Permanent Insurance Choices
JULY 18, 2023
9 AM PDT (BC) | 10 AM MDT/CST (AB/SK) | 11 AM CDT (MB) | 12 PM EDT (ON)
Are you aware of the numerous options we have available for permanent insurance needs? Can you be certain that you are aware of all of them? Join Ian Whiting for a comprehensive assessment, where he will examine the extensive range of solutions tailored for your clients.

Eligible for CE Credit in BC, AB, SK, MB & ON
Hosted by Ian Whiting
Marketing Director and Senior Advisor
Customplan Financial Advisors Inc.
 All of the material presented during this workshop/seminar is the intellectual property of Customplan Financial Advisors Inc. and/or the respective presenters. All material is copyrighted and may not be reproduced without the express written permission of the copyright holder. Violators will be pursued to the full extent of the law.
Webinar details will be emailed to you after registering.
Questions? Please contact Candra Hudson [email protected]