At the Dec. 19 Barrington 220 Board of Education meeting, the Board heard an update on free full-day kindergarten, which launches at the start of the 2024-25 school year. Students in full-day kindergarten will experience additional learning time in core subject areas: literacy, math, science, global studies, and health. In addition, students will participate in elementary specials throughout the day such as art, music, STEM, library, and physical education. Click here to view a sample schedule.
The Board also heard an update on the new Kindergarten Lab Program or "K-Lab" at Barrington High School, which will also launch at the start of the 2024-25 school year. This free, opt-in program will be a full-day kindergarten program. It will include two kindergarten classes (46 students total), and it will provide unique learning opportunities to students, thanks to its location at BHS. At the meeting, the Board approved a contract with DLA architects to renovate existing space at BHS to build the new K-Lab classrooms. More information about the program will be made available to families next month. Click here to listen to the presentation.