Parent Enrichment: Illustrative Math Parent Information Night Monday 09/18 6:30PM
Join to learn about the school’s new math curriculum, Illustrative Math, and how to support your learner on their math journey.
Faith Enrichment: Thursday 09/28 8:10AM
New to PTO this year, faith enrichment. We are working to bridge the school and church communities while growing in faith together. Join us for our first event, Parents who Pray on Thursday September 28th 8:10AM. Parents who Pray will be a monthly gathering of parents who meet and pray for the school, teachers, students and community. Everyone is welcome, small children included. Bring your coffee and a rosary and join us in the courtyard after drop off.
Save the Date: School Carnival! Friday 10/06 5-8PM (9PM for 7th & 8th Graders)
Curé of Ars Social Media
We have been working to revise our social media presence and link it effectively to Instagram. Please see the *NEW* Curé Facebook page here. If you are a current member of the existing Facebook page, you will soon see notifications asking you to join the new Facebook. Following here to follow the *NEW* Instagram page. Deeper content forthcoming.