January 17, 2025

News from your Head of School

Dear Families,

First and foremost, the staff and faculty would like to thank you for the very generous donations to the teacher fund for Christmas bonuses. It was greatly appreciated by all!!

Accreditation update:

We also want to thank all of you who have participated in our numerous surveys, served on boards, and volunteered in our school. We are blessed with an amazing community. We received our final Cognia accreditation report and we are thrilled to announce we received all 4's on our evaluation. The National Cognia average of schools across the nation is 3.2.  

If you want to read the final summary in full, you can find it here

Uniform update:

We have selected a new company, Tommy Hilfiger for our uniforms. Store and more information coming soon



Natalie McDonough

News From Bryn Timme

We are SO excited to be partnering with Catholic Charities for our Catholic Schools Week Service Day! Thank you so much for your amazing generosity by already completing much of our needed donations list! Click here to check the list on TTSU to see if there’s a needed item! If the list is full, Catholic Charities will always accept donations above and beyond. I encourage you all to talk with your students about what they would want to donate and encourage them to do acts of service around your house to “earn” those items to bring in. Thank you for prayerfully considering!

Kindergarten – Fruit Bags- Feed the Hungry – Family Support Centers

Need to Collect: Apples & Oranges/ Clementines (turn in on Tues, 1/28)

First Grade – Baby Kits- Shelter the Homeless – Pregnancy Support Services

Need to Collect: Baby towels, washcloths, and baby toy (0-18 month)

Second Grade – ELL/ESL Starter Pack- Instruct the Ignorant – English Language Learning

Need to Collect: Single subject notebook (1), expo markers (2), pencils (2), Whiteboard (1) – Amazon Link

Third Grade – Hygiene Kits- Shelter the Homeless – Mobile Resource Bus

Collect: Shampoo, body wash, washcloth, deodorant, toothpaste, individual toothbrush

Fourth Grade – Grab & Go Breakfast- Feed the Hungry – Shalom House

Collect: Fruit cups (1 per bag), Granola Bar (2 per bag), spoon (1 per bag), napkins (1 per bag), Sandwich Ziploc Bags

Fifth Grade – SOR Bags- Services for Older Refugees

Collect: Adult Gloves, Hand warmers (2), notebook (1), pens (2), pencil (1) 

Sixth Grade – Poverty Simulation

Collect: Peanut Butter, canned beans, canned fruit, pasta, canned soup

News From Jackie Barber

Upcoming Events

Calendar Reminders

Jan 19: KOC Free Throw Contest from 1-3pm in the PAC

Jan 20: NO School-Martin Luther King Jr Day

Jan 21: NO School-PD & SOF for Teachers

Jan 22: All School Mass 9:05am

Jan 26-31:Catholic Schools Week

News from your PTO

Thank you, Cougar Parents!

Thank you for your generosity in supporting the Christmas staff fund. We had over 300 families contribute! We are so thankful for our hardworking staff and all they do for our families. If you feel so motivated, please continue to celebrate our teachers during special occasions on an individual basis. As stated previously, PTO will not be soliciting further financial contributions for teachers. Thank you for all you do. 


Dress rehearsal: Wednesday January 29th from right after school until 5PM. Please have your child meet in the PAC after dismissal. All participants must be in attendance. Pick up your child at the PAC at 5PM. 

We want your kids to feel confident so please have them perform for you a few times before the dress rehearsal. All acts MUST BE 2 MINUTES OR LESS; if they are more than two minutes, we will have to cut their performance at the dress rehearsal so please help us ensure your child's performance is within the time limit.

Costumes must be school appropriate and all costumes/props need to be at the DRESS rehearsal to be approved. Anything not at dress rehearsal will not be allowed in the talent show performance. 

Talent Show will be held January 31st at 1:30 in the PAC. Parents of participating students are invited to come watch! The lineup of the show will be released the week of the show.

Text/call us with any questions: Molly Ney 913-522-9391 or Meg Dudzinski 630-334-5901

Save the Date

Mother-Son Dance: March 7th, 6:30-8PM

Follow Curé of Ars PTO Social Media



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News From the Parish

Thursday, Feb 6, 2025, 6:00 PM

Please join Archbishop Naumann and the Archdiocesan Foster Ministry for a MOVIE NIGHT and INSPIRATION, featuring a showing of SOUND OF HOPE, The Story of Possum Trot.  6:00 PM - Appetizers & Drinks, Movie to follow. Glenwood Arts Theater, 3707 W 95th St., Overland Park KS

RSVP by January 21 for two free tickets:  https://forms.gle/xTCR5FuiQCDFpnCC8

News from CYO

Sports and Organizations

Important Links

Church Bulletin
Amazon Skort
Athleta/Gap Skort
Spirit Wear Shop
Church Donation Platform
Virtus Information

School Calendar
School Website
Church Website

Curé of Ars Catholic School
9403 Mission Road Leawood, KS 66206

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