Curbside Meals To Go
April 8 and April 10
Our most pressing concern at this time is to serve our customers in a responsible manner while ensuring the safety of both our employees and customers and contribute to the hopeful decline of the spreading virus. Together, we will do our part to "flatten the curve," protect our community, and move past this virus safely.
We are offering individual meals for curbside pick up
Wednesday April 8 2:00pm to 3:00pm
and Friday April 10rd 2:00pm to 3:00pm
at our shop, 170 Oak Street Pottstown 19464.
All orders will be confirmed via email.
In order to maintain social distancing, we are requesting exact payment (with your name) on your back seat or trunk and we will replace it with your order! Or if you are using credit card, please call us Tuesday with the card number,name on the card, billing address of the card, CVV code on the back, your receipt will be in the bag on pick up. Thank you!
Please order by clicking the Pink Order button
under the menu.
We will confirm all orders via email. If you do not receive confirmation by 5pm the next day, please email us or call us. This helps us avoid errors. Thank you!
April 8 Meals To Go-order due Friday April 3rd noon

Smokehouse Pulled Pork w/ Slider Rolls, condiments and side Veggies $11.50
Cheese Lasagna with side Veggies   $11.50
Fresh Ginger Cookies $9.dozen
Would you like to donate a meal to the Pottstown Hospital workers?
You order it and we'll deliver to the Hospital.
Curbside pick up 2-3pm at our kitchen 170 Oak St Pottstown
April 10 Meals To Go-order due Monday April 6th noon

Easter Ham Dinner with Augratin Potatoes and Veggies $12.
Vegetarian Cashew Chili with Jasmine Rice & Veggies   $11.50
Ham and Bean Soup , pint $6.
Veggie Quiche , whole $24.
Banana Rum Cake $9.25

Would you like to donate a meal to the Pottstown Hospital workers? 
You order it and we'll deliver to the Hospital.

Curbside pick up 2-3pm at our kitchen 170 Oak St Pottstown

Our Healthy Snack Program gets children excited about eating fresh fruit and vegetables, creating well being and a positive perspective.
We deliver, bi weekly September thru April, classroom portioned fresh fruits and vegetables (local when possible) with kid friendly nutrition. Grant funding is available.