KOBO Gallery
604 South Jackson Street
Seattle, WA 98104
(206) 381-3000

Cynthia Toops

New Work in Felt

Opening | November 17, 2018
New work in wool felting

Northwest artist, Cynthia Toops' new work in felt

Cynthia Toops is a Seattle artist, originally from Hong Kong, began making polymer clay beads and jewelry in 1986, inspired by Lois Dubin’s book, The History of Beads. Over the years she has experimented with many decorative techniques for polymer clay , including borrowing ancient techniques. Toops incorporates these same concepts into her new felt work.

She began her education with a BA in Biology from Drake University. She then moved on to The Factory for Visual Arts before earning her BFA in Printmaking from the University of Washington. Her work has appeared in various galleries across the country, most recently at Facere Gallery in Seattle. Toops’s work has also been in exhibitions at several museums including the Tacoma Art Museum, Bellevue Art Museum and American Craft Museum among others.

KOBO Gallery
604 South Jackson Street

Meet the Artist | Saturday, October 17 | 2-3pm
Cube Necklace
Red Ball Bangle
12th Annual Simple Cup Show
continues through December 2018
Location: KOBO Gallery (at Higo)

Featuring 300 cups representing 75 artists from North America and Japan.

Holiday Hours at KOBO

KOBO X 2 - Open everyday!

KOBO Capitol Hill now open on Mondays

KOBO (at Higo)
604 South Jackson Street
11-6   Monday - Saturday
12 - 6   Sundays

KOBO Capitol Hill
814 East Roy Street
12-7  |  Monday - Saturday
12 - 6 Sunday

Please also visit our sister location on Capitol Hill
at 814 East Roy Street, (206) 726-0704.

(206) 381-3000