Dates To Remember
Mon, 20 - Homecoming Spirit Week: Crazy Socks Day
Tues, 21 - Homecoming Spirit Week: Class Color Wars
Wed, 22 - Homecoming Spirit Week: Mismatch/Inside Out Day
Thurs, 23 - Homecoming Spirit Week: Dress as your Favorite Character in a Book Day
Fri, 24 - Homecoming Spirit Week: Cushing/KM Spirit/Blue and Gold Day
Fri, 24 - KM Homecoming Parade, meet up at Fireman's Park (in Wales) at 4:45
Mon, 27 - Dine for Cushing: Culver’s in Wales, 5-8

Fri, 1 - NO SCHOOL
Mon, 4 - NO SCHOOL
Wed, 6 - Cushing Decathlon at St. John’s
Thurs, 7 - Cushing Decathlon - Rain Date
Tues, 12 - Picture Retakes, morning
Quick Links
Message from Mrs. Rach
Connection, communication, and sharing feedback with our families is important to us. We want to thank those who took time to complete our feedback survey at the start of the year as it provided us with insight around how we can better communicate and provide feedback with our families. Communication allows us to share information with each other. Feedback is information given to learners, teachers, and/or parents about a learner's performance relative to learning goals or outcomes. Feedback can come from lots of places including teachers and learners themselves! Below is a summary of responses from our beginning of the year survey:

When asked about the type of feedback families preferred, the top three responses were:

  • Through seesaw posts/sharing of videos (83%) 
  • Through students sharing updates via videos or through email home (79%)
  • Through seeing in person pieces of work like during a Celebration of Learning (79%)

Additionally, half of our families preferred a monthly or every other week update about their learner(s) progress while a third of responses indicated a preference for a weekly update.  

As a school we will strive to provide families with feedback around their learner’s progress and we will be mindful of the top three most favorable responses as indicated on the survey. Students and staff will work to provide feedback with families multiple times throughout a semester. If you have questions or concerns about the type and/or amount of feedback you’re receiving from your learner’s teacher, please reach out to them directly.
Cushing News & Announcements
Be Safe, Be Kind, Do Your Job
Now that the school year is underway, we would like to explain our school behavior expectations. At Cushing we are SAFE, we are KIND, and we DO OUR JOB! Throughout the school year, especially at the beginning of the year, students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of lessons that demonstrate what the above expectations look like in the different areas of our school. 
There will be times when students need reminders of our expectations. We expect that. However, if a student needs more than one reminder, we will follow the following process: 
Remind: Student will receive a private verbal reminder of the expectation.

Reteach: Student will receive instruction to help him/her remember the expectation and how to follow it.

Reflect: Student will work with the teacher to reflect on his/her behavior. We will follow the ‘Reflection Sheet’ process. This will be sent home. The reflection sheet is not meant to be punitive. As a parent we hope that you will discuss the behavior with your child and reflect on how he or she can make better choices. Some tips for reviewing with your child might be:

  • Ask your child, “What happened?”
  • Try to remain neutral about the incident. For example: “What could you have done differently?” is a great question to help your child reflect.
  • Remind your child that tomorrow is a new day and that we all make mistakes.

Refer: After many reminders, or an office managed behavior occurs, students will receive an ODR (Office Discipline Referral). The students will work with the principal or staff member in charge to go over the behavior and determine next steps. You will be notified by the office if your child receives an ODR.  
Thank you for supporting our efforts to help all students be safe, be kind, and do their job each and every day!  
Veteran’s Day 
Veteran's Day is a time we remember and honor the men and women of our Armed Services. The staff and students at Cushing would like to honor current and past service members for Veteran's day. If you or a family member is/was a member of any service branch and would like to participate in an Veteran's Day event at Cushing please complete this form.  
Blessings in a Backpack
Blessings in a Backpack is a non-profit organization founded in 2012 and has partnered with the Kettle Moraine School District this year. Blessings in a Backpack is a program that anyone can take advantage of. Part of their partnership includes sending home discrete bags of food home with children for the full 38 weeks of the school year. Starting next Friday, they will be sending bags of food home with all students. In addition to the bag of food next Friday, you will also find an “Opt Out” form; if you wish to not participate in this program, Blessings in a Backpack asks that you simply complete the form and have your child return it to school. Keep an eye out for the bag and forms next Friday.
Order School Pictures
If your student had their picture taken during the Soft Start Days, Empire Photogthem, either a) they don't have your address on file, b) the message went into your spam folder or c) you did receive the message but just missed it in your inbox. All of these things do happen occasionally. If you haven't received an email or if you have any questions, please email Empire Photography at customerservice@empirephotos.com or call at 608-257-2941 between 8:30 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday.
KMMPA Annual Homecoming Chili Mac N Cheese Dinner
The Annual KM Music Parents Association (KMMPA) Homecoming Chili/Mac N Cheese Supper is scheduled for Friday, September 24th from 4-7pm in the KM High School cafeteria.
This annual homecoming dinner has been a tradition for almost 35 years and is their largest fundraiser of the year. All money raised goes back to the teachers and music departments. KMMPA supports the K-6 grade general music program along with the Middle School and High School Band, Choir and Orchestra.
Click HERE if you are interested in helping out.

Cushing Spirit Week: September 20-24
We’ve got spirit...yes, we do! We’ve got spirit...how ‘bout you? September 24th is KM’s Homecoming. Cushing will be getting into the Homecoming spirit ALL WEEK!
Monday, September 20 - Crazy Socks Day
We know you have CRAZY socks. This is your chance to wear them.
Tuesday, September 21 - Class Color Wars
Dress in your grade’s color and let’s see what grade has the most spirit!
4K - Red
5K - Orange
1st- Yellow
2nd- Green
3rd- Blue
4th- Purple
5th- Black
Wednesday, September 22 - Mismatch/Inside Out Day
Stripes + Plaid is celebrated today. The less coordinated you look - the better.
Thursday, September 23 - Dress as your Favorite Character in a Book Day
Harry Potter. Hermione. Cat in the Hat. Alice in Wonderland. Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Fancy Nancy. Junie B Jones. Pete the Cat. The possibilities are endless.
Please Note: If Captain Underpants is your favorite character, you HAVE to wear pants. 
Friday, September 24 - Cushing/KM Spirit/Blue and Gold Day
Show your Kettle Moraine/Cushing Pride by wearing your KM/Cushing gear! Play a sport for KM? Wear YOUR team jersey! Don’t have any spirit wear? That’s ok! You can wear Navy and Gold instead!

**NEW** Health Room E-mail Address
Our Health Room has a new email address! Please use ce-healthroom@kmsd.edu when you need to email our Health Room staff. Our School Nurse (Becky) and our Health Room Assistant (Susan) are here on different days throughout the week. Having one email address will help keep communication flowing no matter who is working that day. Thanks!
Volunteer Applications
All adults need to fill out a Volunteer Application every school year. These applications are required to volunteer in the classrooms, chaperone field trips, join your learner for lunch, help with PTO-sponsored events (ex: Decathlon volunteers AND spectators), etc. Paper forms are in the Front Office. You can also find the form HERE. Please return completed forms to Mrs. Mirek.  
Cub Scout Pack 20 
Cub Scout Pack 20 would like to invite Interested families (especially 5K) to our Cub Scouts Info Night - Wednesday September 22nd 6:45-7:45 in the Cushing Cafeteria. Cub Scouts is a family activity where scouts learn life skills, challenge themselves with new experiences and are rewarded for working hard! Programming emphasizes moral values and provides families with the opportunity to spend time together having fun and making friends. So come and find out more about us and see if cub scouts is something your child/family might be interested in.
1st Grade - Girl Scouts
We would love to hear from all 1st grade girls who are interested in Girl Scouts!!
The mission of Girl Scouts is to build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. It is an awesome opportunity to build friendships, learn about leadership and success, and to experience adventures.
The troop typically meets every 1st Tuesday of the month (the first meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 5th). Additional activities are scheduled throughout the year as well. 
If this sounds like something you might be interested in, please contact Jenny Beres/Kelli Grutz at girlscoutstroop1235@gmail.com.
Health Room News
Covid Testing
Home Tests are not accepted for the return to school. All tests must be PCR tests from a test center (ex. Summit Clinical Labs) or health care provider.
Friday Funny
Two pickles fell out of a jar onto the floor. What did one say to the other?
(Keep scrolling down for the answer)
Cushing PTO
Cushing's ninth annual Decathlon will be held on Wednesday, October 6th 2021 at St. John's Military Academy.

The Decathlon challenges students to tackle 10 fun events, and they will raise funds through pledges for their efforts. Some of the events include: bowling, hula hoop, and relay races, to name a few. 4K will have a special course of their own!

The Decathlon will be held during the school day and parents will help volunteer to make the event a success!

ALL students will be receiving a Decathlon T-Shirt!

ALL donations are used to support Cushing Staff, teachers, and classrooms

How Can You Help this Year?
Volunteer to help on the day of the event: The sign-up genius is live. Click here to volunteer for one of the events. Don’t miss the opportunity to see the action first hand. Email Jen at jrszerenyi@gmail.com with any questions.  

Be A Sponsor (or know someone who may be interested?): Sponsorship opportunities are available, starting at $150. Sponsors will be recognized in all Decathlon web communication and on the Decathlon 2021 T-shirt.  

Donate Online: Go to www.kmsd.edu/cushingdecathlon and give today.

Return your Pledge Form: Pledge forms were sent home in students’ folders. You can return the pledge form to school in an envelope with a check.

THANK YOU to our early sponsors!

GOLD Sponsors ($1000): Rob Miller Homes, Legit Click Media, The Maple Group
SILVER Sponsors ($500): Digitek Digital, Delafield Family Dental, Children’s Hospital, DeLuca & Hartman Inc., Kreitzer Family, McKitrick Family
BRONZE Sponsors ($150): Adams Family, Hollman Family, Preferred Insurance Services, Merry Maids of Waukesha, Katie Andrew PT, JJ Hausmann@ Lake Country Listings, Olin Framing, Cars.com, Steenhagen Studios, Miller Family, Beres Family, Smith Family, Szerenyi Family, Winchell Family, Bartelt Remodeling, Gorney Family.

Fall Sentry Receipt Roundup 
We hope you’ve been saving your Sentry receipts all summer!! The Albrecht’s Delafield Sentry supports our Cushing PTO by giving us 1% of the total value of receipts we collect. This amount adds up quickly to help our Cushing PTO. Sentry will honor receipts from the last 6 months. Please send your receipts to school in an envelope or baggie marked 'Sentry Receipts.' They will collect them in the office.

Cushing Family Directory 2021-22
Please take a moment to fill in your pertinent information for this year’s Cushing PTO's Family Directory.

The Cushing Family Directory is offered by the PTO each year as a convenience to share contact information with other Cushing families. To participate in the 2021-22 Cushing Family Directory, you MUST complete a form for EACH of your children attending Cushing, as the KM District does NOT share your information with the PTO. Also, your information is not carried over from year to year.

To read more and to submit your information, please click: Cushing PTO Directory 2021-22.

Spirit Wear - Deadline to Order is Sunday, September 19th
Show your Cushing pride by ordering your new spirit wear today! Great news! The deadline to order spirit wear has been extended through Sunday September 19th. Spirit wear may be ordered by paper order form as well as online! The paper order form and online link will be included in your student's take home folder. Click here for the link. Please note all items are unisex. Orders will be delivered to Cushing, labeled with your student's name and sent home by the second week of October. Cushing PTO does earn a profit from each piece sold - so thank you for supporting Cushing!

Amazon Smile
Do you order from Amazon? If so, please consider adding Amazon Smile to your account. Amazon will then donate a percentage of your purchase back to our non-profit, Cushing PTO. Use the link here to sign up.

Cushing PTO Volunteer Form
The PTO is a great way to connect with others at Cushing. We have opportunities to volunteer regularly at school in the library or teacher work room, or to occasionally drop off an item to support teacher appreciation, or help with an event. Please complete this Volunteer Form so we can share the opportunities with you. The school and district do not share your contact information with the PTO. 

Dine for Cushing: Culver’s in Wales - Monday, September 27, 5-8
Friday Funny: Punch Line
Dill with it.
Community Education
KM Community Education provides recreational and educational opportunities for families. Please be sure to visit the website often for updates and new programs. For program information and registration forms, visit www.kmsd.edu/communityed.

Join us Wednesdays at 4:15 at Wales Elementary For Zumba Gold. ZUMBA GOLD®  is perfect for active older adults, those new to exercise, those looking for a lower impact choice and those coming back into the fitness routine who are looking for a modified Zumba® class that recreates the original moves you love at a lower-intensity.

Class is $5.00 per session. Come when you can! Class will run for the entire 21-22 school year.  Bring a mat and a towel to class! Sign up in person at class.
Hunter Education
Students must be 10 years of age to attend this course. Many states require this certificate for out of state hunting for all children and adults. Students under the age of 16 must have an adult parent attend all sessions with the student. Class will be held October 4-7 from 6:30-9pm. Field test will be Saturday, October 9.Registration is available online at https://kmsd.revtrak.net/rwcommunityeducation/
Adult Aerobics
Class is offered Tuesdays and Thursdays. Work at your own pace with easy to follow steps set to a wide variety of the music you love. You’ll get just the right cardiovascular workout followed by floor work that will both tone and stretch all of your muscles. Registration details can be found at https://kmsd.revtrak.net/rwcommunityeducation/
After School Spanish
SWING BACK INTO SPANISH! Did you know that students learn a language best when they find the topic FUN and INTERESTING? What better way to ignite FUN in the Spanish classroom then with two topics they will be excited about-Playing and Camping!

In our ‘Vamos a Jugar’ and ‘Vamos a Acampar’ classes, students will explore sports, games, hobbies and the great outdoors. Using builder phrases, we will get the students speaking small sentences and phrases in class right from day one. Whether on the field, at the lake, or on the playground, your child will be able to use his or her new Spanish skills! Classes fill up fast –Register today, Don’t delay! Enroll online:  https://kmsd.revtrak.net/rwcommunityeducation/
Community Events and Flyers
Events/opportunities listed on our Community Flyers page are not endorsed by the Kettle Moraine School District. They have been approved for electronic sharing. Visit www.kmsd.edu/communityflyers to see the full list of current flyers. Links to recently-added flyers and upcoming events are included below.
227 Genesee Street | Delafield, WI 53018 | 262-646-6700