Usher Training
We need additional volunteers to join our Usher Team! We will hold a training session for new volunteers or anyone wanting a refresher on Tuesday, February 6th at 7:00 pm. Anyone 8th grade through adults are welcome.
What do they do: Usher
The Ushers provide hospitality to all who attend our Masses, welcoming visitors, answering questions and assisting those who need help. Ushers guide guests to pews, direct people to the Cry Room and bathrooms, lead the congregation to the Eucharist, pass around the collection baskets and collect the offering.
To be an Usher, you must be in at least 8th Grade and complete a short training session. We encourage all parishioners to consider this wonderful ministry.
Sacristan Training
We will be holding a training session for new volunteers or anyone wanting a refresher on Saturday, February 10th from 8:45 am - 9:45 am. Anyone who has been confirmed may attend.
What do they do: Sacristan
The Sacristan provides invaluable assistance to the Priest, allowing him to enter into his own prayer before, during and after Mass, by preparing the gifts of the altar. The main duties of the Sacristan are to set up the host, wine and vessels needed to celebrate the Mass and then to clean them and return them afterwards. Sacristans also maintain Altar Linen cleanliness and refill candle oil.
To be a Sacristan, you must be a confirmed Catholic and complete a short training session. Feel free to sign up for the training if you are interested in volunteering at Weekday, Weekend or special Masses or even if you're just interested in what a Sacristan does.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC)
We will hold a training session for new volunteers or anyone wanting a refresher on Saturday, February 10th at 10:00 am. Anyone who has been confirmed may attend.
What do they do: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC)
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the clergy and serve the people of the parish in this vital ministry. The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life because in it is contained Christ himself. An EMHC presents the Eucharist to the church community during the Mass. EMHCs must be at least 16 years old and have been confirmed.