October 2017 - In This Issue:

Click HERE to read the full newsletter with details about the 
District Fall Conference!


Join us on  Saturday, November 11th to crown the winners of the  District 101 Evaluation and Humorous Speech contests .

The District 101 Fall Conference also features keynote speaker Anne Barab, Personal Excellence Expert, who will share how "I Had a Life Plan But the Magnet Fell Off the Fridge". Learn "How to Deliver a Dynamite Business Presentation" during Anne's breakout session, and stay for the evening reception to learn how to increase your Humor IQ with Anne's presentation on "The Sooner You Laugh the Faster You Heal".

On Sunday morning, attend Anne's interactive Sunday breakfast session, where she will reveal "7 Secrets to Speaking So People Will Listen".

Don't miss out on this golden
opportunity - register early and SAVE! 

Click here for details and registration!
Attend the District Business Meeting

The District Business Meeting takes place during the Conference at 2:30pm on Nov. 11th.  Club Presidents and VPEs (or their proxies) and District leaders get a vote.

Please arrive by 2:00pm to check in at the Credentials desk and pick up your ballots.

Download and print the proxy form HERE  to send a proxy in place of your Club President or VPE.

The District Business Meeting is  FREE , and no registration is required to attend (no refreshments included).

Register to attend your Division Contest and find out!

Visit the District Programs page for details!

Do you work at Avaya, Huawei, Netflix, Nokia, or Samsung San Jose? 

Do you have connections with city colleges such as De Anza, Foothill College, Mission College, or San Jose City College?

Do you live in the Evergreen community? 

Are you an avid hiker, runner, photographer, foodie, or technical talker? 

Maybe you're interested in a Leadership club in Division A?

Or perhaps you have a new club idea of your own?
Be one of District 101's Bona fide Best  when you turn your new club idea into reality!
Be recognized as  A Club for a Club  when you run with one of these ideas and 
work with your fellow club members to start a new club!
Aim to be...

Learn, make an impact, and even earn educational or District Credit!

Club Ambassador Program

Learn from other clubs and share your experiences by being a  Club Ambassador ! Simply seek a club to attend and submit a report of your experience.  Submit  10 or more  insightful Club Ambassador reports to qualify for a f ree ticket to the Sunday Breakfast session at the District Conference ($50 value)!

Encourage fellow Toastmasters to visit YOUR club as a Club Ambassador The club visited the most will receive the  District 101 Hospitality Award ($25 in District Credit)!
Club Coach

Are you a member of a healthy and successful club? Become a Club CoachShare your advice and experiences to help invigorate clubs with 12 or fewer members. 

Find out more to see if you're ready to embark on a rewarding adventure!
  Club Mentor

Do you want to share your expertise and best practices for running a club with enthusiastic  members of a newly formed club? Get an opportunity to develop leadership and management skills by being a Club Mentor !
Click here to learn more about the benefits of being a Club Mentor, and how YOU can get involved!

Join the District 101 Public Relations Team!

D o you enjoy creative writing, graphics design,  photography, 
  videography, social media, or web design?
Do you want to practice your cold-calling skills? 
Are you ready to venture outside your club to take on 
creative District roles?

District 101 is looking for YOU to share your  passion and  expertise  to keep members engaged and help promote District activities and programs!

Contact Public Relations Manager, Faye Yang, at [email protected] to learn more!


Login now to www.toastmasters.org  to survey which path best suits your current personal and professional goals!
Congratulations to our very first 
Club Ambassadors for 2017-2018!

Parthiv Doshi
Kelley Nielsen

Parthiv and Kelley are on their way to qualifying for  a FREE ticket to the Nov. 12 Sunday Breakfast with Anne!
Happy October Club Anniversaries!

KT Talkers Club (29 years)
Cadence AHgorithms Club  (26 years)
ToastMeisters Club (16 years)
ASPIRE Toastmasters (6 years)
Comcast Silicon Valley Toastmasters (3 years)