May 2023

Dr. Bill Creasy Presentations

Join us for two presentations by Dr. Bill Creasy designed to build community and elevate conversations regarding scripture study among Curé of Ars parishioners and the local Catholic community.

All are welcome to attend and we encourage you to share the invite with friends and family. Presentations will take place at Curé of Ars Church in the sanctuary. RSVP Required.

Friday, May 19 from 7-8:15 pm

Becoming an Educated Reader of Scripture

  • Bill will speak on how he approaches scripture study. This will be an introduction to Saturday’s lecture and will create context for the more in-depth Saturday lecture. Wine and Cheese Social to follow.

Saturday, May 20 from 9 am-2:30 pm

A Portrait of King David

  • The lecture will be held in three separate sessions from 9-10:30 AM, 10:45-12 PM, lunch break from 12 -1 PM (lunch not provided), and 1:00-2:30 PM. Please feel free to attend any or all sessions as your schedule allows.

Good Will Offering

This event is sponsored by a number of Curé prayer groups so that men and women from the Kansas City area can gather together to hear Dr. Bill Creasy speak.

Learn More!

Good Shepherd Sunday

Each year, a special offertory collection is taken up throughout the Archdiocese on Good Shepherd Sunday, April 30, which is allocated to three special funds supporting the Priesthood. They include:

1. The education and support of our 25 seminarians

2. Continuing education and retreats for our priests (there are more than 115 of us)

3. The care of our 22 retired priests

Please be generous in showing your support for our priests and for our seminarians who are discerning the priesthood. 

Sisters, Servants of Mary Spaghetti Dinner

Sunday, April 30, from 11 am–3:30 pm

Join the Sisters, Servants of Mary, Ministers to the Sick, at St. Patrick’s Parish Center at 1086 N. 94th St., Kansas City, KS for the annual homemade pasta dinner and fundraiser to benefit their ministry. The cost for meals is $12 for adults and $6 for children 10 and under. Dinner includes pasta & sauce, Italian sausage, meatballs, salad, bread, drink, and dessert. 

There will also be raffles and a variety booth. Tickets may be purchased in advance or at the door. Carryout is available. 

For large carryout orders, call 913.334.2330 by Thursday, April 27. No order is too large.

Thank you for your support of this important ministry to the sick!

Honoring our Holy Mother, Mary

During the Month of May, we will bring forward the Our Lady of Fatima statue and light her candle at all Masses in honor of our Holy Mother Mary. We encourage you to pray for all mothers, those wishing to be mothers, the mothers we've lost, our adopted mothers, and our spiritual mothers.  

"Mary, Mother of God, be a mother to me today."


The third annual Curé of Ars Golf Tournament hosted at Swope Park Memorial Golf Course is on Friday, May 19 presented by O’Neill’s. 100% of the proceeds benefit our school. 36 teams will go head-to-head to claim the title. Food and drinks will be provided. Contests include closest to the hole, longest putt, and $5,000 hole in one opportunities, among other fun activities. Tee off is at 11:00 am. Fairways to Heaven is SOLD OUT! However, the waitlist is open. Be sure to be a part of this community wide event!

Join the Waitlist

Can't participate as a player? 

Advertise your business as a hole sponsor and help underwrite the cost of the tournament for just $250. Each hole on the course will have a sign displaying the sponsor.

Only 3 left!

Become a Hole Sponsor

Hang out on a golf cart in the sun for one of the best volunteer gigs of the year. Sign up to help this tourney run smooth. No golf knowledge required. Take advantage of one of the last few days before school is out!

Volunteer Here!

Family Day at Prairie Star Ranch

Prairie Star Ranch is offering you the chance to step away and enter into a day of prayer, adventure, outdoor activities, and a time to reconnect. Families, friends, and communities are invited to join us on Saturday, May 6th from 9am to 5pm! Opportunities include Horseback Riding, Kayaking, Archery, Rock Climbing, and time for prayer. The experience will culminate with the celebration of a Saturday Vigil Mass in our beautiful St. Kateri Chapel. All ages are welcome to this come-and-go as you please event! Register online now or contact the Team at Prairie Star Ranch. -- 785.746.5693 --  

School of Religion Blessing Bags

THANK YOU! The School of Religion is grateful for the parishioners' donations to our Spring Work of Mercy!  Our families assembled 258 Blessing Bags for the homeless including an Easter message about our Risen Lord.

Holy Smokes BBQ

The 17th Curé of Ars Holy Smokes BBQ is scheduled for June 2 - 4. Please note the following:  

  •  At least one team representative should attend the team meeting on Wednesday, May 10th, at 7:00 pm behind the school. 

  • $200 payments are due prior to or at the meeting (Venmo or check; info to be communicated prior to meeting).

  • The Registration deadline for returning teams (from 2022) is May 7th.

  • Must have at least two registered parishioners on each team.

  • All team participants must be at least 21 years of age.

Returning teams should submit their online registration form to Kyle Schudy at by May 7th. Contact Kyle for info or to obtain the form.

Openings at Curé of Ars

We are hiring! To stay up to date on our current openings, go to and

Current Openings:

BSA Troop 395 Trash Bag Sales

Curé of Ars BSA Troop 395 will be selling trash bags throughout the year. Bags are $13 per roll. Sizes available: white: 15-gal (65/roll); yellow: 39-gal (25/roll); blue: 55-gal (16/roll). We also have paper yard waste bags at $5 per pack of 5 bags or 3 packs of 5 bags for $12. Please support this fundraiser to support this parish youth leadership program. In addition, you may contact Connie Martin at 913.548.5327 or to make multiple roll purchases. We accept cash, checks, and credit cards. Free delivery within Cure of Ars Church boundaries. Pick up can also be arranged.

Holy Hours and Novenas

Holy Hour - Saturday, May 6

  • 2:30 pm Exposition and Adoration; Silent Meditation
  • 3:00 pm Rosary; Benediction; Closing
  • Priests available to hear confessions from 2:30 – 3:30 pm
  • Anointing of the Sick from 3:30 – 3:45 pm

Holy Hour - Tuesday, May 2

  • 6:00 pm Novena, Exposition and Adoration; Silent Meditation
  • 6:30 pm Benediction; Closing

Novena and Rosary - Tuesdays at 6:00 pm

  • 5:30 pm Rosary
  • 6:00 pm Novena

Curé Youth Ministry

On April 16th, the youth group collected and packed 25 Healthy Family Meal Kits for Harvesters!

Our next event will be on Sunday, May 7th. We will have a youth Mass at 10:30 followed by a service activity. We will make cat and dog treats for KC Pet Project and have lunch in the youth group room located in the Parish Office building.

Sign up here -

Magnificat Subscription Order 

MAGNIFICAT is a monthly, easy-to-read pocket-sized worship aide for daily Mass, Sunday Mass, personal prayer and meditation. We offer you the opportunity to save on your 12-month subscription through a parish bulk order. The order is shipped to Curé and your copy will be available for pick up at the church each month beginning July 1st. Sign-up for your new or your renewal subscription during April and May.  Registration will be available after all Masses on April 22/23, April 29/30, and May 6/7. Renewal forms will also be available in the parish office during this sign-up period. Please complete one form for each subscription and make your check for $30 per subscription payable to Curé of Ars and note Magnificat in the subject line. Please leave the completed form and payment at parish office. Orders must be placed no later than May 11th.  Contact Annette at 913.649.2211 or to request a form by e-mail or if you have questions.


50th Wedding Anniversary

The Archdiocesan 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration will be held on Sunday, May 21 at 2:00 pm at Church of the Nativity. To receive your invitation from Archbishop Naumann, please call the parish office at 913.649.1337 or email us at as soon as possible and give us your name, address, phone number, and date of your wedding. 

Curé Choir Clothing Drive

It’s time to clean out your closets for the Curé of Ars Clothing Drive to Support the Music Ministry! We will be collecting clothes, shoes, purses, bedding, and towels!

WHEN:  April 24th through May 8th


WHERE:  Drop-off trailer in the northeast corner of the school parking lot


TIME:  8:00a.m. – 6:00p.m. daily

All proceeds benefit the Music Ministry at Curé of Ars Church


The clothes will be sold by The Clothing Fund (now a subsidiary of Thrift World) to thrift store operators and facilities that can properly sort the product and provide sellable goods to shoppers in need. Some of the items will go to bless homeless shelters or veteran organizations domestically. The defective items will be repurposed into rags. 


Insights on Foster Care & Ways to Help

The Respect Life Committee invites all parishioners to hear from KVC Community Resource Specialist, Brandy Bartlett, on Tuesday, May 9th at 7:00-pm in the Fr. Burak Room.

Questions? Are you a Foster Parent?

Email or call Kristin at 816.719.4350

St. Mary's Food Kitchen
Curé of Ars has served a meal every month to the hungry at St. Mary's Food Kitchen for over 30 years. This ministry is a great service to those in need and a great opportunity for Curé parishioners to come together as a community. Cure of Ars serves approximately 350+ people every third Monday of each month. We need your help.

Volunteers leave the church at 7:30 am on the third Monday of each month to serve lunch to the hungry in Kansas City, Kansas. Volunteers are also needed to provide food items such as taco meat, shredded cheese, baked goods, and fresh fruit.

How can you help? Please go online at to sign up to donate your food, water, time, and/or give a monetary donation.

For more information or questions contact Jacqueline Elbert at 816.520.3620 or

Eucharistic Adoration Chapel

Within the quiet of our hearts, we find God.

Within the whisper of our souls, He speaks.

We, at Curé of Ars, have a wonderful place to come before Jesus in prayer and thanksgiving. It is our beautiful Adoration Chapel. Here Jesus calls us to intimacy in sacred friendship and love. He longs for our presence before Him. He beckons to us, “Come and see” (Jn 1:39). This invitation is for you. Will you spend a holy hour with Jesus?

Many hours are currently open in the Adoration Chapel. Have you considered an offering of your time? The schedule is now online at Or you can contact Lisa at 913.558.1187 or email her at

Come when you can, leave when you must,

and may God bless you on your comings and goings. 

Upcoming Events

May 19 and 20

Dr. Bill Creasy Presentations

May 19 at 7:00 pm

May 20 at 9:00 am

May 13 - 14

Food Drive

Curé of Ars

Parking Lot

After Masses and

from 1-3 pm on Sunday

Looking for an

easy way to

support our parish?


Click HERE

to setup a one-time

or recurring donation.

"Lead all to the Church through the Word, the Sacraments, and the Mass."
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