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Toastmasters District 18 Newsletter

November 2023

We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.

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"It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful.

– David Steindl-Rast, Austrian-American Catholic Benedictine monk, author, and lecturer

Message from the Editor

Beth May

Hello Dear Reader,

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, many of us will be taking time to acknowledge all the things in our lives for which we are grateful. This is a great thing to do this month, and it's even better to do all year long! Did you know that practicing gratitude contributes to health, well-being, and resilience? According to psychologist Dr. Barbara Fredrickson (author of the book "Positivity" and a leading researcher in the field of positivity), gratitude is one of ten positive emotions that can help open your mind to endless possibilities, and help you cope better when you encounter the inevitable challenges that are part of living a fulfilling life.

I do try to practice gratitude daily and - this month, especially - I want to make sure that you know how grateful I am for you, fellow Toastmasters, and for the opportunity to serve District 18. My relationships with Toastmasters in this district (and all over the world) and my service to District 18 helps make my life full of meaning and joy!

In this month's newsletter, we have information about the new District 18 incentives and club officer training, in addition to recognition for club and member achievements and a healthy dose of gratitude. I hope you enjoy reading this newsletter. As always, I am interested in your feedback. (Please use the "Provide Feedback" button at the end.)

P.S. Check out this Toastmasters magazine article: An Attitude of Gratitude for more inspiration and specific steps you can take to practice gratitude in your daily life.

District Director's Point of View

AnnMarie Givans, DTM

Hello District 18 Toastmasters!

Last month, I shared with you our goal to be a Smedley Distinguished district. Now, I am happy to share that we have a strategy for achieving that distinction. While there are three pillars to the strategy (paid clubs, member payments, and distinguished clubs), we are focusing this month on member payments. To achieve Smedley Distinguished, we need to have 3,502 membership payments, and we currently have 1,500+. The graph below shows the bi-monthly goals for achieving 3,502 payments by June.

To help motivate you to achieve the greatness that reaching Smedley Distinguished will require, we have developed a new incentive plan, which is described below in this newsletter. Note that one of the incentives, the Early Bird Retention Excellence Award, is specifically designed to facilitate achievement of our membership payments goal. Please consider renewing your membership early (by January 31st) and encourage others to do the same! (Renewals for everyone in your club need to be submitted to TI by that date in order for your club to earn the associated prize.) Check out the other incentives for additional actions you and your club can take to help District 18 to thrive and soar above the clouds!

Help District 18 by renewing your membership by January 31st!

Recognizing Outstanding Leadership

This month, I am recognizing - and showing gratitude for - Janet Leary-Prowse, Division Director for Division A. Janet is an empowered leader of excellence who consistently goes above and beyond in her commitment to the growth and well-being of the district, her division team, and her Toastmasters clubs.

2023/2024 Incentives

District 18 Incentives Supplement Toastmasters International Incentives

In order to encourage efforts by individual club members, district leaders, and whole clubs to achieve excellence, and to show gratitude for those efforts, District 18's leadership has established a new incentive program for 2023/2024. District 18 incentives and Toastmasters International incentives are summarized below. Details of the District 18 incentives will also be posted to the District 18 website.


  • Member Sponsor Award from Toastmasters International
  • Requirement: Sponsor 5, 10, or 15 new/dual/reinstated members
  • Prize: Sponsor pin (blue pin for sponsoring 5 members, burgundy pin for sponsoring 10); 25% discount at Toastmasters International store for sponsoring 15

  • Triple Crown Award from Toastmasters International
  • Requirement: Complete any 3 educational awards (levels, DTM, Pathways Mentor Program)
  • Prize: Triple Crown Pin


  • Area Director Empowered Strategic Leadership Award
  • Requirement: Have a minimum of 3 distinguished clubs in your area by June 30, 2024
  • Prize: Leadership Award (trophy), free Pathways path

  • Division Director Strategic Leadership Award
  • Requirement: Host a Speechcraft program and charter a new club in your division from the Speechcraft program by June 15, 2024
  • Prize: Leadership Award (plaque), free Pathways path


  • Growing Clubs Award
  • Requirement: Achieve a minimum of any 5 DCP goals by December 31, 2023
  • Prize: Club Excellence Award (trophy)

  • Star Performers Award
  • Requirement: Be one of the first ten clubs in District 18 to achieve President's Distinguished status by April 30, 2024
  • Prize: Super Star Award (trophy)

  • Early Bird Retention Excellence Award
  • Submit renewal dues for all club members to TI by December 31, 2023
  • Prize: $50 Gift Certificate to the club for the Toastmasters International Store and a Document Briefcase Bag to the Treasurer

  • Open House New Membership Award
  • Requirement: Host an Open House and sign up at least 3 new, dual, or reinstated members between 8/1/2023 and 6/15/2024
  • Prize: $30 reimbursement to club for Open House expenses and Document Briefcase Bag to VPM

  • 20+ President's Distinguished Award
  • Requirement: Have at least 20 members and 9 DCP goals accomplished by June 30, 2024
  • Prize: Crystal Bald Eagle Jewel Award (trophy) to club, outstanding member pins to club members, listing in District 18 Hall of Fame

  • Triple Three Award (for clubs with less than 8 members as of July 1, 2023)
  • Requirement: Net increase of 3 members and 3 DCP education goals completed by April 3, 2024
  • Prize: Triple Three Award (trophy)

  • Super Seven Award
  • Requirement: Have all 7 officers trained at both Summer and Winter Club Officer Training
  • Prize: A set of Club Officer pins to the club

  • Membership Building Program Awards from Toastmasters International
  • Requirement: Add 5 new, dual, or reinstated members between August 1, 2023 and September 30, 2023 (Smedley award program), between February 1, 2024 and March 31, 2024 (Talk Up Toastmasters award program), between May 1, 2024 and June 30, 2024 (Beat the Clock award program)
  • Prize (for each membership award program): Ribbon for the club banner and a special discount code for 10% off on the club's next order at the Toastmasters International store

District 18 Awards & Celebration Extravaganza Recap - from Athena McCoy

All Treats, No Tricks!

If you missed the District 18 Awards & Celebration Extravaganza on October 29th, you missed a treat! This was a celebration of 99 years of Toastmasters and District 18's most recent year. The event started off with a series of inspirational dedications to Toastmasters from District Director AnnMarie Givans, DTM; Immediate Past District Director Kannan Sankara, DTM; Past District Directors Benjamin Crist, DTM, Cristol Johnson, DTM, Cynthia Williams, DTM; and AnnMarie Walker, DTM (Past District Director for District 36). Next, and throughout the two-hour celebration, prizes were won by people who answered challenging questions about Toastmasters. For example, do you know which club in District 18 is the oldest? The answer is: the Brandywine Toastmasters club, which was chartered more than 77 years ago, on February 1, 1946!

Poet Jeffrey Young, also known as "Backpack Jeff" read his poetry which caused our hearts to smile and jump with enthusiasm. Keynote speaker Dr. Cheryl Wood gave a thought-provoking presentation, with liberating words of affirmation to move our souls and propel us forward into action. Brenda Williams, the Executive Director of NewLife Project, Inc., presented a wonderful fashion show with styles from Africa; her brightly colored ensembles provide the opportunity for a woman to have the perfect outfit for every occasion.

The celebration ended with Immediate Past District Director Kannan Sankara, DTM presenting the "Of the Year" awards for 2022/2023 to both individuals and clubs. Awardees are listed below.

Individual Awards

Division Director of the Year: Terri Abramovitz

Area Director of the Year: Janet Leary-Prowse

Toastmaster of the Year: Nora Wade

District Director's Special Award: Janet Adams, DTM

Club Awards

Area A Club of the Year: Club 328 JPMC Toastmasters

Area B Club of the Year: Morgan State University (MSU) Toastmasters

Area C Club of the Year: Another Level Online Advanced (ALOA) Toastmasters

Area D Club of the Year: Frederick Toastmasters

Area E Club of the Year: Voice of a Woman

Area F Club of the Year: Highway Masters

Area G Club of the Year: MACC Standing Ovation Toastmasters

If you were not one of the 40+ participants who attended the event, you can watch a recording of the event, which was held on Zoom; a link will be posted to the D18 website. (Even if you did attend the event, you can relive it!)




Scripts and logs for club meeting roles are available from the Resources section of the Toastmasters International website. Start on the Club Meeting Roles webpage, or access them directly using the links below. If your club meets in person, consider printing them out and keeping the printouts in a box with your club meeting supplies, for easy access by members and guests during meetings. 

PQD Corner

Saurabh Tiwari, DTM

It's time for Club Officer Training again!

Club officer training counts towards Goal #9 in the Distinguished Club Program (DCP), and there is a good reason for that: when club officers are trained, they are better able to support their club members! Even if you attended the Summer Club Officer Training this year (or any other Club Officer Training in previous years), the District 18 Winter sessions will be different and will help you be an even better officer.

District 18 will be conducting six Winter sessions this year, as detailed below. Each club officer should attend one of the sessions. (Non-officer Toastmasters are welcome to attend as well.) If you cannot attend one of these six sessions, you may attend another district's club officer training session. Regardless of which district's club officer training session you attend, be sure to register in advance so that your club(s) get DCP credit!

New Distinguished Toastmaster Award!

I am pleased to announce a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) award to Andrea Briscoe, a member of the Owings Mills Community Toastmasters club. The DTM award represents the highest level of educational achievement in Toastmasters. Please join me in congratulating and celebrating Andrea Briscoe, DTM!

Andrea's Toastmasters journey began in July 2017 and culminated in achieving the prestigious title of Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) last month. The investment she made in this experience has undeniably paid off. Through completing every project in the Competent Communicator and Competent Leader manuals (from the legacy educational program) and conquering every level in Pathways, she has honed her communication and listening skills.

In addition, serving in various club officer roles such as President, Vice President Public Relations, Treasurer, and Sergeant at Arms has significantly enhanced her leadership abilities. Andrea extended her impact by taking on roles at the district level including Area Director and Club Mentor.

Through her Toastmasters experience, Andrea has transformed into a skilled communicator and leader far beyond her expectations. She has transformed into a poised and accomplished individual, due to the invaluable experiences she gained through Toastmasters, for which she is very grateful.

More Triple Crowns!

The Triple Crown Award is one of the most prestigious educational awards in Toastmasters, presented to members who have achieved three or more educational and leadership awards within a program year (July 1 - June 30). District 18 already has nine Triple Crown awards, six of which were reported in last month's newsletter!

Please help me congratulate and celebrate the three latest recipients:

  • Karen K. Storey, DTM (DL2, DL3, DL4, DL5, LD1)
  • Kendrick Gaston, IP3 (IP1, IP2, IP3)
  • Terri K. Abramovitz, TC1 (LD5, MS5, TC1)

CGD Corner

Catherine Damavandi

When are You Getting Your DTM?

As you know, the Distinguished Toastmaster Award is the highest educational achievement in Toastmasters. You may know people in your club who have earned their DTM… have you done it yet?  If not, let’s get started!

In the current Pathways Program, to earn the DTM award, you must:

  1. Complete two learning paths.
  2. Serve as a club officer for two six–month terms or one annual term, participate in the preparation of a Club Success Plan, and participate in a District-sponsored Club Officer Training.
  3. Serve a complete one-year term as a District leader.
  4. Serve successfully as a club mentor or coach.
  5. Serve successfully as a club sponsor or conduct a Speechcraft or Youth Leadership program.
  6. Complete the DTM project. This is a project that members are required to create and implement where they demonstrate the skills and expertise they have gained. 

District 18 supports its members by providing opportunities and incentives throughout the year to complete these DTM requirements:

  • Did you know that you will receive a Triple Crown Award pin for competing three Pathways Levels during the Toastmasters year? There’s no limit on how many Triple Crown Awards you can receive in a year—every three level completions gets you a pin. That should encourage you to complete the first DTM requirement (complete two learning paths)!

  • District 18’s “Super Seven Award” provides a full set of club officer pins to clubs with all officers trained in both the Summer and Winter Club Officer Training. That’s your incentive to complete the second DTM requirement (serve as a club officer, participate in training, etc.).

  • Have you thought about taking on a District leadership role? Serving a full year term is the third DTM requirement. Reach out to your area director, division director, or other district leaders to learn how rewarding it is to receive leadership experience and training. District 18 truly appreciates the service of all of its leaders. Some times this appreciation comes in the form of awards and recognition. For example, Area 43 Director Bhava Kanchibotia and Area 53 Director Nikko Jenkins both received the D18 Quarterly Area Directors of Distinction award in October.  (Thank you, Bhava and Nikko, for your leadership and dedication!)

  • The fourth DTM requirement is being a successful club coach or a club mentor. Word to the wise: you don’t have to search for a club to coach or mentor! Simply send an email to [email protected], and we’ll pair you with a club that needs your Toastmasters experience. It’s a win-win situation.

  • The fifth DTM requirement is serving successfully as a club sponsor, or conducting a Speechcraft or Youth Leadership program. Although you can certainly develop your own leads to sponsor a new club on your own, District 18 can help you with the club sponsorship process.  Our District will provide a training in December about club sponsorship. (You may recall that in September, our district also presented a Speechcraft Sponsorship Mastery workshop.) District 18 wants you to achieve your DTM!

  • The sixth DTM requirement is a project of your choosing. Once you complete this final project, you’ll be ready to take part in the DTM Walk of Fame at the annual Spring Conference.

As you can see, a DTM award takes dedication, determination and builds leadership skills… and District 18 is here to help you achieve this goal! Aim for your personal best this Toastmasters year, and start checking off these DTM requirements.

HOLA Club 20th Anniversary

HOLA Celebrates 20 Years of Club Diversity

HOLA Toastmasters of Ellicott City, Maryland (Division E, Area 56) was chartered in June 2003, with the intent of serving people for whom English is a second language. The club was co-founded by married couple Diane Heath and Rene Maldonado, DTM, both of whom were members of Patuxent Toastmasters. Sadly, Diane passed away in 2017, but Rene remains a member of both Patuxent and HOLA Toastmasters. The name, "hola" means "hello" in Spanish. The club started out with several Spanish speaking members and over time became a very diverse club. Current members hail from several countries including India, Korea, and Bolivia, to name a few.

As the HOLA club celebrates their 20 years, they are also celebrating their diversity. At their 20th anniversary celebration, scheduled for November 4th, food will be served from members' own countries and cultures, including dishes from Germany, Korean, and Kenya, plus matzah ball soup, which is from the Jewish culture. The club is hoping to have some of their founding members and past presidents attend, to help celebrate this exciting milestone.

A newsletter archive is now available on our website. Find the link near the top of the newsletter (starting this month), and near the bottom of the Public Relations webpage. We are providing this archive so that you can easily access any current-year issue.

Never miss a newsletter release again!

Tri-State Toastmasters Chartering Ceremony and Officer Induction

A Good Time was Had by All!

Tri-State Toastmasters in Hagerstown, Maryland (Division D, Area 42) hosted its Official Chartering Ceremony and Officer Induction Ceremony last month, on October 14th. Many of the 21 chartering members attended the ceremony.

Tri-State Toastmasters was chartered on May 31, 2023, with the support of immediate past Club Growth Director Wesley Gibbs, and past District Director and Club Extension Chair Cynthia D. Williams, DTM. Tri-State is supported by Club Champions/ Sponsors Dan DuBravec and Beth Davis-Reinhold, and Club Mentor Nora Wade. Chartering members are grateful for the support of these Toastmasters.

Attendees are shown in the photo below, with chartering members holding their charter member certificates.

At the Chartering Ceremony (left to right): Dan DuBravec, Lola Mosby, Wes Gibbs, Deborah Parr, Beth Davis-Reinhold, Nora Wade, Aggie Cantave, Michael Brand,

Catherine Damavandi, Jessica Ruddle, Beverly Walling, Cynthia D. Williams, DTM

A Spook-tacular Speech-a-Thon

Successful Speech-a-Thon Sponsored by Multiple Clubs

Three Division G clubs in Area 71, Delmarva Toastmasters Club, Debedeavon Toastmasters Club, and Dynamic Leadership Toastmasters Club joined together to host a Speech-a-thon at the Ocean City, Maryland library on Saturday, October 28th. The weather was beautiful (74 degrees and sunny), and the speeches were spook-tacular!

The Speech-a-thon was a resounding success, and a lot of fun. Participants were invited to wear Halloween costumes. Attendees included Laura “Wonder Woman” Allen, DTM (who provided leadership in organizing this event), “Rasta-Toastafarian” Dwayne White, DTM, and Brooklyn Dodgers fan Dennis Lawson.

Congratulations to these clubs for coordinating a successful cross-club event!

Happy Anniversary!

Let's "Toast" these Toastmasters Clubs

The anniversary of a Toastmasters club holds significant importance as a symbol of its journey, growth, and accomplishments over the years. Whether it's a young club celebrating its first years or a long-standing club celebrating decades, its anniversary is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the club's dedication and commitment to communication, leadership, and self-improvement.

Happy anniversary to clubs that chartered in November:

  • 56 Years: SSA (11/1/1967)
  • 55 Years: Hydro-Sonics (11/1/1968)
  • 38 years: Voicemaster (11/1/1985)
  • 27 years: Eloquent Speakers (11/1/1996)
  • 20 years: Redwood (11/10/2003)
  • 17 years: Bank of America: Take the Lead (11/14/2006)
  • 12 years: Siemens Healthineers (11/28/2011)
  • 06 years: LifeBridge Health (2017-11-13)
  • 05 years: Christiana Care (11/1/2018)
  • 03 years: Owings Mills Community (11/9/2020)

Note: HOLA club is celebrating their 20th anniversary on November 4th (see details in the article "HOLA Club 20th Anniversary", above).

Let's join these clubs in acknowledging and celebrating their anniversaries. As they reflect on their progress, honor their founders and past members, and set new goals, we wish them continued success!

We are grateful to have these clubs as part of the District 18 family!

Coming Up ...

Get more info from the District 18 Calendar

Note: All times are Eastern Time (ET)

Club-Level Contest Period Begins

Wednesday, November 1 (period ends Jan 14)

See District 18 Contest Plan Reminder, below

HOLA Chartering Celebration Event

Saturday, November 4, 2pm-6pm

Club House at 8430 Ice Crystal Drive, Laurel, MD

Registration required!

End of Daylight Savings Time (U.S.)

Sunday, November 5, 2am

Be sure to set your clocks 1 hour earlier ("fall back") before going to bed! (An extra hour of sleep might be something to be grateful for!)

Club Officer Training - Session #1 of 6

Wednesday, November 8, 7pm - 9pm (online, Zoom will open at 6:30pm)

Registration required.

See details above, under PQD Corner

Monthly Toast & Read

Sunday, November 12, 7am-9am (online)

Zoom (no registration required)

See details in the October Newsletter

Second Monday Speaker Series, Presented by Northrop Grumman Gavaliers Toastmasters Club

Monday, November 13, 6:30pm -7:30pm (online)

Topic: Unlock Your Vibrant Sage: A Journey to Optimize Health and Well-being

Speaker: Nancy Waring, DTM and Author, Yoga Instructor, Functional Aging Specialist, Certified Health Coach, Certified Breathwork Facilitator, Certified NASM Personal Trainer

No registration required


Area Director/Division Director Meetings (with District Director)

Monday November 13 and Mon November 27, 7pm (online)

POC: [email protected]

Pathways "Office Hours"

Wednesday, November 15, 12pm - 1pm (online)

Zoom Meeting ID 878 3511 9231

No registration required (just show up)

See details in the August Newsletter (PQD Corner)

Pathways Base Camp Outage (for scheduled maintenance)

From 8pm on Friday, November 17 to 1:59 am on Saturday November 18.


Club Officer Training - Session #2 of 6

Sunday, November 19, 1pm - 3pm (online, Zoom will open at 12:30pm)

Registration required (the registration link will be posted on the District 18 Calendar)

See details above, under PQD Corner

Area 53 Council Meeting

Tuesday, November 21, 7pm-8pm (online)

POC: [email protected]

Thanksgiving (U.S.)

Thursday, November 23

Happy Thanksgiving! This is an especially good time to count your blessings!

Deadline for Toastmasters International Convention Discount

Monday, November 27

See more information in the Reminders section below.

Empowered Leadership Series Session #3: Unleashing Team Synergy, hosted by Division C

Saturday, December 2 (time TBD)

Location: TBD

Registration will be open soon. More details, can be found at

Club Officer Training - Session #3 of 6

Saturday, December 9, 10am - 12pm (online, Zoom will open at 9:30am)

Registration required (the registration link will be posted on the District 18 Calendar)

See details above, under PQD Corner

Club Officer Training - Session #4 of 6

Tuesday, December 12, 7pm - 9pm (online, Zoom will open at 6:30pm)

Registration required (the registration link will be posted on the District 18 Calendar)

See details above, under PQD Corner


This section contains reminders for items that were published with additional details in previous issues of the District 18 Newsletter.

District 18 Contest Plan Reminder

District 18 contests are summarized in the accompanying table. All contests will be run in accordance with Toastmasters International's 2023-2024 Speech Contest Rulebook. In addition:

  • Clubs in Areas with four or less clubs may send both the first- and second-place winners for each contest to their Area-level contests
  • Areas in Divisions with four or less Areas may send both the first- and second-place winners for each contest to their Division-level contests

More information was provided in the October Newsletter and additional details and resources may be found in this Speech Contests FAQ from Toastmasters International and on the District 18 Contest web page.

Talking Toastmasters Webinar - Recording Available

By the time the October issue of this newsletter was published, the limited number of registration slots for the Talking Toastmasters Webinar were already filled. If you wanted to participate, but didn't get one of those registration slots, don't despair! Thankfully, you can now watch a video recording of that webinar on demand.


District 18 Conference - Time to Book Your Room!

Reserve your room for the Spring Conference now, and in April, you'll be thankful that you did! Simply call the Carousel Oceanfront Resort at 800-641-0011 and request the group rate for the Toastmasters room block. The conference is scheduled for April 19-20.

Find more details in the August Newsletter.

2024 Toastmasters International Convention - Discount Ends Soon!

We will be celebrating Toastmasters International's centennial at the 2024 Convention, which will be held in the Founders District in California - where it all started! There many reasons to attend the convention, including the opportunity to see the International Speech Contest Semi-Finals and the World Championship of Public Speaking.

Ready to make milestone magic? This one-minute-and-five-second video will have you excited about the convention!

Click on the image below for more details and to register.

Reminder: Updated Membership Application Form Reflects New Dues Prorating Schedule

As a result of the dues increase that took effect on August 1st, Toastmasters International World Headquarters has updated the membership application: the dues pro-rating schedule has been revised to reflect the new semi-annual rate of $60. Please make sure that you are using the updated application for your new members. They will surely be thankful for having the correct application!

Club Officer Checklist - November

Thank you, Club Officers, for serving your members and our district!

All Officers

  • Conduct executive committee meeting(s) with each officer reporting on accomplishments, challenges, and plans
  • Use the Club Performance Report to review progress against the Club Success Plan goals for the current year Distinguished Club Program
  • Continue preparing for speech contest season (Table Topics, Humorous, and International); note: your club must be in good standing (with at least 8 paid members) to participate in the contests at the Area level and above. 
  • Use other Toastmasters Club Officer Tools as needed


  • Preside over executive committee meeting(s)
  • Ensure that all officers know when Club Officer Training will be held, and encourage their attendance

VP Education

  • Continue working with members on their educational goals
  • Ensure agendas are complete and participants understand their meeting roles
  • Reach out to paid/inactive members

VP Public Relations

  • Add your club's contest to the D18 Calendar by submitting the District Event Submission Form
  • Use your club's social networking sites and outreach opportunities to publicize club activities and achievements
  • Publicize your club's and club members' achievements (e.g., on social media and/or in the District 18 Newsletter)

VP Membership

  • Reach out to unpaid members and encourage them to renew
  • Greet club meeting visitors and distribute guest packets ("blue folders")
  • Follow up with prospective members (club meeting visitors and others)


  • Continue processing dues submissions from new club members and from renewing club members
  • Continue tracking club expenses against the club's budget


  • Document meeting minutes at executive committee meeting(s)


  • Manage and maintain club equipment and materials
  • Set up and break down required materials for each club meeting

Your feedback on this newsletter is welcome.

Want to see a topic included? Let us know!

Provide Feedback

Please share the information in this newsletter with your club members.

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Check out the Toastmaster Magazine and the Toastmasters Pathways web pages.

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