May 2024

Magnificat Missal Subscriptions

Take advantage of group order discounts on a yearlong Magnificat Missal Subscription for adults. Your $30 subscription runs from July 2024 through June 2025. All payments and registrations must be received by May 15, 2024.

Option 1: Register & Pay Online:

Register for up to 10 separate subscriptions through WeShare and pay with a credit card, debit card, or bank account *Credit/Debit Cards may now be used for payment with a 4% processing fee added. There are no fees added for an ACH/Bank Account payment.

Option 2: Register on Paper & Pay by Check:

Checks can be brought to the parish office and must be accompanied by a paper registration form. Please make your checks out to "Curé of Ars." Both must be received in the parish office by May 15 for your registration to be included. Download and print the registration form or pick one up after all Masses April 27/28 and May 4/5.

High School, College, and Adult Volunters
Youth Volunteers

BEHOLD KC Eucharistic Celebration

Join us on Saturday, May 4 for the BEHOLD KC Eucharistic Celebration. The event will be from 4 PM to 9:30 PM at the National World War I Museum and Memorial. Registration is open! Complete event details and registration are available at The event details on the website include the full event agenda, parking information, map, and more.

  • 4-6 pm: Local Choirs Perform & Confession Offered
  • 6-6:30 pm: The Rosay
  • 6:30 - 8:00 pm: Holy Mass
  • 8-9:00 pm: Eucharistic Adoration & Music by Steve Angrisano
  • 9-9:30 pm: Closing performance by Steve Angrisano


Relax with God

Come join other parishioners 50+ years young for lunch and a presentation with Msgr. Tom Tank!

We will meet in the Fr. Burak Room on May 23rd at 11:00 am for lunch and a presentation by Monsignor Tom Tank, Senior Parochial Vicar at Holy Spirit.

The cost is $5 at the door.

Reservations are required and can be made by calling the Parish Office at 913.649.1337 by May 20th.

Monthly Discussion of John's Gospel

Do you know John? Jesus? Would you like to increase your knowledge of Jesus? One way is through the Gospel of the "Disciple whom Jesus loved."  This summer we will have a monthly discussion group to review segments of John's Gospel. Please join us as we gather on the second Monday of each month (except in May when we will meet on Tuesday the 14th) at 7 pm in the Fr. Burak Room. No experience necessary, just a desire to learn about our God. For more information, email or BYOB (that's bible not bottle)

50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration

The Archdiocesan 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration will be held on Sunday, June 2 at 2:00 pm at Church of the Nativity. To receive your invitation from Archbishop Naumann, please call the parish office at 913.649.1337 or email us at as soon as possible and give us your name, address, phone number, and date of your wedding.

Curé of Ars Holy Smokes BBQ 

The 18th Curé of Ars Holy Smokes BBQ is scheduled for May 31st and June 1st. Please note the following: 


  • Team meeting (behind the school) on Sunday, May 5th, 5:00 pm
  • At least one team member should attend
  • $200 entry fee (payable by check or Venmo)
  • At least two participants/team must be a registered parishioner 
  • All teams and participants must be at least 21 years of age

Please contact Kyle Schudy ( if interested in participating or volunteering. 

BSA Troop 395 Trash Bag Sales

TIME FOR SPRING YARD CLEAN-UP - BOY SCOUT TRASH BAGS AVAILABLE! Curé of Ars BSA Troop 395 will be selling trash bags throughout the year. Bags are $13 per roll. Sizes available: white: 15-gal (65/roll); yellow: 39-gal (25/roll); blue: 55-gal (16/roll). We also have paper yard waste bags at $5 per pack of 5 bags or 3 packs of 5 bags for $12. Please support this fundraiser to support this parish youth leadership program. In addition, you may contact Connie Martin at 913.548.5327 or or Brian Klein at 312.480.6620; to make multiple roll purchases. We accept cash, checks, and credit cards. Free delivery within Cure of Ars Church boundaries. Pick up can also be arranged.

Holy Hours and Novenas

Holy Hour - Tuesday, May 7

  • 6:00 pm: Novena, Exposition, and Adoration; Silent Meditation
  • 6:30 pm: Benediction; Closing

Saturday Holy Hour - Saturday, May 4

  • 2:30 pm Exposition and Adoration; Silent Meditation
  • 3:00 pm Benediction; Closing
  • Priests available to hear confessions from 2:30 – 3:30 pm

Novena and Rosary - Tuesday, May 14, 21, and 28

  • 5:30 pm Rosary
  • 6:00 pm Novena
  • 6:30 pm Mass

The Leaven Subscriptions

Our Parish is required to pay for a subscription for each registered family, please prayerfully consider donating the $25 to cover the cost of your family's subscription.

The Leaven Subscription
Looking for an easy way to support our parish?
Use the button below to set up a one-time
or recurring donation. 
Support Curé of Ars
St. Mary's Food Kitchen
Curé of Ars has served a meal every month to the hungry at St. Mary's Food Kitchen for over 30 years. This ministry is a great service to those in need and a great opportunity for Curé parishioners to come together as a community. Cure of Ars serves approximately 350+ people every third Monday of each month. We need your help.

Volunteers leave the church at 7:30 am on the third Monday of each month to serve lunch to the hungry in Kansas City, Kansas. Volunteers are also needed to provide food items such as taco meat, shredded cheese, baked goods, and fresh fruit.

How can you help? Please go online at to sign up to donate your food, water, time, and/or give a monetary donation.

For more information or questions contact Jacqueline Elbert at 816.520.3620 or
Upcoming Events

May 5

Breakfast Buffet

8 am - Noon

School Cafeteria

May 11-12

Food Drive

Curé of Ars

Parking Lot

After Masses and

from 1-3 pm on Sunday

Looking for an

easy way to

support our parish?


Click HERE

to setup a one-time

or recurring donation.

"Lead all to the Church through the Word, the Sacraments, and the Mass."
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