Newsletter #50
Applications - Events - Studying in Germany - Webinars
Dear Alumni and friends of the DAAD,
A few more busy months have passed, and more are coming! With many scholarships opening for application now and more network events at the doorstep, there are exciting times ahead of us!
This newsletter has something for everyone: the latest news about the DAAD, exciting scholarship programs, research partnership opportunities with Germany, event invitations themed around collaborative research between Australia and Germany, expert tips for studying in Germany, and more.
We hope you enjoy this newsletter, and keep an eye on the deadline for your preferred DAAD scholarship program!
Warm regards from Sydney,
Katharina McGrath, Silke Schoppe, Stefanie Herta & Susana Catalina Prat
DAAD Information Centre in Sydney
c/o Goethe-Institut Sydney
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra, NSW 2025
Phone 0413 592 504
It Gets Even Easier to Stay up to Date!
Instagram coming soon!
DAAD Appoints New President & Vice President
front row (from left to right): Dr. Muriel Helbig, Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee, Prof. Dr. Margret Wintermantel
DAAD General Assembly Election
DAAD General Assembly Election Results
Earlier this week, DAAD's General Assembly elected a new executive board o
f trustees.
Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee
, President of the Justus Liebig University Giessen and current Vice President of DAAD will take over from Prof. Dr. Margret Wintermantel, who after two terms in office did not run for reelection. Dr. Muriel Helbig, President of
Luebeck University of Applied Sciences, was elected as the new Vice President.
In Profil: Two New Faces at the DAAD IC Sydney
Susana Catalina Prat
Susana Catalina Prat is a Spanish Swabian who is passionate about languages, cultures and interchange.
In Australia, she has been working at Macquarie University as a language tutor (German, Spanish and EFL) and as Overseas Study Advisor.
During her studies at the Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen she was working at the ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen Stuttgart) promoting research in Germany. She is looking forward to continuing this and many more exiting tasks with the Sydney team.
Stefanie Herta
A DAAD scholarship recipient and former university exchange student in Germany, Stefanie joined our team in August and currently studies Marketing & Psychology at Macquarie University.
She recently completed her marketing major, the Diploma of Languages (German), and concurrently works in the E-Marketing Industry.
With a love for social media and all things German, Stefanie is currently developing a new social media strategy to help connect Australians with the DAAD.
Closing of The RAMP Mentoring Program
Since 2011 young Australian researchers in all scholarly disciplines nationally have had access to independent mentoring through the
Research Ambassador and Mentoring Scheme (RAMP)
, initiated and managed by Humboldt alumni Associate Professor Kay Double (University of Sydney) and the Sydney-based Director of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD, currently Frau Katharina McGrath, Macquarie University).
We are grateful for the support of the Australian Association of von Humboldt Fellows (AAvHF) and the DAAD and also acknowledge our funding body, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Bonn. This program has provided practical and independent advice to so many young researchers over the past nine years and we delighted in your successes, and the success of this program in furthering scholarly ties between Australia and Germany. We regret to announce the program has now ended as we have come to the end of our funding and have completed the last of our mentoring agreements.
We are enormously grateful to all our mentors and mentees and wish you all the best with your research and professional development. We also wish to take this opportunity to thank the people who contributed so much to this program, the staff of the DAAD, our wonderful RAMP coordinators Kerrie Thornton and Dr Anna Firsova and our web engineer Dr Darren Kelly.
Associate Prof Kay Double and Katharina McGrath
DAAD Australia Comes to You!
The DAAD @ the German Teachers Conference of Western Australia (Perth)
In June we were invited to present information regarding study options in Germany at the TAGWA's (Teachers of German Western Australia) annual conference for German teachers. Silke Schoppe, Educational Project Manager at the DAAD Information Centre Sydney, travelled to Perth and was welcomed with many questions from interested teachers. The information session aimed to equip teachers with basic information about study opportunities in Germany to be passed on to their students.
Information Session at the German Careers Day University of Melbourne
This year´s German Careers Day (organised by the Goethe-Institut Australia) was held at the University of Melbourne where Michael Parsons, Study & Exchange Consultant at the DAAD Information Centre Sydney, gave a talk about studying in Germany.
The presentation was very well received by the approximately 500 Year 10, 11 & 12 students and focused on the German Higher Education system in general, study, subject choice at German universities and admission and language requirements. The DAAD information stall was also very well frequented by both students and teachers alike. It provided the audience with the opportunity to clarify their questions about their way into study programs in Germany.
Study Overseas Information Evenings in Sydney, Melbourne & Canberra
In August, DAAD Australia was invited to present information about study opportunities in Germany to High school students and their parents. With roughly 500 interested participants at each event displaying a high interest in studying in Germany, the event was a full success and we are looking forward to joining the schools again next year for their study overseas information evenings. A special thank you goes to Christian Gill (DAAD Lecturer, Monash University), Julia Wilpert (DAAD Language Assistant, Monash University) and Friederike Gut (Intern, German Embassy Canberra) for their support with advising students at the Melbourne and Canberra events.
Information session at NSW School of Languages
The DAAD Information Centre held an information session for students of German at the NSW School of Languages.
Study Scholarship - Master Studies for All Academic Disciplines:
17 September 2019
More information on eligibility and applications available
Research Grant - One-Year Grant:
17 September 2019
More information on eligibility and applications available
Study Scholarship - Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Architecture:
30 September 2019
You can find more information on eligibility and application
Study Scholarship - Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Music:
15 October 2019
You can find more information on eligibility and application
Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists:
15 October 2019
You can find more information on eligibility and application
Re-invitation Programme for Former Scholarship Holders:
15 October 2019
You can find more information on eligibility and application
Study Scholarship - Postgraduate Studies in the Field of the Performing Arts:
31 October 2019
You can find more information on eligibility and application
Regional DAAD Meeting
Sydney, 14 - 16 September 2019
The DAAD Information Centre Sydney is holding a workshop & networking event for DAAD affiliates in Australia & New Zealand.
Research Ambassadors´ Training Workshop
Sydney, 15 - 17 September 2019
The newly selected DAAD Research Ambassadors will gather in Sydney for an inaugural workshop covering topics such as supporting Australian-German research collaborations and DAAD activities in Australia.
UA-DAAD Networking Events, 16. & 19. September 2019 in Sydney & Melbourne
The Australian-German Joint Research Co-operation Scheme, jointly administered by the DAAD and Universities Australia, is one of the most successfull efforts in supporting bi-national, emerging research collaborations between Germany and Australia. To highlight the scheme's success and to provide a discussion plattform for former, current and future funding recipients, the DAAD Information Centre Sydney is inviting you to presentations, a roundtable discussion and a networking reception afterwards.
UA-DAAD Networking Event Sydney
Date: 16th of September, 2019
Time: 5pm-7:30pm
Venue: Goethe-Institut Sydney, 90 Ocean Street, Woollahra, NSW 2025
UA-DAAD Networking Event Melbourne
Date: 19th of September, 2019
Time: 6pm-8:30pm
Venue: Arts West Building, Room 153, University of Melbourne
A Call for Alumni - The 60th Anniversary of the DAAD New Delhi
Taking place in India 2020, a large & eventful meet-up will be held in celebration of the DAAD New Delhi's 60th anniversary, and their longstanding relationship with its valuable alumni. As their alumni originates from various countries including India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal, they wish to discover more about their alumni - including those which now live across the globe.
Are you in this category?
For any further questions, the
DAAD New Delhi
are happy to assist you:
"Research in Germany" - Webinar Series
7-10 October 2019
Want to do your research in artificial intelligence or become an entrepreneur with your research topic?
Join our "Research in Germany" - Webinar Series and find out how to drive your career forward! 7 - 10 October 2019
at 2pm (CEST) each day.
Webinar Topics
Monday, 7 October 2019, 14:00 – 15:00 CEST
Artificial intelligence
- The Topic of The Year
Tuesday, 8 October 2019 14:00 – 15:00 CEST
Scientific start-ups in Germany - Opportunities and Challenges
Wednesday, 9 October 2019,14:00 – 15:00 CEST
German research clusters - How They Work and How to Join Them
Thursday, 10 October 2019 14:00 – 15:00 CEST
Universities of Applied Sciences - Career paths and job opportunities
more information and to register
, please visit our website:
Connect via our Facebook:
University of Melbourne (SOLL) Public Event -
Arresting Legacies:
Documenting Shootings at the Inner-German Border
Organized in collaboration with the
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany.
The University of Melbourne warmly invites you to attend this exciting event to commemorate 30 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall with filmmaker Stefan Weinert.
30 years on from the fall of the Berlin Wall, many questions remain unanswered and many scars are yet to heal. Especially for those families whose loved ones died escaping across the inner-German border or were shot at the Berlin Wall, justice has been elusive and the past remains unsettled.
Unable to find answers as to what really happened, not even in the clinical Stasi records of their relatives’ deaths, the bereaved have become victims themselves.
Stefan Weinert
, an internationally active German actor, director and author will introduce his harrowing documentary film
, which is a painful and important documentation of recent German history, and speak to its arresting legacies.
The screening and discussion with the filmmaker will be followed by a reception and refreshments.
The event is organised by the Office of the Honorary Consul of Germany in Brisbane. It promises to integrate and portrait all important facets of the Australian-German relationship. It will span almost a
fortnight of colourful events
including a national German language competition with an expected 5,000 participants, days of Science and Innovation, Business and History, a classical concert on the Day of
German Unity (German National Day) and, of course, Oktoberfest Brisbane.
30 Sept to 11 October
this year, Brisbane will showcase its educational, scientific, economic, political and cultural connections to Germany in cooperation with schools, universities, businesses and numerous other organisations. This initiative is proudly supported by Brisbane City Council, Department of Foreign Affairs Qld and to this date sponsors confirmed are Austral, VW, Mercedes, Brokat Studio, SAP Australia (Brisbane) as well as organisations such as
DAAD Australia
, AHK Qld Chapter, GABA, GABWA, Brisbane German Club, GACCQ, Goethe Institute Australia, German Missions Australia, both local PASCH-Schools in Kenmore and Ferny Grove, three leading Qld Universities UQ, USQ and QUT.
For more information about German Week, see
Australian-German Research Day - Melbourne
15 October 2019
Save the date for the 1st Australian-German Research Day, organised jointly by Monash University, University of Melbourne, Swinburne University, Deakin University, LaTrobe University, RMIT & DAAD Australia! More information to follow shortly!
Freie Universität Berlin
European Studies Program
Freie Universität Berlin European Studies Program
(FU-BEST) is currently accepting applications for the German
course package for the Spring Semester 2020.
features specialized language and subject courses in German, designed for students with advanced German language abilities. For more information, please visit
HWR Berlin - MBA & International Master’s Programmes
your leadership skills.
digital know-how.
management in English.
part of an international student body.
Benefit from many corporate activities, valuable career consultation and coaching. Take advantage of our welcome service.
Discover Berlin
- Germany’s startup hub, low cost of living, culturally rich and colourful.
Tips for Studying in Germany
Whether you're planning an exchange now or thinking about it for the future, there are so many details to think about at every step of the process. This website gives ten tips with relevant websites, for studying in Germany and planning your exchange:
You can also download previous newsletters from
our website.
This newsletter has been prepared by:
DAAD Regional Office Australia, 90 Ocean Street, Sydney NSW 2025,
legally represented by Dr. Dorothea Rüland,
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V.,
Kennedyallee 50, 53175 Bonn
Tel.: (+61) 041 3592-504
Head office:
Bonn (Germany), registered with the Bonn District Court, Commercial Register Court VR 2105
Editorial staff:
Katharina McGrath, Silke Schoppe, Michael Parsons, Stefanie Herta, Susana Catalina Prat
Liability Notice:
We are not liable for the content of any websites run by third parties. This remains solely the responsibility of the third parties.
Copyright © by DAAD e.V. Copyright by DAAD e.V. The content of this newsletter is copyright-protected. All rights reserved. The full or partial reproduction of a text or images without prior permission by the DAAD is prohibited.
If you no longer wish to subscribe to this newsletter, please inform us in writing
or use the link found at the bottom of every email you receive from us