Dates To Remember
Mon, 6 - Last Day to return wrapped/labeled Holiday Giving gifts
Mon, 6 - Dine for Cushing @ MOD Pizza, 10:30am-10:00pm
Tues, 7 - Dine for Cushing @ MOD Pizza, 10:30am-10:00pm
Wed, 8 - Last Day to Participate in the Staff Holiday Gift Card Program

Mon, 3 - Classes Resume
Quick Links
Message from Mrs. Rach
It's that time of the year when we need to start wearing layers of clothes to school. Please make sure that you start sending your child(ren) with a sweatshirt or coat labeled with their name in case they forget it on the playground. Also, keep in mind that snow pants, boots, jackets, hats, and gloves will be needed in the near future. Please make sure all outdoor clothing is labeled with your child(ren)'s name.
The cold weather also brings the cold bug! Deciding when to keep a sick child home from school can be a difficult decision. To help identify illnesses in our schools, parents/guardians are encouraged to report their child’s specific symptoms when calling in sick to the health room. If your child is not feeling well (fever, hard/hacking cough, very runny nose, fatigue, painful sore throat, vomiting, etc), it is important for them to stay home and rest. When a child is sick at school and not feeling well, it is difficult for them to concentrate in class.
Cushing News & Announcements
Water Bottles
Please remind your student(s) that they need to bring their water bottle to school EVERY day.  
Holiday Giving
THANK YOU to the families who signed up to help local families this holiday season through the Christmas Clearing Council of Waukesha County. All gift slots have been filled!
Please return your gifts to Cushing on or before 12/6 - labeled, wrapped and ready to be placed under the Christmas tree.  

Lost & Found
Our Lost & Found is overflowing. If your student is missing something, there’s a real good chance it’s there. The next time you’re at Cushing, swing by to see if anything belongs to your family. Parents seem to have the magic touch with finding lost items. Anything left by the time we go on Winter Break will be donated.
Design Lab: Donations Needed
Our Design Lab is in need of the following items. You can send items with your child or leave them on the tables in the Front Lobby.

  • Red and Green yarn
  • Red and Green thin fabric ribbon
  • Small pom poms
  • Large sequins
  • Googly eyes
  • Thin fabric ribbon
  • Cotton balls

Minute to Meet our Staff
Check out our latest Minute to Meet the Staff video featuring Mrs. Tennies.
Health Room News
Covid Testing
Home Tests are not accepted for the return to school. All tests must be PCR tests from a test center (ex. Summit Clinical Labs) or health care provider.
Friday Funny
Why did the snake cross the road?
(Keep scrolling down for the answer)
Cushing PTO
Support Cushing Elementary students, teachers, and staff with a purchase of Catahoula Coffee!  
Catahoula Coffee Company’s owner/founder, Timber is a recent California transplant, and the proud dad of a Cushing 4th and 1st grader. Catahoula is donating profits from each bag of coffee sold through the Cushing Portal to Cushing’s PTO. Order here: www.catahoulacoffee.com/cushing-fundraiser between December 1st-9th to get your coffee in time for the December holidays!

Dine for Cushing at MOD Pizza - December 6th and 7th
Great news! MOD pizza is offering us two nights instead of one. Dine for Cushing dates are now December 6th AND 7th. Offer valid between 10:30am-10:00pm. Promo code for online orders: GR199699C, or mention Cushing PTO if ordering in person.
Staff Giving Program - Deadline is December 8th
The PTO is offering a Holiday Gift Card Program to say "Thank You for all you've done & Happy Holidays" to all of our Cushing teachers, staff and bus drivers. Participation is optional.

Here’s how the program works:
You make a monetary contribution to the teacher/staff members and bus driver of your choice. Your child’s gift is then combined with all other contributions for that particular staff member and the staff member will be presented with one BIG gift card to the stores of their choosing. The gift cards will be presented in a Thank You card that contains the names (NOT the amounts!) of all the families who contributed to the gift.

STEP 1: Complete this form. Please make sure to complete your family name (EXAMPLE: SMITH FAMILY) then select the teachers you'd like to give to and list the dollar amount (MUST be WHOLE dollar increments - no change please, $1, $3, $5, $10, $20, etc.).
Then total up your order.

STEP 2: Copy this CLASSMUNITY LINK (www.kmsd.edu/staffgivingprogramholidayseason2021) to pay your total with a debit/credit card. These orders will be compiled and gift cards will be distributed to each individual.

Any amount is appreciated!

*Program runs until Wednesday, December 8th*

If you have any questions, please email tonya.jaskolski@gmail.com or elizabethschoene@gmail.com

Winter Carnival
Cushing PTO is excited to welcome back the Winter Carnival, held in February! If you are interested in volunteering or joining the Carnival Committee, please reach out to;
AnnMarie Kreitzer (414) 721-6756/amibis@hotmail.com.  

There will be a planning meeting on Monday December 6th, please send AnnMarie a note for additional details!
Sentry Receipts Classroom Contest!
An easy way to help the Cushing PTO earn money is to collect your Albrecht’s Sentry receipts while you shop for the holidays. This is also a fun way for your child's classroom to earn a prize! The classroom with the highest receipt totals for receipts dated between November 13, 2021 and January 9, 2022 will win the contest and earn a prize for their classroom! Each classroom will have a red holiday bag to collect their Sentry receipts. 

Collect Your Holiday Shopping Sentry Receipts!
Friday Funny: Punch Line
To get to the other ssside.
Community Education
KM Community Education provides recreational and educational opportunities for families. Please be sure to visit the website often for updates and new programs. For program information and registration forms, visit www.kmsd.edu/communityed.

Dance Clinic
Calling all 4K-5th graders join the KMHS laser dance team at a clinic with a performance at a high school basketball game in January. Sign up early, at www.kmsd.edu/classmunity
Interested in Joining the Laserettes Dance Team?
6th-8th graders are invited to participate in a technique clinic where you will learn what a typical practice looks like on December 9 and 16. Registration is available at www.kmsd.edu/classmunity
Camp Invention
Summer 2022 Camp Invention will be offered at KM. Students in grades 1-6 will enjoy a week of STEM fun, building and creating click here for more.
KM Lacrosse Indoor Programs 
Due to an overwhelming interest for kids playing lacrosse this year we have reopened the registration site. The site will close Monday December 6, 2021.  
This is the last call for players interested in lacrosse practice during the winter weeks. For high school players please see Mike Mcgill for Mike Ruggerio for more details or register on the site. 
Community Events and Flyers
Events/opportunities listed on our Community Flyers page are not endorsed by the Kettle Moraine School District. They have been approved for electronic sharing. Visit www.kmsd.edu/communityflyers to see the full list of current flyers. Links to recently-added flyers and upcoming events are included below.

227 Genesee Street | Delafield, WI 53018 | 262-646-6700