Take advantage of group order discounts on a yearlong Magnificat Missal Subscription for adults. Your $30 subscription runs from July 2024 through June 2025. All payments and registrations must be received by May 15, 2024.
Option 1: Register & Pay Online:
Register for up to 10 separate subscriptions through WeShare and pay with a credit card, debit card, or bank account atwww.wesharegiving.org/App/Form/e9b2ba49-8ea7-4d51-82ff-c943750b8988 *Credit/Debit Cards may now be used for payment with a 4% processing fee added. There are no fees added for an ACH/Bank Account payment.
Option 2: Register on Paper & Pay by Check:
Checks can be brought to the parish office and must be accompanied by a paper registration form. Please make your checks out to "Curé of Ars." Both must be received in the parish office by May 15 for your registration to be included. Download and print the registration form or pick one up after all Masses April 27/28 and May 4/5.