Message from Father Storey
On this last week before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, we consider what it means to travel on this Lenten journey with Christ. Can we bring with us open hearts and minds? Will we devote time to alms-giving, fasting, meditation, and repentance? Curé of Ars will have opportunities to help you along your Lenten journey.

  • We will celebrate Mass and Distribution of Ashes on Wednesday, March 6, at 6:30 am, 8:15 am, 12:10 pm, and 6:00 pm. 

  • Curé of Ars' Communal Penance Service will be celebrated Sunday, April 7 at 3 pm at Curé.

  • In addition to our standard Saturday and Sunday schedules, Confessions will also be heard Wednesdays during Lent, except for Ash Wednesday, at 6 p.m. in the church.

  • We will be having a Tuesday evening Mass every week at 6:30 pm followed by a presentation by Holy Family School of Faith entitled "Way of the Cross."

  • Every Friday in Lent, we will follow in the footsteps of Christ as we pray the Stations of the Cross at 5:30 pm.

Will you join me on this Lenten journey over the next 6 weeks?  

Father Storey
Curé of Ars News
Message From Finance Committee
Curé Parish,

Our Parish and School recently completed a Financial Audit conducted by the Archdiocese. These Audits are conducted generally every three years and 2018 was our year. The audit examines the financial statements, their preparation and processes and controls used to prepare them. The final audit report assigned Curé a rating of “Consistent Controls” which indicates the parish and school are “consistently using multiple accounting best practices.” They also received a Material Control Compliancy Rating that was one of highest given by the Archdiocese. Well done.

Curé Finance Committee,
Andrew Martin, Chair
Curé of Ars Lenten Series
Enter into Lent in a deeper way by following the stages of Christ’s Journey towards the Cross. We will be using Cardinal Ratzinger’s 2005 meditations on the “Way of the Cross” as a jumping-off point to see how we can incorporate the journey of Jesus in a more profound way in our own lives. Classes will be lead by the Holy Family School of Faith and will be held in the church following the 6:30 pm Mass at approximately 7:00 pm on the following Tuesdays:

  • March 12
  • Week 1: Taking up the Cross 
  • Theme: 1st, 2nd, and 5th Stations

  • March 19
  • Week 2: The Falls of Jesus
  • Theme: 3rd, 7th, and 9th Stations 

  • March 26
  • Week 3: The Women of the Way 
  • Theme: 4th, 6th, 8th, and 13th Stations

  • April 2
  • Week 4: The Stripping of Jesus 
  • Theme: 10th Station

  • April 9
  • Week 5: The Crucifixion of Jesus
  • Theme: 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th Stations
Free Daily Lenten Reflections to your inbox
To help you have your best Lent ever, School of Love is offering their PIER program which is a collection of daily Mass Gospel readings with reflections that come daily to your inbox. They are designed to be easy, digital, quick, beautiful and faithful. In just a few minutes a day, with no prep or expertise, you can greatly improve your prayer and grow closer with God. Sign up for FREE starting March 2 at .

23 nd  Annual Joint Diocesan Mass With Anointing of the Sick
The Order of Malta is pleased to sponsor this Mass for Catholics of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas and the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, with priests from both dioceses concelebrating. Archbishop Naumann will be the Principal Celebrant and Bishop Johnston will deliver the homily. This Mass with anointing of the sick, similar to celebrations in Lourdes, France, will be at 10 am, Saturday, March 23, 2019, at Curé of Ars Church. All are invited. Prior to Mass, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered from 8:45 to 9:30 am. Those wishing to receive the Anointing of the Sick are asked to pre-register. Please call 816.579. 1370 or and leave your name and correct spelling. Please join us in praying for all of our sick and suffering brothers and sisters.

Clothing Drive to Support Catechesis of the Good Shepherd  
Lent is a great time to clear the clutter from our hearts AND our closets! Our spring clothing drive, benefiting our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program is scheduled for  March 23-31. Please drop off all your unwanted shoes, clothes, towels, sheets, and blankets. Please remember to place shoes in a separate bag from fabrics as we receive a higher proceed for each pair donated.  A truck will be in the north parking lot of the church to receive your donations beginning March 23. Questions? Please email Joni Rundle at
Something to Eat Lenten Food Packing Party
Save the date!  Something to Eat,  Curé of Ars' Lenten food packing party, will return for another year on Saturday, March 30th, from 10 a.m. to noon. This fun-filled event provides an opportunity for our parish to work together to pack 25,000+ meals to help feed those in need! This is an all-ages event and an ideal way for families to volunteer together. To sign up online please visit:  
Adult Curé of Ars Trivia Night
  • Date:    Saturday, March 30

  • Price:  Tables of 8 are $200 - please form your own teams

  • Where: Cure of Ars Gym

  • Time:   6:00 doors open and 7:00 Trivia begins

  • Details: This is a bring your own food and drink event and table themes/costumes/decorations are encouraged. To buy a table, please email
Father Storey invites you to a Shrimptacular Evening -
A Shrimp Dinner and Dueling Pianos Production performed by Fun Pianos

Friday, March 22, 2019

Purchase your ticket(s) today at

  • Shrimp Feast Dinner $15 (Two family style seating times available:
  • 5-6:30 pm
  • 6:30-8:00pm SOLD OUT

  • Dueling Pianos General Admission $25 (BYOB coolers allowed. Bleacher and limited chair seating, dinner not included)

  • Dueling Pianos VIP with Fr. Storey $50 (Full bar & reserved lounge seating for each attendee, dinner not included)

No tickets will be sold at the event.  Carry-out shrimp dinners and to-go bags of shrimp available for pre-purchase only. For more information, contact Lynette Darby at 913-706-6058 or

Upcoming Events
"Lead all to the Church through the Word, the Sacraments, and the Mass."
Follow Curé of Ars Catholic Church on social media.