Message from Father Storey
Yesterday we received a cross of ashes on our foreheads and heard the words, “Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return.” Let us embrace the spirit of this season, a time for increased prayer, fasting, alms giving and penance and renew ourselves in our search for holiness and sainthood.
Curé of Ars will have opportunities to help you along your Lenten journey.
- Curé of Ars' Communal Penance Service will be celebrated Sunday, March 29 at 3 pm at Curé.
- In addition to our standard Saturday and Sunday schedules, Confessions will also be heard Wednesdays during Lent at 6 pm in the church.
- We will be having a Tuesday evening Mass every week at 6:30 pm followed by a presentation organized by the Curé Evangelization Team. See below for dates and details.
- Every Friday in Lent, we will follow in the footsteps of Christ as we pray the Stations of the Cross at 5:30 pm.
Join us
on another Lenten journey this year, in search of saintliness and holiness.
Father Storey
Curé of Ars Lenten Faith Series
The Curé Evangelization Team is sponsoring a Lenten Faith Series. We will begin with Mass at 6:30 pm followed by a speaker in the church with social and discussion time after in the Fr. Burak Room. Please join us on the following Tuesdays:
- March 3: The Good News of Jesus Christ
- presented by Sebastian D’Amico, School of Faith
- March 10: The Sacrament of Love: Jesus in the Eucharist
- presented by Bernadette Myers, Coordinator of RE & Sacraments
- March 17: No presentation (Spring Break)
- March 24: The Power of Christ’s Mercy
- presented by Chad Pirotte, School of Faith
- March 31: The Death and Resurrection of Christ
- presented by Sr. Rosie, Director of RCIA
Faith, Hope and Charity Capital Campaign Update
The Design Build Team and Building Committee have begun regular meetings at the job trailer to aid in a seamless construction process. With construction underway, there will be the occasional large delivery to the construction site. Please be mindful of this while navigating around church and school grounds.
Thank you to all of those who have already made a pledge commitment to the campaign. We have reached $8.417 million in pledges and 35.6% participation. We hope to hear from all parishioners as to their intent. Letters of intent are available in the pew hymnal racks, the vestibule, or online on our
website. Please visit our
website to keep current on the progress of the project, complete your letter of intent, or set up payment processing.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
Book of Gratitude
is updated and available to view on our website at
To make a pledge, please fill out a letter of intent at
To set up payments for your pledge, go to
Annual Joint Diocesan Mass With Anointing of the Sick
The Order of Malta is pleased to sponsor this Mass for Catholics of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas and the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, with priests from both dioceses concelebrating. Archbishop Naumann will be the Principal Celebrant and Bishop Johnston will deliver the homily. This Mass with anointing of the sick, similar to celebrations in Lourdes, France, will be at 10 am, Saturday, March 21, at Curé of Ars Church. All are invited. Prior to Mass, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered from 8:45 to 9:30 am. Those wishing to receive the Anointing of the Sick are asked to pre-register. Please call 816.579. 1370 or
and leave your name and correct spelling. Please join us in praying for all of our sick and suffering brothers and sisters.
Relax with God - Senior Spirituality Session
Something to Eat Lenten Food Packing Party
Save the date! Something to Eat, Curé of Ars' Lenten food packing party, will return for another year on Saturday, March 28, from 10 a.m. to Noon in the Curé gym. This fun-filled event provides an opportunity for our parish to work together to pack 25,000+ meals to help feed those in need! This is an all-ages event and an ideal way for families to volunteer together. To sign up online please visit:
or email
with questions!
Catholic Adult Faith Education (CAFÉ)
Metanoia (n.) – /met-a-noi-a/
A transformative change of heart; especially, a spiritual conversion
From the makers of
Wild Goose
, Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR, President of Franciscan University, hosts
METANOIA – A Journey With Christ into Conversion
. Join us as we begin our Lenten journey with this beautiful DVD series and discover the ongoing conversion that lies within each of our hearts. Our series will begin
Wednesday, March 4, 7PM – 8PM
in ARS II (located in the Parish office), and we will meet every Wednesday evening during the Lenten season. Come, follow Him and watch, listen, ponder and seek a greater openness of this grace, metanoia. For more details or questions, please call Greg or Lisa Albers, 913-642-4030.
Curé Young Adults (21-35 years old)
Our parish is home to a large group of young adults and we welcome all young adults to join us in the weeks ahead for many exciting young adult opportunities!
Our new group of young adults have been busy planning events such as spending a monthly Sunday Mass as greeters and then enjoying a meal together, coming together for an hour of Adoration and Socialization every third Thursday, as well as service projects and faith gatherings.
To find out more, just sign up for the monthly email and join the Curé Young Adult GroupMe by filling out the form on the parish website at
or email
Ad Space is available in the Curé Bulletin
James Bradley from LPI, Curé bulletin printer, is working on securing new ads for our bulletin. Please consider purchasing an ad, sponsoring a charity, or placing a Memorandum for a Loved One. Your participation makes are bulletin successful and you attract customers! Please contact James at 913.596.0118 or for more information.
March 17 and 18
Parish Office
"Lead all to the Church through the Word, the Sacraments, and the Mass."
Follow Curé of Ars Catholic Church on social media.