October 4, 2024

News from your Security Team

Outbound traffic hit a record this week! On Monday the outbound traffic was completely cleared before the students were released. Thanks for working with me on this line. The line was tight and your attention was definitely on the traffic ahead of you.

As you enter the Cure' parking lot please pay attention to the children in the area. At times the children will cross different areas of the parking lot to attend mass, playground, and the PAC facility. The safety of your children is our number one priority.

Thank you,

Cheryl Purinton 

Security Coordinator 

Upcoming Events

Virtus Training Session at Curé

For the protection of children in our Archdiocese, all employees and volunteers (age 16 and older) who work with or around children are required to attend a Virtus Awareness Session and have a criminal background check on file. This includes ALL employees, coaches, religious education cachists, childcare volunteers, school and preschool volunteers, among others. Curé of Ars will host a VIRTUS Awareness Session on Wednesday, October 30 at 6:00pm in the Father Burak Room.

To register go to www.cureofars.com/virtus-program. Note: Be sure to arrive for your training session at least 15 minutes early: late admission is not allowed for VIRTUS sessions. 

Calendar Reminders

October 4-Auction Western Party

October 6-8th grade Confirmation Retreat (1-4pm)

October 6-KOC Pancake Breakfast

October 7-PTO Meeting-7pm Conference RM

October 9-11am Dismissal-Parent/Teacher Conferences: 12-8pm

October 9-Basics of the Catholic Faith-Speaker Fr Storey 6-7pm

October 10-NO School-Parent/Teacher Conferences: 8-12p

October 10-School Carnival

October 11-No School

News from your PTO


When: Thursday, October 10, from 5-8PM (7th & 8th graders will enjoy an extra hour, 8-9PM)

Where: School parking lot

What:  carnival rides, games, face painting, dinner and community fun for all ages!


Purchase your tickets here.


How to Support the Carnival:

Tuesday October 8th: 4th-7th grade students please bring 3 2-liter bottles of soda.

Wednesday October 9th: PS-3rd grade students please bring 1 baked good for the cake walk.

This is an *all-hands-on-deck* situation! Volunteer to help out here.


Save the Date

Parents in Prayer: Thursday, 10/17, 8:10AM

Trunk or Treat: Friday, 10/25, 4-8PM

Follow Curé of Ars PTO Social Media



News from your Curé Soirée

Follow Soirée



News From the Parish

 Respect Life Month Begins: Rose Procession at Masses!

If you are attending this weekend's Saturday 4:00 PM mass or Sunday 9:00 AM mass, please have your children participate in the Rose Procession right before offertory. This is a nice tradition which asks Mary our Mother to intercede for the protection of unborn children.

Sports and Organizations

Important Links

Church Bulletin
Amazon Skort
Athleta/Gap Skort
Spirit Wear Shop
Church Donation Platform
Virtus Information

Order Uniforms

School Calendar
School Website
Church Website

Curé of Ars Catholic School
9403 Mission Road Leawood, KS 66206

Follow Curé of Ars Catholic School on social media.
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