Before SVCC says our final farewells to Dr. Al Roberts, we would like to take a moment to reflect on his past 5 years of presidency
Dual Enrollment Students Collaborate
with Microsoft and Schneider Electric
SVCC's dual enrollment program is taking the learning experience to the next level. Over the past few months,
with Schneider Electric and Microsoft to rapid prototype an insulator for a DC terminal block. For these Park View High School students, this involvement has been an invaluable real-world experience
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What Do You Do on Your Birthday?
SVCC Foundation Board member, Bobby Wrenn, rides his bike for 100 miles. This is an annual event....rain or shine, hot or cool. Bobby's birthday is June 19th and his annual 2019 ride is completed and in the books!
After graduating from high school, then 17-year-old Jason Alex, from Dummerston, VT, attended an automotive program
at the Advanced Technical Institute
. However, he soon realized the automotive field was not where his heart was
and searched for a new career.
Now 30-year-old Jason considered lineman school. The possible power line worker training programs he could attend were in New York, Florida, Georgia, and Virginia. One by one, due to distance, tuition costs, and program quality, the search was narrowed until SVCC remained.
Here, the Vermont native knew he could get excellent,affordable training and have a place to live in housing SVCC provides.
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Governor's School Graduates Return as Tutors
Two new summer interns, Reid Piercy and Katherine Mosier, are Governor's School graduates who have returned to SVCC as tutors. Reid is currently pursuing his bachelor’s degree in Statistics at Harvard University. Katherine is double majoring in Math and Music at UVA.
While Katherine and Reid are proficient in the upper level math courses, their main focus is assisting students attending SVCC's Math Boot Camp. They are looking forward to spending their summer back at home and supporting our summer semester students and Boot Camp participants.
SVCC Congratulates Recent GED
The Adult Basic Education (ABE) program recently held its annual GED® Graduation ceremony with 29 of the 50 graduates attending.
The ABE program offers a second chance at success for those at least 18 years old who separated from high school without a diploma. Students improve math skills, increase reading skills, learn basic computer skills, set educational goals, develop a career plan, focus on workforce readiness skills, earn a digital Literacy certificate, and prepare for GED® testing. There is no cost to register, and all GED® test fees are paid as long as the student meets the requirements.
Program Info
Fred "Freddie" Reekes Annual Memorial
Golf Classic
Over $20,000 for Scholarships
Tournament day started out sunny and bright. After about 16 holes, a storm brewed, but everyone was cheerful and non-complaining! Twenty-four teams participated and the team of Buck's No-Names (Buck Brockwell, Robbie Adcock, Kenny Cassidy and Jimmy Robinson) took first place in the Championship flight.
Get Skilled, Get a Job, Give Back
Southside Virginia Community College was recently awarded a “G3” grant from the Virginia Community College System. The “G3” or “Get Skilled, Get a Job, Give Back” capacity-building grant will help SVCC expand existing programs and develop new pathways needed to successfully prepare students for in-demand career fields.
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