October 6, 2022

Cybersecurity Awareness Month 

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. With cybercrime on the rise and more people finding themselves victims of cyberattacks, it is important to be aware of what it means to be cyber secure and best practices to keep you and your clients’ information safe.

Cyberattacks can have major implications on lawyers, both financially and reputationally. While cybersecurity measures can require time and money to implement properly, the investment is well worth the cost. Protecting client assets, data and information is critical and your law firm’s reputation depends on this discretion. It is also a professional and ethical obligation to protect sensitive client information, so reasonable steps must be taken to secure anything that could be considered confidential.

There are several measures you can put in place to mitigate cyber risk and protect sensitive client information. Read the full article for more information about cybersecurity and what you can do to safeguard your firm. 

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Alberta Law Reform Institute: Recommendations to Dower Act 

The Alberta Law Reform Institute (ALRI) is recommending replacing the Dower Act with new legislation. The Dower Act protects a spouse if the couple’s home is solely owned by the other spouse.

ALRI consulted with lawyers, real estate agents and brokers, estate and financial planners, land and energy professionals, and the general public. After extensive research and consultation, ALRI has concluded that the protection in the Dower Act is still necessary and should continue, but that there are many problems with the Dower Act in its current form.

Some of ALRI’s recommendations include extending the same rights to adult interdependent partners, time limits so that protections would not be indefinite and legislation applying to mobile homes. This report also recommends changes to reduce administrative burdens, increase efficiency and strengthen protections. There are also recommendations that would clarify obligations and the rights of third parties.

Review the Dower Act, Final Report 118.

Court of King's Bench Announcement 

Family Town Hall Meetings - Oct. 12, 2022, Edmonton and Calgary

The Court of King’s Bench invites members of the Alberta Bar to Family Law Town Hall Meetings in Calgary and Edmonton on Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2022, at 12:30 p.m. (in-person only).

  • In Calgary: Calgary Courts Centre, Courtroom 1801
  • In Edmonton: Edmonton Law Courts, Courtroom 317

Members of the Bar who would like to submit questions in advance may do so by email to family.qb@albertacourts.ca no later than 4 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 10, 2022.

Provincial Court of Alberta Announcement 

Provincial Court Puts Focus on Indigenous Justice 

The Provincial Court of Alberta has outlined the concrete steps it is taking to provide a culturally relevant, restorative, and holistic system of justice for Indigenous individuals that access the Court. 

At a press event on Sept. 28, Chief Judge of the Provincial Court of Alberta Derek Redman formally announced the Court’s Indigenous Justice Strategy. 

The Indigenous Justice Strategy is the product of two years of discussions with leaders of Indigenous communities across the Province as well as with leaders of legal and service organizations that interact with those communities. 

The Indigenous Justice Strategy is intended to serve as a response to some of the pervasive issues faced by the diverse community of Indigenous individuals who access the Court. It represents a preliminary step on the part of the Court as it continues to fulfill its ongoing obligation to listen and engage in collaborative dialogue with Indigenous communities so as to better understand their distinct priorities.

For more information about the Indigenous Justice Strategy, visit the Provincial Court of Alberta website.

Upcoming Events

A2J Week 2022: Taking Action, Making a Difference: Recent Developments in Access to Justice for Indigenous Peoples | Oct. 26, 2022

Visit our website for a full list of upcoming events.

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