March 2022
Join us for a Mass of Thanksgiving
Sister Julie will be retiring in the coming weeks and moving to the Sisters of St. Joseph motherhouse in Concordia, Kansas. 

Everyone is welcome to celebrate her many years of service at Curé of Ars at the 10:30 am Mass on February 27.

Ash Wednesday - March 2, 2022
Mass times:

  • 6:30 am
  • 8:15 am (live stream available)
  • 12:10 pm
  • 6:00 pm

Our 2022 Lenten Schedule is available online at Our printed 2022 Lenten Schedule Booklet will be available in the vestibule starting March 2.
We hope to see everyone at our Curé of Ars Parish Mission with Father Tom Donaldson. We ask you to prepare for and pray for the success of our mission with the following prayer:

O Lord, we ask your blessing upon our parish as we prepare for the parish mission. Teach us to be open to the gifts of your Holy Spirit. 

Help us to use these gifts for the building of your kingdom here in our community. 

Bless every person of our faith community. May this time of preparation bless all of us as we ready ourselves for this time of renewal. 

Let us love you, Lord our God, and see ourselves as we really are; pilgrims in this world, Christians called to respect and love all your people.
Help us to cherish your love and give witness to your saving grace among us. May our parish be protected from all harm and grow in the service of your name. 

We pray in Jesus’ name. 

Synod 2021/2023

Pope Francis invites the entire Church to reflect on a theme that is decisive for its life and mission:
“It is precisely this path of synodality which God expects of
the Church of the third millennium.”

This journey, which follows in the wake of the Church’s “renewal” proposed by the Second Vatican Council, is both a gift and a task: by journeying together and reflecting together on the journey that has been made, the Church will be able to learn through Her experience which processes can help Her to live communion, to achieve participation, to open Herself to mission.

Curé of Ars will be participating in the 2021/2023 Synod in the upcoming months. Please look for more information to come about how to be involved in the Synod at Curé of Ars.
Knights of Columbus Fish Fry
The Knights of Columbus will be offering Dine-In Fish Dinner
in the Curé of Ars School Cafeteria during Lent.

  • Dates: Fridays—March 4th, 11th, 18th, and April 1st, 8th

  • Time:  5:00 pm until 7:00 pm

  • Place:  Curé of Ars School Cafeteria

  • Price: Adults $11.00 
  • Children (under 10) Free 
  • Family $30.00

  • Dine-in Menu: 2 Pieces of Fish (Fried Cod or Baked Tilapia), Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Green Beans, Roll, Fruit, Dessert, Beverage and Cheese Pizza

  • Carry-out/To Go Menu:
  • Adults - Fish, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Roll, Dessert. 
  • Children - Cheese Pizza, Roll, Apple Sauce, Dessert

Carry-Out orders will be available on the website:

Lenten Series: Christian Art
Curé of Ars invites you to join us in the church, or at home via the parish’s Livestream, following the 6:30 pm Mass on Tuesdays for our Lenten Series, "Christian Art: 2000 Years of Inspiration" by Donna Houtteman. She will be presenting on March 15, March 22, March 29, and April 5.

A little about our speaker: Donna Houtteman created ART BLOCKS as the culmination of a lifelong passion: creating, exploring, embracing, engaging, and finally sharing her love of art. Donna's background includes:

  • ​The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, 22+ years experience as a docent
  • The Kansas City Art Institute, Instructor & creator, Art Sofa & Conversational Art History, 8+ years
  • The Fashion Institute of Technology, NYC, Graduate of Fashion Design
  • The Art Museum of Texas Tech, Lubbock, TX, guest presenter
  • The Canadian Craft Council, Toronto, Ontario, guest presenter     
  • OLLI at Cal State San Bernardino, Instructor
BSA Troop 395 Trash Bag Sales
Curé of Ars BSA Troop 395 will be selling trash bags throughout the year. Bags are $13 per roll. Sizes available: white: 15-gal (65/roll); yellow: 39-gal (25/roll); blue: 55-gal (16/roll). We also have paper yard waste bags at $5 per pack of 5 bags or 3 packs of 5 bags for $12. Please support this fundraiser to support this parish youth leadership program. In addition, you may contact Connie Martin at 913.548.5327 or to make multiple roll purchases. We accept cash, checks, and credit cards. Free delivery within Curé of Ars Church boundaries. Pick up can also be arranged.
Curé of Ars Blood Drive
There is an urgent need for blood donors in the KC Metro! We will be hosting a blood drive in the Curé School Cafeteria on March 17 from 1:00 - 6:00 pm. Book your appointment today at and enter Group Code: AM. For additional details, contact Lillian at 913.649.1337 or
The Leaven Subscriptions
Our Parish is required to pay for a subscription for each registered family, please prayerfully consider donating the $23 to cover the cost of your family's subscription.
Value Them Both
Learn more about VALUE THEM BOTH!
Value them Both - March 5th KC Regional Kickoff

The Value Them Both grassroots campaign launch is here! Join a group of amazing volunteers and spring into action. Learn how to reach the metro and beyond for Value Them Both. Attend a training session on March 5 at 10 am OR 1 pm, then jump into phone banking and door-knocking. Lunch will be provided for registrants. Use the button below to sign up!
Curé of Ars
Value Them Both Kick off
March 19 - 20 after all Masses

 If you would like to be a part of this movement for life, contact Lillian or Sandra at the Curé of Ars Parish Office at 913.649.1337 or
Anointing of the Sick
The annual joint diocesan Mass for the Anointing of the Sick will be held at Curé of Ars on Saturday, March 26, at 10:00 am. Archbishop Naumann and Bishop Johnston along with several priests will join in a Mass to administer the Sacrament of the Sick. Those wishing to receive the sacrament are asked to pre-register by sending their name to or call 913.620.1759.

Looking for an easy way to support our parish?
Use the button below to set up a one-time
or recurring donation. 
St. Mary's Food Kitchen
Curé of Ars has served a meal every month to the hungry at St. Mary's Food Kitchen for over 30 years. This ministry is a great service to those in need and a great opportunity for Curé parishioners to come together as a community. Cure of Ars serves approximately 350+ people every third Monday of each month. We need your help.

Volunteers leave the church at 7:30 am on the third Monday of each month to serve lunch to the hungry in Kansas City, Kansas. Volunteers are also needed to provide food items such as taco meat, shredded cheese, baked goods, and fresh fruit.

How can you help? Please go online at to sign up to donate your food, water, time, and/or give a monetary donation.

For more information or questions contact Jacqueline Elbert at 816.520.3620 or
Upcoming Events
March 1

6 pm

Holy Hour, Benediction, and Novena
March 12-13
Food Drive

Curé of Ars
Parking Lot

After Masses and
from 1-3 pm on Sunday
Looking for an easy way to
support our parish?
Click HERE
to setup a one-time
or recurring donation.
"Lead all to the Church through the Word, the Sacraments, and the Mass."
Follow Curé of Ars Catholic Church on social media.