Calls for Applications - News - Webinars - NL #47

Dear Alumni and friends of the DAAD,

Stay up to date on DAAD's activities in Australia!

From news about German-Australian exchange activites as well as scholarship programs and their deadlines to our new webinars and opportunities for study and research in Germany - these are a few of the topics covered in this current issue of our DAAD newsletter!

We hope you enjoy the newsletter!

With kind regards from Sydney,
Katharina McGrath, Silke Schoppe and Michael Parsons

DAAD Information Centre in Sydney
c/o Goethe-Institut Sydney
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra NSW 2025
Phone 0413592504
Justus-Liebig-University Gießen in Australia!
Prof Mukherjee, Vice-Chancellor of the Justus-Liebig-University Gießen & Vice-President of the DAAD and Julia Volz, Director of the International Office of JLU Gießen, visited Australia in January this year to discuss further academic collaborations between Australia and Germany. They met with representatives of Macquarie University and Monash University, as well as with German Consul General Peter Silberberg, who extended an invitation to discuss trends and developments in Australian-German academic collaborations.

Photo: Frauke Silberberg. From left to right: Prof. Joybrato Mukherjee (VC JLU & VP DAAD), Prof. Martina Möllering (Exec. Dean FoA, MQ), Julia Volz (Director IO, JLU), Katharina McGrath (Director, DAAD IC Sydney) & Peter Silberberg (Consul General, GK Sydney)
Bayreuth Gateway Office, University of Melbourne - Australian-German Coordinator Network Meeting
The Gateway Office of the University of Bayreuth in Melbourne hosted a successful networking event for individuals involved in the establishment, administration & support of academic collaborations between Australia and Germany. The AGRN - event was attended by nearly 100 participants, including a large number of coordinators of transnational projects as well as several representatives of the DAAD and all partner universities of the University of Bayreuth in Melbourne.
Photos: Melanie Pöhlmann
Macquarie University welcomes Peter Silberberg, Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany
On February 21, 2019, the Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany, Peter Silberberg, and his wife, Frauke, visited Macquarie University. Macquarie University is the new host university of the DAAD lecturer, Katharina McGrath since October last year. The pair met Prof. Möllering, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts, A/Prof. Ulrike Garde, Head of the Department of International Studies, and Tina Stubenrauch, International Engagement Manager of the Faculty of Arts, to discuss possibilities for cooperation and to offer their support for students enrolled in German units at MQ.
Photo: Joanne Valvekens. From left to right: Peter Silberberg (Consul General, GK Sydney), Frauke Silberberg, Prof. Martina Möllering (Exec. Dean FoA, MQ), A/Prof. Ulrike Garde (Head of Department, INTS MQ), Tina Stubenrauch (International Engagement Manager, FoA MQ), Katharina McGrath (Director, DAAD IC Sydney)
Shining a light on Germany, the German Language and German Studies in South Australia
How can we ensure the future of German language teaching in schools and universities? How can we put the German cultural roots of South Australia in focus? These questions were the focus of the “German Round Table”-Meeting on February 27, 2019, in Adelaide. More than 20 guests, including the ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr. Anna Prinz, Susanne Körber (Cultural Attaché, German Embassy Canberra) and Katharina McGrath (Director, DAAD Information Centre Sydney) followed an invitation from the organisers, Honorary Consul James Porter and Dr. Stefan Hajduk (Head of Department of German Studies, University of Adelaide). The meeting concluded with establishing a work group that will meet regularly and organise events to enhance the visibility of the German language and culture in South Australia.
 Adelaide city skyline
facade of classical gothic building and monument statue of University of Adelaide in South Australia

Short-Term Research Grant: 30 April 2019
You can find more information on eligibility and application requirements here.

Re-invitation Program for Former Scholarship Holders: 15 April 2019
You can find more information on eligibility and application requirements here.

DAAD Australia is coming to you!
Australian Exchange Fairs Circuit 2019
The DAAD Australia will be attending the exchange fairs at:

Monash University, Melbourne
Wednesday, 3 April 2019

University of Melbourne
Thursday, 4 April 2019

Macquarie University, Sydney
Friday, 5 April 2019

University of Wollongong
Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Webinar Series: "Studying in Germany"
Please spread the word :

Do you know someone who is interested in studying or research in Germany? Have you studied/ undertaken research in Germany and would like to tell others about your experiences?

Our Webinar-Series will commence on March 28, 2019 , with an information session on studying in Germany (Bachelor, Master) and on April 15, 2019 with a session on research in Germany and funding opportunities.

Registration will be available through our website one week prior to the events.
If you are interested in participating in future Webinars, please contact us .
Register now for the Berlin Summer University of the Arts‘ program 2019!

Between June and October 2019 the Berlin Career College at the Berlin University of the Arts presents an international workshop programme which addresses artists, advanced students and graduates from all artistic disciplines. Altogether over 30 top-class workshops in the fields of Fine Arts, Design, Music, Performing Arts, Creative Entrepreneurship and Interdisciplinary Areas invite participants for an international, artistic exchange.

Freie Universität Berlin European Studies Program (FU-BEST) is currently accepting applications for the German PLUS + course package for the Fall Semester 2019. German PLUS + features specialized language and subject courses in German, designed for students with advanced German language abilities. For more information, please visit or contact .  
Study Physics, Mathematics, Meteorology or Nanotechnology in Hannover!
The Faculty of Mathematics and Physics in Hannover is one of the top performers in this field in Germany. Our international master’s programmes in Physics, Mathematics and Meteorology (taught in English or German), and the master’s programme in Nanotechnology (taught in German) are world class and innovative, leading to great career prospects. Come and join us!
Studying in Germany
University Cities in Germany A - Z

Gießen University is a modern institution which can take pride in some four centuries of past achievement. With around 28.000 students, the university is prepared to meet any challenges that the future may bring. Justus Liebig University is highly committed to internationalisation, and offers a broad range of Bachelor’s and Master’s programs that include courses held in English.
For further information, comments or to unsubscribe from this newsletter, please email us at
You can download previous issues from  our website.
This newsletter has been prepared by:
DAAD Regional Office Australia, 90 Ocean Street, Sydney NSW 2025, 
legally represented by Dr. Dorothea Rüland, 
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V., 
Kennedyallee 50, 53175 Bonn
Tel.: (+61) 041 3592-504
Head office: 
Bonn (Germany), registered with the Bonn District Court, Commercial Register Court VR 2105

Editorial staff:
Katharina McGrath, Silke Schoppe, Michael Parsons
Liability Notice:
We are not liable for the content of any websites run by third parties. This remains solely the responsibility of the third parties.

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