Senior Clearance (Mandatory for Graduating Seniors):
May 19th, 8 am -12noon pm in the gym (You will not need to be there for the entire time, it's about a 30-45 minute process and you come at anytime between 8 am and 1 pm)
Graduation tickets will be handed out after you successfully complete all parts of the clearance process. There also may be some other goodies handed out that day for graduating seniors :).
Before Attending Senior Clearance:
* Textbooks - Turn in all textbooks to media center.
* Obligations - Pay all obligations at (Mandatory to Graduate!)
* Laptop - Turn in laptop to media center before school (or at senior clearance).
** Student Services Senior Form
~ Must be signed in with your OCPS student account
** OCPS Senior Survey
1) In your Student LaunchPad, click on the SCOIR icon.
2) Click on the three lines at the top right hand corner of your screen, then click on “surveys” and complete the OCPS Senior Survey 2021.
** FAFSA-2021-2022
Did you complete your 2021-2022 FAFSA already?
Please forward me ( your “processed successfully” confirmation email you received from FAFSA. You can also email me a screenshot of your completed 2021-2022 FAFSA.
If you haven’t completed the 2021-2022 FAFSA, see the steps below to complete your FAFSA application!
~ You and your parent will need to create a FSA ID so you both can sign your FAFSA electronically.
Step 2: Complete your 2021-2022 FAFSA application at
Step 3: Once you complete your FAFSA, forward the “processed successfully” confirmation email to
Not planning on attending college, university, or technical college next year? Please email me at
** Florida Financial Aid Application (FFAA/Bright Futures)
Graduation Cap and Gowns:
Face to Face Students: Graduation Caps and Gowns were delivered at lunches on May 4th for Face to Face students. If students needed to purchase them the cost was around $60 from Herff Jones.
LaunchEd Students: Graduation Caps and Gowns were delivered in the auditorium lobby on May 4th for LaunchEd students from 3-4pm. If students needed to purchase them the cost was around $60 from Herff Jones.
If you were unavailable to pick up/purchase your caps and gowns at these times: you may pick still them up/purchase them at Senior Clearance on May 19th from 8am-12noon in the gym.
Time: May 25th, 7:30 pm. Students need to be there no later than 6 pm.
Students must have their caps/gowns/cords (if applicable) with them graduation morning. Students who arrive with their gown on must have it unzipped for the duration of the lining up process.
Students must be on time and dressed appropriately.
Not acceptable for any student:
~ There will be absolutely no decorating caps or gowns allowed.
~ Flowers should not be carried or pinned to the gown
~ Sneakers, flip-flops, t-shirts, jeans are not acceptable
~ Cell phones
We will confiscate all cameras, video equipment, cell phones, keys and purses. Leave these items in the car or with a parent.
Students must cooperate in the lining up process. This is not the time to socialize and walk around. You must be wearing a mask for the whole process. When you are seated in your assigned seat during graduation, you must be paying attention to the directions given to you as you will not have a rehearsal.
Ceremony Set up: There will be two streamlined ceremonies back to back to allow for social distancing between students. The first half of the alphabet will graduate first followed immediately by the second half of the alphabet. The audience is encouraged to stay for both ceremonies.
Tickets: Just as a reminder, each graduating senior will receive a pod of 4 tickets to the graduation for their guests. Tickets will be handed out at senior clearance in a random fashion and will have specific seats assigned to them. At this time there is no availability for more tickets. There is no re entry if audience members leave the Amway.
Livestream: This event will be livestreamed.
Rehearsal: There will be no rehearsal.
Check in: Students will need to be in the GEICO Parking Garage for check in by 6pm.
Parking: Parking in the GEICO garage is free for students, parents, and staff.
Afterwards: Students will exit by the corner of Church Street and Division. They can meet their families back in the GEICO garage. All confiscated phones and keys will be available at the front of the AMWAY beginning when the first ceremony ends and for up to 30 minutes after the second ceremony concludes. All belongings not picked up thirty minutes after the ceremony ends will need to be picked up at Cypress Creek High School the next day.