Curé of Ars News
2018 Charitable Contributions
2018 charitable contribution statements have been mailed to all Curé of Ars donors. If you have not received your statement by Monday, February 4th, please contact the Parish Office at 913.649.1337.
Relax with God - Senior Spirituality Session
The next Relax with God - Senior Spirituality Session will be held on February 15th at 10:30 am in the Fr. Burak Room. Father Don Cullen will be the guest speaker focusing on "Problems in the Church Today" and "The Gifts of the Holy Spirit." All parishioners 50+ years young are invited. The cost is $5 per person which covers the speaker and lunch. Space is limited and a reservation is required. Contact Sister Julie by February 11th at 913.649.1337 extension 108 to reserve your place.
Shrimptacular Volunteers
Planning for Shrimptacular on March 22nd is underway. Volunteer shifts are now open to help support this amazing event. Tickets will go on sale on Monday, February 11th.

To be a volunteer or learn more about Shrimptacular, please click the buttons below:
Faith Conversations
Faith Conversations is a long standing group at Curé of Ars that meets Sundays following the 9:00 am Mass in the Fr. Burak Room. This adult discussion group covers a wide variety of topics and all are welcome to attend. On February 10th, Faith Conversations will be hosting immigration lawyer Ronald Nguyen who will be speaking on the history of our immigration laws and the process of immigration. On February 17th, Diana Martinez of AIRR (Advocates for Immigration Rights and Reconciliation) and Father Gianni of AIRR and the Hispanic Ministry of the Archdiocese of KCK will speak on the human face of the immigrant and the programs AIRR and the Archdiocese provides to service immigrant needs.
Christ Renews His Parish (CHRP)
Christ Renews His Parish is a spiritual renewal process which calls together the members of the parish in order to experience personal conversion and Christian community in the environment of their own parish. It is oriented to the parish in order to give both the individual and the parish an opportunity for renewal and growth in the spiritual life. It is led by a team of parishioners properly formed in prayer and love and instructed in the content of the total process. It was developed in 1969 and has been experienced by hundreds of parishes across the country.

Curé will be hosting a Women's Retreat on February 16th - 17th and a Men's Retreat on March 2nd - 3rd. Everyone is invited and there is no cost associated with the retreat. Register on our parish website at or call Angie Lasagna at 913.226.1287 for the Women's Retreat and Scott Fitzgerald at 913.333.8567 for the Men's Retreat.
Upcoming Events
"Lead all to the Church through the Word, the Sacraments, and the Mass."
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