Used Uniform Collection & Sale
Please continue to clean out closets and drop off uniform/spirit wear at the homes of Jill Scott or Angie Atkinson.
The SALE is taking place Sunday, February 4th, 8AM-1PM, School Cafeteria.
Calling All Lunchroom Volunteers!
The lunchroom is still in need of YOUR help. Please see the TTSU here.
4th Grade Families–Time to STOCK THE LOUNGE
See signup link here.
Parents who Pray
Join for the next Parents who Pray, Friday February 11th, 8:10AM.
Save the Date
Mother/Son Dance Friday March 22nd, 7PM
Father/Daughter Dance Friday April 5th, 7PM
Catholic Schools Week KUDOS
Many thanks to all who made CSW possible for our deserving staff.
- - Monday 01/29: Grounded Up Mobile Coffee coordinated by Kristen Giffen
- - Tuesday 01/30: Woodhouse Day Spa chair massaged donated by the Rome Family
- - Wednesday 01/31: Longhorn Steakhouse coordinated by Kristen Giffen
- - Thursday 02/01: group fitness class provided by Jackie Kaulentis at Sweat Forum
- - Thursday 02/01: icecream treats coordinated by Sheila Fogel
And the awesome signage by Sign Gypsies generously donated by Tanya Hanna and coordinated by Tracey Kendall.
Curé of Ars PTO Social Media
Please see the Curé Facebook page here. Click here to follow the *NEW* Instagram page.