You can view the ad - titled "Keep Mozilla from Hijacking the Internet" - by clicking here.
As the ad explains, the DAA (and the largest media and marketing trade associations in the US which make up DAA: 4A's, AAF, ANA, DMA, IAB and NAI) thinks that Mozilla's unilateral approach on cookie blocking threatens to destabilize commerce and the consumer experience on the Internet.
Advertisers of all stripes want to reach the right audience, with the right message, at the right time. Used transparently and responsibly, cookies improve the relevancy of the online experience and ultimately generate the enhanced publisher revenue that supports a diverse consumer experience.
The DAA believes that Mozilla's approach would instead eliminate cookies that are essential to advertising technologies, turning Mozilla into "judge and jury" for business models on the Internet.
More importantly, to the extent that Mozilla's approach is perceived as promoting user privacy, we know that consumers already have a robust mechanism for transparency and choice: the Digital Advertising Alliance and its Advertising Option Icon program. More than two million unique online users have already exercised choice through the DAA program Web site at Moreover, unlike cookie-blocking technologies from any one particular company, the DAA program works across all browsers and is backed by meaningful enforcement. And, this successful Principles-based program is now being extended to mobile.
In the DAA's view, Mozilla's approach isn't really about privacy: instead, it's about helping some business models gain a marketplace advantage and reduce competition.
It's clear that we shouldn't let Mozilla take a cookie-blocking approach. If you are interested in helping in this campaign, send an email to to:
- Tell Mozilla not to proceed with its plans; and,
- Provide the DAA any examples or anecdotes you'd like to share about how Mozilla's approach might negatively affect the Internet ecosystem.
Thank you.