Sokol SF has a rich program planned, which includes Moravian dancing, not only by the Karicka Dance Group from San Diego in their beautiful traditional costumes, but also our very own children's folk dancers, the Sokolici.
We're also thrilled to welcome the students from the Czech School of California who will be on hand with some entertaining singing and historical presentations, followed by musical Sokol members who hope to engage our audience in sing-alongs of beloved Czech songs!
And besides vendors selling traditional Czech crafts (think Easter eggs, small puppets, Christmas ornaments, jewelry and the like), we will have Easter egg decorating and craft-making classes.
We are also delighted to have renowned children's book author Martina Skala join us for a book reading and signing of, "My name is Čičák," which will be for sale for the youngest members of our audience.
Daniela Mahoney is coming from Portland! You might remember Daniela from our Easter Egg decorating zoom classs. She has some special workshops prepared for the participants.