Your District 7 Newsletter
VOLUME 5 | Sept. 7, 2017
Dear Neighbors,

I hope you had a great Labor Day weekend despite the gas shortage we've had to contend with around the city. From some of the reports we've seen, the crunch is beginning to ease a little, though long lines persist around town.

This situation is temporary. Refineries in Houston and Corpus Christi shut down ahead of Hurricane Harvey, and they're starting to come back online. Fuel production on the Texas Gulf Coast is expected to resume in the days ahead. So there's no reason to panic.

If you do make it to the pump, please fuel up as you would normally. If you need extra for a stranded vehicle, take what you need -- but please remember the regular supply of gasoline should be back soon and you will have another opportunity to refuel.

For those of you with gas in their tanks, please make it last. Skip the drive-thru lines; park and go inside. If you usually check your phone the moment you get in your car, don't turn on the engine until you're ready to go. Basically, if your car is idling for more than 10 seconds, you'll save more fuel by turning it off and back on when it's time to go.

If you are able, I also encourage you to consider carpooling with friends and neighbors or taking the bus. I understand this is not an option for everyone, but if it is for you, please consider it. Google maps will provide an accurate bus route option and the new VIA app allows for payment via credit card if you choose not to carry cash (regular fare is $1.30).

Finally, the gas shortage plaguing San Antonio is ending. But it has highlighted how vulnerable we are to both supply disruptions and high prices at the pump. This situation has made me think anew about the urgency of strengthening our bus service, making it more convenient for commuters, and steps we can take to encourage carpooling.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on what we can do to make San Antonio's mass transit system work better for all of us. Please send your ideas to, and we'll include them in a future newsletter.

Thank you!

Yours in public service,
Please Watch the Archbishop's Invocation at City Council
We had the great privilege of hosting Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller at City Council this morning. I invited the Archbishop, whose administrative offices are located in District 7, to deliver our invocation.

Archbishop Garcia-Siller spoke of the profound need for love and understanding in these troubled times. We are thankful that he took the time to share his wisdom with us.

Please take a few minutes to watch our broadcast of his moving invocation on Facebook Live. Click here to watch his prayer for our city.
Getting Up to Speed on the Seeling Channel Project 
We'd like to thank the many residents who came out Tuesday night to learn about the next phase of work on the Seeling Channel project. The City's Transportation and Capital Improvements Department is moving into the third phase of work on the channel to reduce flooding in the Woodlawn area of District 7.

TCI Director Mike Frisbie and his staff discussed the schedule for wrapping up Phase 2, the timeline for revisions to the area's floodplain map, and the schedule for Phase 3 design and when public can expect to see design.

If you couldn't attend the public meeting at Madison Elementary School, you can watch video of the session on Facebook Live. Click here! And while you're there, please "like" our Facebook page. It's another way to stay in touch.

Getting Up to Speed on the Annual Budget

Next Thursday, City Council will vote on the budget for 2017-2018, which goes into effect on Oct. 1. We 're working diligently to increase funding for infrastructure projects in District 7, as well as seeking a few other changes. Overall, we believe it's a strong budget, and are pleased with the 40 new police officers and 43 new firefighters it will pay for. As proposed, Council will leave the City's property tax rate at its current level.

The final SA SpeakUp event on the proposed budget will be Spanish-only on Sept. 7 at 4838 Old Pearsall Rd. from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Hidden Treasure: The City's Infrastructure Map
City government is big and complex. It can be intimidating, but shouldn't be. To help you get the most of your government, every week we will dedicate part of the District 7 newsletter to City services you may not be aware but that you might find useful.

This week, we're focusing on the Infrastructure Management Program, known as IMP. The City's Transportation and Capital Improvements Department.

Here's how TCI describes the program:

The Infrastructure Management Program (IMP) is a five-year rolling program which focuses on the maintenance of San Antonio’s Infrastructure. Service needs are identified city wide and are scheduled for street maintenance, alley maintenance, drainage maintenance, sidewalks, traffic signals, pavement markings and Advanced Transportation District (ATD) related projects.

The IMP provides the City of San Antonio a structured program schedule, potential for additional multiple year contract awards and improved utility coordination. During the budget process for each City fiscal year, the IMP is presented to City Council for approval.

To look for projects planned for your community -- including streets, sidewalks, drainage, traffic lights, alley maintenance, pavement markings, and school zones -- click here.
Ask Ana Anything
One of the ways Councilwoman Sandoval wants to give you the answers you need about city government is "Ask Ana Anything" is the weekly District 7 newsletter. Have a question for Ana? Email it to

Let's get started!

Dear Ana,

I've heard and read about the city's proposed annual budget being more "equitable." But what exactly does that mean for city spending and for District 7?

Thanks in advance for your answer!

Uncertain in D7

Dear Uncertain,

Great question. As we look around our city, we see that many of San Antonio's neighborhoods haven't received the investment in streets, sidewalks, and other basic infrastructure that they should have over time. We're trying to address some of these deficiencies the 2017-2018 budget in five Council districts with some of worst roadways in the city, as determined by a scoring system established by the Transportation and Capital Improvements Department.

We're allocating additional funding to Districts 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 to help repair their most deteriorated streets. That's not to say that District 7 doesn't have streets badly in need of repair. We do. But TCI has determined that our overall street conditions are closer to "average" -- a score of 70 out of 100 -- than the districts named above.

I believe it's important to note that we in District 7 are not losing funding for streets, sidewalks, and drainage. Instead, we are not receiving additional City dollars.

Thank you. I hope that helps.


How to Help Victims of Hurricane Harvey
We're Still in Stage 1 Water Restrictions
Stage 1 of the city’s drought plan is triggered when the 10-day average of the Edwards Aquifer drops to 660 feet or below. According to the city’s Aquifer Management Plan ordinance, coming out of drought stages can be considered 15 days after the aquifer is above the trigger.

Under Stage 1, outdoor watering with a sprinkler or irrigation system is allowed only before 11 a.m. and after 7 p.m., one day per week, as determined by the last number of your street address. See graph to the right to see when your watering days are.

Watering days begin and end at midnight; overnight watering is not allowed. Water waste, such as water running down the street, is prohibited year-round. However, watering with a handheld hose is still allowed any day, any time.
Our Office Staff

  • Ruben Lizalde
  • Chief of Staff
  • 210.207.7039

  • Ryan M. Garcia
  • Zoning Advisor
  • 210.207.2723

  • Joseph Bravo
  • Constituent Services Liaison
  • 210.207.2727

  • Matthew Trevino
  • Council Aide 
  • 210.207.0877 • 210.207.0870

  • Bianca Maldonado
  • Housing & Neighborhoods 
  • 210.207.0870

  • Liz McLeod
  • Policy Advisor
  • 210.207.2723

  • Greg Jefferson
  • Communications Director
  • 210.859.1134

  • Sandra G. Vidaurri
  • Senior Executive Secretary
  • 210.207.0870
Office Hours
Brass Professional Center
4414 Centerview Dr #160

Monday - Friday:
9am - 5pm

Maury Maverick Library
8700 Mystic Park

10am - 1pm