School Newsletter
May 20, 2022
Message From Principal Legler
Curé Families,

We did it! It can’t be said enough, we want to thank you for your ongoing support for this wonderful school community. We could not offer such a rich education to our students without the continuing effort and support that you all give. Thank you for your support and dedication to our Catholic schools and to Cure’ of Ars.

Thank you to our amazing and talented group of staff for another amazing year in the books. Our staff literally give all of themselves, sacrificing time with their own families, to help make Cure’ the outstanding school that it is. We could just be like any other school in town, but our staff is what makes this school special and unique. Thank you Cure’ staff for making Cure’ a great place for kids!

I would also like to congratulate our 8th graders on their graduation this week. We are excited to include the following pages to recognize their accomplishments and future endeavors. Congrats 8th grade!

Hope you all have a wonderful and blessed summer.

Peace of Christ,
-Andrew Legler
Curé of Ars Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award

In 1994 a family in the parish wanted to do something special for our teachers at Cure’ of Ars. They have long recognized the dedication, sacrifice and continuing contributions made by all the teachers in our school.

With the goal to foster excellence in education at Cure’ of Ars school, the McGurren family established the McGurren Family Endowment. Their objective is to recognize, reward and retain outstanding teachers at our school.
Each spring our teachers are given the opportunity to nominate a teacher they truly believes deserves this honor. In no particular order, this year’s nominees were: Angela Wright, Amanda Clayton, Tasha Porter, Jane Barreca, Liz Engelbert, Amanda Petrofsky, Rhiannon Mendez, and Jackie Buser. As you can see, we had a phenomenal group of staff to choose from!

A selection committee of several individuals including members of the McGurren family, Fr. Storey and multiple Principals from other Catholic schools meet to review the applications and make the difficult decision.

We are excited to announce that the recipient of the Cure’ Outstanding Teacher of the Year for 2021-2022 goes to 2nd gr. Teacher Mrs. Porter!

Mrs. Porter is one of our veteran 2nd grade teachers that has dedicated 27 years of service to Catholic Schools and is beloved by the entire school community of students and staff. Mrs. Porter’s has served a vital role as a 2nd grade teacher at Cure’ for the last 5 years, helping our students receive the sacrament of their
1st communion. Mrs. Porter has received a beautiful plague recognizing her accomplishment as Teacher of the Year as well as a monetary reward from the McGurren Family Endowment. Congratulations Mrs. Porter!
Adios Mrs. Tankard!
Today we bid farewell to our beloved music and CGS teacher, Mrs. Val Tankard. Val has been at Cure’ of Ars for 15 years and will soon be enjoying retirement! Val has been an integral part of our student’s music, art, and faith formation. Anyone who has had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Tankard immediately knows her kind and gentle spirit and her love of our children. Our students and staff adore Mrs. Tankard and she will be deeply missed. We wish her all the happiness in the world during retirement. We love you Mrs. Tankard!
Kudos to our School Nurses
One thing is for certain: we’ve always known that we had some amazing nurses here at Cure’ in Shelly Carpenter and Angela Carney. When the pandemic began in 2020 however, we couldn’t have asked for a more highly qualified and professional team of nurses to serve on the frontlines of our Health & Safety Team at Cure’ of Ars. They put in countless hours every day assisting families with sick kids/family members, contact tracing everyone and their grandma, daily calls for the last 2 years with the JoCo Health Department, assisting with school protocols, handing out thousands of facemasks, and most important, doing it all with style and grace.
For all their efforts Shelly and Angela have been recognized by the JoCo Health Department for their “outstanding contributions and partnership in the COVI-19 pandemic response”.
Thank you Shelly and Angela!
DARE Graduation
Congratulations to our 6th graders for completing their DARE Graduation ceremony on Wednesday! Our 6th graders have had weekly visits with Officer Goff from the Leawood Police Department this year and were happy to celebrate with their classmates and parents.
We would like to extend a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to Ms. Mendez and Mrs. Wille for their hard work in creating an exceptional school yearbook for Cure’ of Ars this year! The pictures, design, layout, and attention to detail on every page looks fantastic!
Please note that due to a printing error on pgs. 43-44, there is a corrected inserted page.

If your child is in preschool and would like to purchase a yearbook ($15), please contact the school office during summer hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-12pm, closed on Fridays.

8th Grade Awards & Scholarships
Updated: 5/16/22
President’s Award for Educational Excellence:
The President's Award for Educational Excellence (the Gold Seal) recognizes academic success by students having a 3.5 GPA or better through 6th, 7th and 8th grade, AND, scoring in the 90th percentile on a nationally normed reading OR math test.
Awarded to: Michael Arico, Joshua Arnold, George Besch, Liam Conway, Josie Cooper, Julie Danda, Ella Dunn, Sam Fisher, Allison Lynn, Michael Mason, Will Robertson, Syriana Sharpe, Luke Simek
President’s Award for Educational Achievement:
The President's Award for Educational Achievement (the Silver Seal) recognizes students who show outstanding education growth, commitment to achievement and good study skills. This is voted on by their teachers.   
Awarded to: Nora Conway, Dillon Darby, Paola Espino, Jacob Kendall, Connor Marshall, Morgan Michaelis, Ashley Myers, Luke Nelson, Janice Palmer, Lily Reisch, Maeve Riley, Kennan Rourke
Curé-Musetta Thompson Outstanding Scholar:
This award honors the memory of Musetta Thompson, a beloved teacher at Curé of Ars Catholic School. She always encouraged her students to pursue academic excellence. Student(s) with the highest Grade Point Average through 6th, 7th, and 8th grade will receive a commemorative plaque and scholarship money to use towards their Catholic High School tuition.
Awarded to: Samantha Fisher
 Curé-Spirit and Leadership Award:
This award goes to a boy and a girl who is voted on by the Middle School teachers and is based on their leadership and service to Curé of Ars Community, their teachers and classmates. Each student will receive a commemorative plaque and scholarship money to use towards their Catholic High School tuition.
Awarded to: Maeve Riley & Zach Novotny
Curé-Father Kelly Award: 
This award, named for our Founding Pastor, Fr. Paul Kelly, is voted on by the teachers and presented to the student with outstanding Christian character, academics and service to others. This student will receive a commemorative plaque and scholarship money to use towards their Catholic High School tuition.
Awarded to: Lily Reisch

Bea Redondo Scholarship:
Former staff member Bea Redondo’s presence will forever be felt at Cure’ of Ars Catholic school. New for the 20-21 graduating class, Fr. Storey and the school have pledged to dedicate two scholarships each year to a graduating 8th grade boy and girl. This scholarship will recognize both the outstanding academic standing and faith-filled presence of two 8th grade students each year. There will be additional attributes for those that receive this scholarship must possess; to many students and staff Bea Redondo was famously known for her fiery compassion to help others. Mrs. Redondo was also notorious for her unshakeable faith. The Bea Redondo Scholarship will be awarded to two students each year who display these characteristics. Each student will receive a commemorative plaque and scholarship money to use towards their Catholic High School tuition.
Awarded to: Samantha Fisher & Connor Marshall
Monsignor Charles Scholarship:
Knights of Columbus will award this to one 8th gr. student who shows personal characteristics and behaviors exemplifying Christian beliefs (kind, humble, caring, spiritual) in their daily lives. The students will be required to submit an essay to the Knights of Columbus along with a teacher recommendation. This money will go towards their Catholic high school education.
Awarded to: Zach Novotny
Catholic High School Scholarships & Awards:
Scholastic Scholarships based on the High School Placement Test scores and other outstanding achievements.
·       Bishop Miege
o  Mary Ann Lucas Pastor Scholarship: Paola Espino and Luke Nelson
o  Pastor Scholarship: Nick Barreca
o  Merit Scholarship to Bishop Meige for HSPT: Allison Lynn
·       Rockhurst
o  Ignation Scholarship: George Besch, Will Robertson
·       St. James
o  Christian Stewardship Scholarship: Sam Fisher
o  Principal’s Award: Josh Arnold
·       Notre Dame de Sion
o  Rooted in Sion Scholarship: Maeve Riley
o  HSPT Scholarship: Morgan Michaelis, Julie Danda
·       St. Teresa’s
o  Merit Scholarship for HSPT: Josie Cooper


The Presidential Volunteer Service Award is issued by the President’ Council on Service and Civic Participation on behalf of the President of the United States to recognize the best in their American spirit, and to encourage all Americans to improve their communities through volunteer service and civic participation. As a certified organization, Cure’ of Ars Catholic School verifies service hours and recognizes outstanding 7th and 8th graders who have completed 50 or more hours of service during the past year. Considering we just completed another school year of COVID-19 and had many hurdles to jump over to complete these volunteer hours, these students deserve a huge round of applause!

Bronze, for 50-74 hours of service:
7th grade
Simon Stverak             53
Bridget Ammeen          50.5
Taylor Ernest               50.5
Henry Hahn                  53
Josephine Schloegel      54

8th grade
Nathan Cucar                 52.5
Maura Maher                  51
Elise Moore                    50
Sam Fisher                     66.75
Abby Fitzgerald              55
Tyler Owens                   55
Janice Palmer                57.5
Mary Jane Fleming        70
Brendan Klein                50
Connor Marshall           52
Will Robertson              64
Haley Wilson                 50.5

Silver, for 75-99 hours of service:
7th grade
Karoline Koc                   82

8th grade
Ashley Myers                  80

Gold, for 100+ hours of service:
7th grade
Olivia Chladek                114
Molly Killeen                   130.5

8th grade
Brennan Murphy             100.75
Maeve Riley                    101.5
Upcoming Events

Please click the link for the full calendars:

Summer Tutoring
Looking for Summer Tutoring? Please click HERE for a listing
Order Summer Solutions Workbooks!
Each Summer Solutions lesson reviews a variety of skills. You can feel confident knowing that your child is reviewing and revisiting skills from the previous school year. And the best part is that each lesson takes just minutes a day to complete!
Vacation Bible School
Thank You

A sincere thank you to all parents for a great 2021-22 school year. PTO events felt a little more normal this year! PTO had fun planning events and we appreciate all our current and past members' commitment and enthusiasm. We could not have done any of it however without our current president Laura Matin. Thanks Laura for all your hard work, dedication and always showing up with a smile and open mind.


Thanks Sarah Sullivan for planning the Dolce Cookie PTO fundraiser. It was a huge success with almost 100 kits ordered! They were so yummy and kids loved decorating them.
Upcoming Events

Uniform Drop Off
Cleaning out closets? Drop off used uniforms at the school office during summer hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-12pm; closed on Fridays
School Supplies

Check this off your summer to do list! Order your school supplies now for the 2022-23 school year. Deadline is June 8th and school code is CUR013
(3 letters/3numbers)
Use this LINK to order now. 

Thanks Anne George for coordinating with EPI this year so we have this great option available for purchasing school supplies!
You're Invited!

Get your teams signed up to compete in the 3v3 Joe Pedrotti Basketball Tournament at Bishop Miege on
June 4th
Start time: 9 AM
Team sign-up deadline is:
May 27th

Select from Four Divisions:
Recreation Under 30 Div
Recreation Over 30 Div
Womens Division

Teams Up to 5 members
$40 per person

Event is for adults only - (All players must be out of high school)

All proceeds will benefit the:

Bishop Miege Joseph Michael Pedrotti STEM Fund
in memory of Joe Pedrotti, Class of 2017

Cafeteria, Library, Catechesis and much more. We are so grateful for your time!
Policies and other important information can be found in our parent/student handbook on our website

Curé of Ars Catholic School
9403 Mission Road Leawood, KS 66206

Follow Curé of Ars Catholic School on social media.