Dear Curé Parishioners,
With the support of the Finance Council, it is with much gratitude that I present to you the Annual State of the Parish, highlighting the many blessings we have shared in 2022-2023. I hope that you will join me in celebrating all of the wonderful gifts of time that have been shared, prayers that have been said, and the support that has been given from our faith community.
We have had many engaging new events this year and I hope you have had a chance to participate in some of them. We had our first Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, Christmas at Curé Lighting Ceremony, Men’s and Women’s Retreats during Lent, the addition of Holy Hours the first Saturday of the month and so much more.
Through your generosity, we completed FY 22-23 with collections exceeding prior year by almost 5%. Expenses for the Church and School were under budget. Looking ahead at FY 23-24, the collections budget is $5,166,400 and the church and school budget has increased 5%.
Not only has your generosity helped our parish thrive, it has also helped others in our community and around the world. Curé of Ars has been able to provide assistance to St. Mary’s Food Kitchen, Holy Name School, KVC Kansas Foster Care, Bishop Ward High School, Little Sisters of the Poor, Scholarships for children in Pakistan, Dental assistance in Guatemala, and many other charities in need.
In this upcoming year of Eucharistic Revival, I encourage you to become engaged in the parish community. There are ways to connect listed in our bulletin and on our website. I invite you to join in and grow your relationship with Christ. As we continue to have more opportunities throughout the parish, we are in need of evaluating our spaces. Multistudio, the architectural firm whom we contracted with in Phase I, will be gathering parish feedback in the upcoming months to help guide us as we update our Master Plan. You will be receiving a survey and there will be several dates for town hall meetings. We would greatly appreciate your participation.
God Bless,
Father Storey
Bill Conway, Chairperson
Dan Euston
Brigetta Fortin
Melissa Grams
Christina Gyllenborg
Tim Dunn
Corey Iqbal
Adam Zieren
Ben Cindrich
Larry Leonard
Mark Rome
JP Claxton
Greg Fendler
We want to thank Dan Euston, Melissa Grams and Brigetta Fortin for their many years of service to the Finance Council. We welcome in 23-24, Bryan Wilkerson, Sarah Howard and Anne Mentzer to our Finance Council. Thank you for joining us in this important ministry.
185 Baptism
112 First Communions
85 Confirmations
23 Weddings
62 Funerals
12 RCIA Candidates
122 School of Religion Students
648 K-8 Students
130 Preschool Students