April 2024

Holy Week Schedule

All listed times will be in person in the church. Times followed by "Livestream" will be available in person and online at www.youtube.com/c/cureofars.

Holy Thursday ~ March 28, 7:00 pm (In person and Livestream)

On this day we celebrate the Mass of the Lord’s Last Supper. We remember how the Eucharist began and recall Christ’s command of service through the washing of the feet. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament follows in the church until 11:00 pm.

Good Friday ~ March 29, 12:10 pm (In person and Livestream) and 7:00 pm

On this day we remember the death of Christ and the power of the cross. We hear the story of the Passion according to St. John, venerate the wood of the cross, and partake in Holy Communion. Good Friday is a day of fast and abstinence. 

Stations of the Cross—Good Friday, following the 12:10 pm veneration

The Great Vigil of Easter ~ March 30, 7:00 pm (In person and Livestream)

The Easter Vigil is the first Mass of Easter and the most glorious Mass of the church year. This is the night of great rejoicing as we light the new Easter candle and listen and respond to the great stories of our faith - the Scriptures; Our catechumens and candidates are welcomed into full communion with the Church; We renew our own baptismal vows, and come to the Eucharistic table, as renewed members of the Body of Christ.

Easter Vigil Reception - Saturday, March 30 following Easter Vigil

The reception will be held in the Fr. Burak Room immediately following the Easter Vigil. It is a wonderful time to welcome our newest members of the church and celebrate the resurrection of our Savior. All are welcome!

Easter Sunday ~ March 31

7:00 am / 9:00 am (In person and Livestream) / 11:00 am / 1:00 pm

Easter morning begins the 50 days of celebrating Jesus’ resurrection, the hope of our resurrection, the Ascension of Jesus into heaven, and the joyful conclusion of the season of Easter on Pentecost.

Adoration Chapel

The Curé Adoration Chapel will reopen following the Easter Vigil Mass. Phase one is complete with new paint, lighting, and carpet installed. We will continue to use the previous furniture until our phase two furniture and altar are ready. Since these are custom pieces with a longer lead time, a second closure will come at a later date for installation. Additionally, the garden outside the chapel will get some new plantings and cleanup this spring. We appreciate your patience.

Parish Office Hours for the Easter Holiday

The Parish Office will close at Noon on Holy Thursday and remain closed for Good Friday and Easter Monday. We will reopen on Tuesday, April 2 at 8:30 am. Our regular business hours are Monday - Thursday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm and Friday from 8:30 am to Noon.

Coffee and Donuts

Join us for Coffee and Donuts after the 9 am Mass on April 21! All are welcome to this free event! 

School of Religion Work of Mercy

Thank You! Because of the generous donations of our parishioners, the School of Religion families put together 267 Blessing Bags as their Spring Work of Mercy project. These Blessing Bags contain personal care items, snacks, and an Easter card and will be distributed to the homeless by Project Uplift.

Knights of Columbus Breakfast Buffet

Sunday, April 7, is the Knights of Columbus Breakfast Buffet in the school cafeteria from 8 am until Noon. The menu consists of pancakes, bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, fruit, coffee, juice, milk, yogurt, granola, and donuts. We look forward to seeing you there!

Bilingual Speakers needed

Do you speak a language other than English? We would love for you to participate in our unique Pentecost Readings at Masses on May 18th and 19th. Our Lectors Ministry will be presenting the First Reading of the Mass, when the Apostles are filled with the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:1-11, spoken in several different languages. In order to present the reading in this way, we need multiple volunteers willing to speak the reading in another language. Any language is welcome. There will be 4 rehearsals in advance where we will bring together the main, English speaking, Lectors as well as 3-5 others who will speak the same reading individually in another language as well as all together illustrating the amazement of the Apostles hearing the words of God in their own tongues. The dates and times of the rehearsals are weekday evenings in May. Please contact Lillian Klein in the Parish Office if you are interested in participating, have any questions or need more information. 

Vacation Bible School Volunteers


Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Looking For High School, College, and Adult Volunteers

Go to Our Time to Sign Up to Volunteer:


Please contact Jackie at vbs@https://cureofars.com or 913.521.9366 for more information.

BSA Troop 395 Trash Bag Sales

TIME FOR SPRING YARD CLEAN-UP - BOY SCOUT TRASH BAGS AVAILABLE! Curé of Ars BSA Troop 395 will be selling trash bags throughout the year. Bags are $13 per roll. Sizes available: white: 15-gal (65/roll); yellow: 39-gal (25/roll); blue: 55-gal (16/roll). We also have paper yard waste bags at $5 per pack of 5 bags or 3 packs of 5 bags for $12. Please support this fundraiser to support this parish youth leadership program. In addition, you may contact Connie Martin at 913.548.5327 or martinc1961@aol.com to make multiple roll purchases. We accept cash, checks, and credit cards. Free delivery within Cure of Ars Church boundaries. Pick up can also be arranged.

Holy Hours and Novenas

Holy Hour - Tuesday, April 2

  • 6:00 pm: Novena, Exposition, and Adoration; Silent Meditation
  • 6:30 pm: Benediction; Closing

Divine Mercy Sunday Holy Hour - Sunday, April 7

  • 2:30 pm Exposition and Adoration; Silent Meditation
  • 3:00 pm Chaplet of Divine Mercy; Benediction; Closing
  • Priests available to hear confessions from 2:30 – 3:30 pm

Novena and Rosary - Tuesday, April 9, 16, 23 and 30

  • 5:30 pm Rosary
  • 6:00 pm Novena
  • 6:30 pm Mass

The April Holy Hour scheduled for April 6 is canceled due to the Divine Mercy Sunday Holy Hour. We will still have confessions from 2:30 - 3:30 pm and the Blessing of the Sick from 3:30 - 3:45 pm on April 6.

The Leaven Subscriptions

Our Parish is required to pay for a subscription for each registered family, please prayerfully consider donating the $25 to cover the cost of your family's subscription.

The Leaven Subscription

Knights of Columbus

Thanks to all our parishioners and friends who attended our Fish Frys this Lenten season. Your support and generosity are most appreciated. A special thanks to the Knights and their families for giving their time and talents in making these meals a success.

At the March Knights’ meeting, Mike Conran was elected Knight of the month and Joe and Jessica Killeen were chosen as Family of the month.

Retirement Savings and Distribution Planning - Please join Ed Slott, America’s IRA Expert, for a virtual discussion about retirement savings and distribution planning. The presentation will be hosted via Zoom on April 2 nd at 7:00 pm CT. Don’t miss this free Zoom! Go to http://tinyurl.com/KofCApril2


To join the largest Catholic men’s organization, go to: https://kofc.org, click on JOIN (select #9856 as your Council) or look us up at https://cureofars.com under Adult Organizations and Activities.


Looking for an easy way to support our parish?
Use the button below to set up a one-time
or recurring donation. 
Support Curé of Ars
St. Mary's Food Kitchen
Curé of Ars has served a meal every month to the hungry at St. Mary's Food Kitchen for over 30 years. This ministry is a great service to those in need and a great opportunity for Curé parishioners to come together as a community. Cure of Ars serves approximately 350+ people every third Monday of each month. We need your help.

Volunteers leave the church at 7:30 am on the third Monday of each month to serve lunch to the hungry in Kansas City, Kansas. Volunteers are also needed to provide food items such as taco meat, shredded cheese, baked goods, and fresh fruit.

How can you help? Please go online at https://https://cureofars.com/st-marys-food-kitchen to sign up to donate your food, water, time, and/or give a monetary donation.

For more information or questions contact Jacqueline Elbert at 816.520.3620 or smfoodkitchen@https://cureofars.com
Upcoming Events

April 7

Breakfast Buffet

8 am - Noon

School Cafeteria

April 13-14

Food Drive

Curé of Ars

Parking Lot

After Masses and

from 1-3 pm on Sunday

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easy way to

support our parish?


Click HERE

to setup a one-time

or recurring donation.

"Lead all to the Church through the Word, the Sacraments, and the Mass."
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