This year when your renewals come in make sure that you have your insurance affairs in order? No need to panic when a storm is heading towards South Florida, stressing after an unfortunate auto accident, or sadly as you are standing in front of a business you have put your heart and soul into as water or smoke billows from your hard work. Or as you return to work one normal day and your business was broken into and you are basically out of business. Did you know that not properly insured business have over a 75% chance of NEVER opening again after a substantial uncovered loss?
When your current insurance policies arrive this year open them up and call us or your current agent and make sure your coverages, deductibles, endorsements are what you need and are expecting in case of a loss.
Insurance rates for most personal and commercial insurance policies are down and if your not seeing that maybe you should give us a call. When is the last time you checked? Have your needs changed? Maybe you don't need some of the coverages you had in the past, or maybe you need more coverages in certain areas.
You have 12 months, 52 weeks or 365 days...
Make that call or send that email and lets just make sure you are not wasting your hard earned money. A quick call could save you thousands, but really more important then that is you are properly insured .....Don't just hope for coverage, insure for it. Go into 2018 knowing you are properly insured , at the right price...M&L can truly help you.