March 2024

Lenten Schedule 2024

For our full Lenten schedule including our additional confessions, holy hours, and Holy Week Mass times, go to our website at www.

Communal Lenten Penance Service

Curé of Ars Parish Penance Service — Sunday, March 17, 3:00 pm

  • This is a great opportunity to make reconciliation a priority in your Lenten journey to Easter. You will be welcomed with compassion as you receive the grace of forgiveness whether it has been 25 days or 25 years.

Additional times in Johnson County (7:00 pm, unless noted)

  • Monday, March 18 - St. Michael, Holy Trinity, Holy Spirit
  • Tuesday, March 19 - Prince of Peace, Ascension
  • Thursday, March 21 - St. Pius X, Sacred Heart (Shawnee)
  • Sunday, March 24 - St. Ann (3:00 pm), Nativity


Weekly Confession Schedule

  • Saturdays, 2:30-3:30pm  (No confessions on Holy Saturday, March 30)
  • Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00pm (During Lent from February 21 to March 27)

Faith Conversations

Join Faith Conversations on Sunday, March 3, after 9 am Mass in the Fr. Burak Room for a talk on "The Camino de Santiago or Way of St. James” pilgrim walk to St. James’ tomb at the cathedral of Santiago Compostela, Galicia, Spain. Recent pilgrim, Mike Matteuzzi, founder of Contemporary Spirituality, KC, will share his experience on the trail. Coffee and donuts served.

Coffee and Donuts

Join us for Coffee and Donuts after the 9 am Mass on March 17! All are welcome to this free event! 

Healing Mass

Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann and Bishop James V. Johnston will concelebrate a special Mass with Anointing of the Sick and ritual blessing of the sick, in the manner done at Lourdes, France, on Saturday, March 23, 2024, at 10:00 AM at Cure of Ars Parish. We encourage anyone who is sick, suffering, or chronically ill, and their caregivers, to attend. A short reception will be held after the Mass. If possible, please send the names of those who wish to receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick to

Bilingual Speakers needed

Do you speak a language other than English? We would love for you to participate in our unique Pentecost Readings at Masses on May 18th and 19th. Our Lectors Ministry will be presenting the First Reading of the Mass, when the Apostles are filled with the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:1-11, spoken in several different languages. In order to present the reading in this way, we need multiple volunteers willing to speak the reading in another language. Any language is welcome. There will be 4 rehearsals in advance where we will bring together the main, English speaking, Lectors as well as 3-5 others who will speak the same reading individually in another language as well as all together illustrating the amazement of the Apostles hearing the words of God in their own tongues. The dates and times of the rehearsals are weekday evenings in May. Please contact Lillian Klein in the Parish Office if you are interested in participating, have any questions or need more information. 

Curé of Ars Guatemala Dental Mission

Curé Of Ars Guatemalan Dental Mission was able to exam and treat 689 patients. We also distributed 110 pairs of shoes to the children thanks to the efforts of the Curé of Ars 8th graders. These last 25 years have been possible due to the support and prayers of the Curé community.

Thank you and God Bless,

Dr. Mike and Peggy Kahler

BSA Troop 395 Trash Bag Sales

Curé of Ars BSA Troop 395 will be selling trash bags throughout the year. Bags are $13 per roll. Sizes available: white: 15-gal (65/roll); yellow: 39-gal (25/roll); blue: 55-gal (16/roll). We also have paper yard waste bags at $5 per pack of 5 bags or 3 packs of 5 bags for $12. Please support this fundraiser to support this parish youth leadership program. In addition, you may contact Connie Martin at 913.548.5327 or to make multiple roll purchases. We accept cash, checks, and credit cards. Free delivery within Cure of Ars Church boundaries. Pick up can also be arranged.

Holy Hours and Novenas

Holy Hour - Saturday, March 2 and Saturday, April 6

  • 2:30 pm Exposition and Adoration; Silent Meditation
  • 3:00 pm Rosary; Benediction; Closing
  • Priests available to hear confessions from 2:30 – 3:30 pm
  • Anointing of the Sick from 3:30 – 3:45 pm

Novena and Rosary - Tuesday, March 12 and 19

  • 5:30 pm Rosary
  • 6:00 pm Novena
  • 6:30 pm Mass
The Leaven Subscriptions

Our Parish is required to pay for a subscription for each registered family, please prayerfully consider donating the $25 to cover the cost of your family's subscription.

The Leaven Subscription
Looking for an easy way to support our parish?
Use the button below to set up a one-time
or recurring donation. 
Support Curé of Ars

Mark your calendars for

Vacation Bible School!

June 10th—14th, 2024


Online registration opens on April 1st

Introducing the 2024 VBS Coordinator ~

Jackie Vigil

My husband, Chris, and I have been part of the Curé community for the last two years. We have three young children, two of which attend the School of Religion. I am excited to be assisting with VBS this year and look forward to a wonderful week of faith building and fun for our children. If you would like to be on the VBS Planning Committee or job share with another adult, please email me to discuss your preference at vbs@ The first meeting will be after Spring Break.

Areas in Need of Leaders: Craft, Snack, Music and Faith

In need of an onsite nurse for each day of VBS

Knights of Columbus

This Sunday, March 3, is the Knights of Columbus Breakfast Buffet in the school cafeteria from 8AM until Noon. The menu consists of pancakes, bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, fruit, coffee, juice, milk, yogurt, granola and donuts. We look forward to seeing you there.

What is Life Insurance - Please join Knights of Columbus General Agent, Kevin Pierce, for a virtual discussion about what life insurance is and how it can be used. The presentation will be hosted via Zoom on March 12 at 7:00 pm CT. Don’t miss this free Zoom. Look for the QR code in the ad on the right and sign up today. 


To join the largest Catholic men’s organization, go to:, click on JOIN (select #9856 as your Council) or look us up at under Adult Organizations and Activities.


St. Mary's Food Kitchen
Curé of Ars has served a meal every month to the hungry at St. Mary's Food Kitchen for over 30 years. This ministry is a great service to those in need and a great opportunity for Curé parishioners to come together as a community. Cure of Ars serves approximately 350+ people every third Monday of each month. We need your help.

Volunteers leave the church at 7:30 am on the third Monday of each month to serve lunch to the hungry in Kansas City, Kansas. Volunteers are also needed to provide food items such as taco meat, shredded cheese, baked goods, and fresh fruit.

How can you help? Please go online at https:// to sign up to donate your food, water, time, and/or give a monetary donation.

For more information or questions contact Jacqueline Elbert at 816.520.3620 or smfoodkitchen@
Upcoming Events

March 3

Breakfast Buffet

8 am - Noon

School Cafeteria

March 9-10

Food Drive

Curé of Ars

Parking Lot

After Masses and

from 1-3 pm on Sunday

Looking for an

easy way to

support our parish?


Click HERE

to setup a one-time

or recurring donation.

"Lead all to the Church through the Word, the Sacraments, and the Mass."
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