remains essential, and more than ever people are looking for local, healthy foods. Check out all the on-farm stores and local producers who take online orders over at Headwaters Farm Fresh.

Many farmers with online or offline stores have become resellers for other farmers and local food producers, as a way to provide more selection and one-stop-shop options for customers who want to limit their grocery stops and contact points. Here are just a few of the stores serving our area who offer more than what they grow:

  • Fiddle Foot Farm, Mulmur
  • Maple Grove Farm, Mulmur
  • Ontario Honey Creations, Amaranth
  • AmBraigh Farm, Mono
  • Lennox Farms, Melancthon
  • Landman Gardens and Bakery, Grand Valley
  • Fresh and Tasty Mushrooms, Amaranth
  • Hillside Farmz, Mulmur
  • Dripline Farms, Alliston
  • Heatherlea Farm Shoppe, Caledon
  • Mount Wolfe Farm, Caledon
  • Sheldon Creek Dairy, Adjala
15 Traditional Christmas Foods Across Canada
From the Food Network's Great Canadian Cookbook
From coast-to-coast, Canada proves to be a mix of cuisines and traditions from all over the world. While our Christmas tables are heavily inspired by the U.S. and the U.K., the patchwork quilt of recipes includes lots of truly Canadian gems. Here are 15 long standing holiday dishes to celebrate a festive, fun Christmas with a Canadian twist.
A Community Steps Up: Orangeville Food Bank
When the pandemic caused a spike in need, executive director Heather Hayes and a small army of staff and volunteers worked overtime.

For years, Heather has witnessed the generosity of the community, but this year her gratitude is overwhelming. “When you pick up the phone in this community, no matter who you call, the answer is always ‘What can we do to help?’” she said. No hesitation. No hemming and hawing. Just yes.

Eco-Friendlier Holiday Meals
Adapted from a December 2019 article from Climate Change Action Dufferin-Caledon
Give careful consideration to meals while entertaining.
  • Buy baking ingredients in bulk food stores and take your own containers (where possible) to bring them home in.
  • Many local farms have winter storage produce available: potatoes, squash, beets, sweet potatoes and onions are a few examples. Some even have winter greens that are still growing in greenhouses or cold frames such as lettuce mixes, kale and spinach. You can find a list of local farms with produce for sale in the Headwaters Farm Fresh Guide.
  • Bond with your family in the kitchen as you share cleanup duties. Use washable/re-usable dinnerware rather than disposable stuff. There is no better time of year than this to haul out your great grandmother’s silverware and turkey platter!
  • Leftovers from turkey to cookies can often be frozen and used later rather than throwing them away after a week in the refrigerator. Share your quarantine feast by assembling care packages using reusable containers and dropping them off for relatives who cannot join you in person.

To learn more about Climate Change Action Dufferin-Caledon, visit their Facebook page.
Farm to School Programs Going Virtual

While our education workshops were designed to provide authentic rich experiences with in-class delivery and hands-on activities, the pandemic has seen the Farm to School Team shift gears to add a more resilient set of tools to the toolbox. Program Coordinator Allison Whitten and volunteers are working to develop resources based on our popular workshop lesson plans and offer online resources for teachers and kits that can be distributed at school or delivered home for remote students. Stay tuned for more exciting news on this project!
Dufferin County's Tourism plans feature AgriTourism

Check out their Grown InDufferin page designed for tourists looking for fun farming experiences.
Love Your Leftovers Recipe Draw

A great way to eat healthy, reduce food waste and save more money is by loving your leftovers! Create a whole new meal from last night’s supper. Enter the Love Your Leftovers Recipe Draw, launched by Dufferin Waste and WDG Public Health, by January 3, 2021 for a chance to win 1 of 3 prizes! Visit Join InDufferin for more details.
Get ready to Just Eat It, Caledon!

The Just Eat It, Caledon! Food Waste Challenge will launch on January 18th, 2021 and will run for a period of 5 weeks. Find out more about the event, their Gratitude for Food program and other great work happening thanks to Eat Local Caledon in this article by Just Sayin' Caledon.
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Our Vision
The Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance (HFFA) envisions a food system that is productive, sustainable, transparent, and fair; supports the health and well-being of our residents and food providers; and contributes to the prosperous and equitable economy.
Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance (HFFA) is a project of
Headwaters Communities In Action