Snow Days
This is a follow up communication about snow days and how this will be communicated. Our school collaborates with our region’s Catholic school principals to establish consistent guidelines Inclement weather. While we will now follow SMSD for most snow days, our Catholic School network sometimes may deviate based on our needs. We have listed those below.
Late Starts: While the Shawnee Mission School District may implement late starts this year, our regional Catholic school principals have collectively decided not to adopt this practice. The logistical challenges involved, including staff safety, snow removal, and other operational concerns, make late starts impractical for our schools.
Cold Days: We will not automatically follow the district’s decision to call "cold days." Only in the rare event of an extreme situation will we consider this.
Communication and Timing: We will do our best to communicate snow day decisions as early as possible to help families plan. However, weather conditions can be unpredictable, and there may be instances when decisions are made later than anticipated.
While we strive to make the best possible decisions with the information available, we recognize that weather events can be complex, and sometimes our calls may pan out differently than expected. We kindly ask for your grace and understanding as we navigate these imperfect scenarios. Our priority remains the safety and care of all members of our school community.
Finally, we encourage all families to rely on our official school communications, such as texts, emails, and Instagram, for the most accurate and final information regarding closures. Thank you for your understanding and partnership as we navigate the challenges of the winter season together.
I would also like to wish you and your families a Very Merry Christmas. I feel very blessed to be a part of this very special Curé of Ars Community.
Natalie McDonough