We would like to remind everyone that curbside pickup is available at the market. Pick-up is at the back door on the north side of the building, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Please place orders the day before to give us time to assemble orders and schedule pick up times.
Please send an email with your order to
We’ll organize orders based on when they are received.
When your order is assembled, we will call you for payment information and pickup time.

We shop for you. Please be specific, note brands and any substitutions in case we are out of stock. Example List:
--6 Pink Lady Apples – or – 6 good eating apples
--1 loaf Positively Third Street Sourdough– if not available don’t substitute
--Cheese - Parmesan - Nordic Creamy or Violife Non-Dairy
--1 doz eggs — prefer Schultz or Locally Laid

Thank you for supporting your small town, community-owned store committed to bringing you local, natural and organic foods.

Have questions? Give us a call at the store: (218)543-6565.

Ideal Green Market Co-op -
Become a Co-op Owner - Ideal Green Market Co-op is a local, community-owned business. We promote a strong and sustainable community by supporting other local businesses. Every dollar spent at Ideal Green Market has roughly three times as much local economic impact as a dollar spent at a non-locally owned business.