January 31, 2025

News From Natalie McDonough

Dear Families,

The National Educational Report Card was issued this week, and I wanted to include the findings as well as share them with you our data. The findings are below:

The sobering report released Wednesday from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, sometimes called the Nation’s Report Card, showed that the path to recovery remains far rockier than experts had hoped — especially for students already struggling the most.

The data showed that reading scores, which had fallen dramatically from 2019 to 2022, fell again in 2024, with a record portion of eighth-graders scoring in the lowest category for proficiency. Math scores rose a bit for fourth-graders — a bright spot — but were flat in eighth grade compared to 2022.

The portion of eighth-graders whose scores put them in the lowest of four proficiency categories was the largest in the history of the testing program, and the portion of fourth-graders in that bucket was the largest in 20 years

Chronic absenteeism is part of the problem

The new research tied student attendance to test results and found those chronically absent from school were more likely to score poorly, Carr said. Chronic absenteeism — defined as missing at least 10 percent of school days — significantly spiked during and immediately after the pandemic and has remained elevated.

“There’s a strong relationship between absenteeism and performance in these data,” Carr said. “If students aren’t in school, they can’t learn.”--

Source:Washington Post and the National Assessment of Educational Progress

Cure of Ars Student Data from 2019 to 2024 based on Kansas Assessments

Curé of Ars data continually stays several points above state scores in all grades in both math and ELA. Since the report specifically looked at grades four and eight, I did the same below for us. 

Cure of Ars Scores 

4th Grade: 

ELA from 2019-2024 increased by 4 points for an increase of 1.25%. Our score in 2024 was was 23 points higher than the state and 19 points higher than the diocese.

Math- Math stayed steady in grade 4 with no significant increase or decrease However, it was 30 pts higher than the state in both 2019 and 2024 and 11 points higher than the diocese.

8th Grade:

ELA from 2019-2024 increased by two points or .65% The score is 38 points higher than the state 17 points higher than the diocese. 

Math from 2019-2024 increased 24 points or 8.22% This score is 38 points higher than the state and 22 points higher than the diocese


Natalie McDonough

News From Bryn Timme

Catholic Schools Week Wrap Up

We had so much fun this week celebrating all the amazing aspects that are unique to attending a Catholic school. On Monday, we celebrated vocations, and we thanked God for the wonderful priests and deacons at Curé who shepherd us everyday.  On Tuesday, we celebrated our parents, who have made the generous sacrifice and commitment in sending us to a Catholic school. Wednesday, we celebrate our community, who support us with their time, talents, and treasure. To honor them, we dedicated our school wide Serve Day by helping our greater Kansas City community through various Corporal & Spiritual Works of Mercy. On Thursday, we celebrated the staff members who work tirelessly to support us & model Christ’s love on a daily basis. On Friday, we celebrated the students, who bring life and energy to our school and inspire the community with their beautiful faith. Just like the psalm reads, “We are many parts, we are all one body,” all of these aspects work together to support our amazing school, Curé of Ars Catholic School. 

Our students had fun making a “Thank You Boot Camp” for our parents under the guidance of Mrs. Kennedy. Please enjoy their cute video, and please know how grateful we are your the support of our parents! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kVawyOSyhSvsQ9DkEbWParcXvUlu3nBt/view?usp=sharing

Thank you to everyone who donated items to the Serve Day on Wednesday. Here is a summary video of the school’s efforts during our serve day with Catholic Charities! Shout out to the 7th grade tech crew who took all the pictures and videos and quickly created the video.


News From Jackie Barber

Join Us for STREAM Night!

Mark your calendars for STREAM Night on February 3rd from 5:30 – 7:00 PM! Bring the whole family and enjoy an evening of hands-on learning and fun with activities for all ages. Explore Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art, and Math through engaging stations designed to spark curiosity and creativity.

Plus, families who attend will be entered into a special prize drawing! Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to learn, play, and connect. More details on the activities are included in our flyer below.

We can’t wait to see you there!

Upcoming Events

Calendar Reminders

Feb 1: First Communion Retreat 8am-12:15p has been cancelled

Feb 2: KOC Breakfast Buffet

Feb 3: No Hot Lunch Being Served-Bring Sack Lunch

Feb 4: PTO Stock the Lounge Drop Off (G, P, V )-Front of School

Feb 4: PTO Meeting 7pm Conference Room

Feb 5: Early Release @ 2:45p

Feb 5: Stream Night 5:30-7pm in the school

Feb 6: Hosting Mathletics (grades 3-8th)

Feb 7: Spirit Day

News from your PTO

Digital Health Committee

The Parent Digital Health Survey is live! In order to support and promote healthy relationships with devices and technology, we must first understand where we are as a community, specifically, where we are winning and where we can grow and improve. Please take 5-8 minutes to complete this survey because your voice, opinions and experiences matter!

Closet Clean-Out… Uniform Addition

Please clean out those closets and drop any gently used uniforms/spirit wear at the homes of Jill Scott or Angie Atkinson. Please stay tuned for upcoming dates for the Winter Uniform Sale if sufficient supply is gathered.

February Stock the Lounge (G,P, AND V): Tuesday 02/04

Please sign up here.

Save the Date

Parents in Prayer: Thursday 02/20, 8:10AM

Parent Enrichment: Sunday 03/02, 6-7PM. Counselors Melanie Davidson and Kat Kaplan discuss Anxiety in our Kids

Mother-Son Dance: 03/07, 6:30-8PM

Follow Curé of Ars PTO Social Media



News from your Curé Soirée

Amazon Wish List

Follow Soirée



News From the Parish

First Communion Retreat

In an effort to prevent the spread of illness, the First Communion Retreat has been canceled.

The retreat will not be rescheduled due to space and time constraints.


A makeup packet with instructions on how to complete your child's keepsake crosses at Ceramic Café will be sent home with your child next week.

Virtus Training at Curé of Ars

Curé of Ars will host a Virtus training session on Thursday, February 13, 2025 in the Fr. Bruak room. starting at 6:00 pm

Sign up Here

The Cure of Ars foster care ministry will be hosting a hygiene drive for foster kids Feb. 8-23rd.

Look for the bin to drop off items in the church vestibule. Items needed: shampoo and conditioner, products for textured hair, women’s and men’s deodorant, body wash, and body spray, combs and brushes and baby wipes. Questions ? Kristin McArthur kqmc@att.net or 816-719-4350

News from CYO

Sports and Organizations

Important Links

Church Bulletin
Amazon Skort
Athleta/Gap Skort
Spirit Wear Shop
Church Donation Platform
Virtus Information

School Calendar
School Website
Church Website

Curé of Ars Catholic School
9403 Mission Road Leawood, KS 66206

Follow Curé of Ars Catholic School on social media.
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