Dear DAAD Friends and Alumni,

This is our August edition of the DAAD Australia Newsletter in 2021. We hope this newsletter finds you well. Stay up to date with what has been happening and what to look out for in regard to DAAD's activities in Australia and Germany!

We hope you enjoy the newsletter!

With kind regards from Sydney,

Katharina McGrath, Silke Schoppe & Stefanie Herta

Information Centre Sydney - Contact Details
In light of the continuing health crisis in NSW due to the Delta coronavirus variant outbreak and ongoing lockdown in Sydney, our Information Centre in Sydney is currently closed to visitors. We continue to work remotely and remain available for all concerns and queries through e-mail, phone and teleconferencing during normal business hours, Mondays to Fridays.

  • By Telephone+61272088119
  • Through Teleconferencing: please contact us via e-mail, and our staff will arrange an appointment and provide you with an access link.
  • By E-mail: [email protected]
Upcoming Events
Falling Walls Lab Australia 2021 - Finale
1 September 2021 (2 - 4 pm) - Online
Nine outstanding talented individuals and innovative thinkers selected from around the country (see FWL NSW winners below), will be pitching their work virtually to an interdisciplinary jury and audience, hoping to change the future with their breakthroughs in science and industry.

The winners of this event will appear virtually at the international Falling Walls Lab finale event, Falling Walls Pitch, in Berlin on 7 November 2021.

A jury led by Australia’s Chief Scientist, Dr. Cathy Foley, will decide on the finalists to represent Australia in this global event.
This will be the sixth Falling Walls Lab organised by the Australian Academy of Science, and the second time as a virtual event.  

Further information is available here and registration here.

Recently, the Falling Walls Lab New South Wales was held virtually in Sydney and hosted by DAAD Australia and Euraxess AUS-NZ.

The three winners from NSW/TAS who will be presenting their projects at the national FWL are:

BREAKING THE WALL OF stem cell therapies Jiao Jiao Li, University of Technology Sydney (1. Winner)
BREAKING THE WALL OF alien fish invasion: a trojan war Lokman Norazmi, University of Tasmania (1st Runner-Up & People's Choice Award)
BREAKING THE WALL OF unsustainable healthcare Elizabeth Austin, Macquarie University (2nd Runner-Up)

The live-streamed event can still be viewed on YouTube & Facebook
DAAD Lunchtime Webinar -
Master Studies & DAAD Graduate Scholarships
08 September (12 - 1pm)
Join us for this DAAD information session about Master Studies and DAAD graduate scholarships for Australians wanting to study a postgraduate degree at a German tertiary institution. We will cover topics such as university admission requirements, application procedures and financing for international students who are interested in studying in Germany. We will also provide essential information about the various scholarship programs that are on offer.
There are programs on offer for graduates of all disciplinary backgrounds as well as subject-specific scholarships for students of the creative arts sector such as Fine Art, Design, Film, Music, Architecture or the Performing Arts.

Please register here.
NSW German Careers Day - Now Online
13 September (10am - 12.30pm)
The Goethe-Institut together with the DAAD Australia and Macquarie University will offer a virtual Careers Day aimed for high-school and university students across Australia.

This will be a fantastic opportunity to learn about career paths with German, engage in insightful presentations by professionals including the DAAD Australia's sessions about Study in Germany and Post-Graduate Opportunities in Germany. 
Please register here.
Online Symposium
'Bioeconomy and Circular Economy -
Tackling Global Challenge in a Global Scale'
20-21 September
We are pleased to announce the upcoming virtual symposium! The two-day event is organised by the German Embassy - Canberra, The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Australia-Germany Research Network (AGRN). Opening Remarks will be delivered by the Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Sydney, Axel Ziegler and the Director of the DAAD Australia, Katharina McGrath.
Highly renowned Australian and German specialists in the fields of Science, Research and Industry will be delivering Keynote Addresses and will be involved in panel discussions on topics such as:

  • Climate change in the Bioeconomy/Circular Economy
  • German-Australian Cooperation in the field of Bioeconomy
  • Industry-Research Connections and their importance in driving bioeconomic development & research
  • Bioeconomy 2030 – Germany’s National Research Strategy and Funding Measures
  • Bioeconomy initiatives in Australia- opportunities to engage and collaborate

Opportunities will be given to individual participants to browse virtual presentations of Bioeconomy laboratories and innovations in Australia and Germany as well as networking sessions for attendees during the program breaks.
The Closing Address will focus on the international basis that will underpin the future Bioeconomy.
Please register here.
6 October 2021 (3 - 7 pm)
Part of German Week Brisbane 1 - 12 October

The 6th Australian-German Science and Innovation Day will showcase large-scale scientific collaborations between Australian and German universities and involved industry partners, and present the objectives, progress and outcomes of current research projects covering a variety of scientific disciplines. Hosted at the Southbank Campus of Griffith University and jointly organised with the Queensland University of Technology and the University of Queensland, academics from various Australian universities will present their latest findings and elaborate on their collaborative experiences with their German partners.
Further information here
Upcoming Scholarships, Grants & Programs
Call for Applications

This study program is designed for students and graduates and aims to help them improve their knowledge of German (general language), as well as their knowledge of German culture and country.

Application deadline: 31 August 2021
Further information is available here
Call for Applications
PRIME - Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience

This program was initiated to support the international mobility of postdoctoral researchers through temporary positions at German universities in place of conventional scholarships. Funding is provided for 18 months, in which 12 months have to be spent abroad and 6 months (re-integration phase) at a German university.

Application deadline: 31 August 2021 (for stays that start in June 2022)
Further information is available here
Call for Applications
Study Scholarships - Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Architecture
This scholarship offers funding for projects in the area of design and planning. Lasting 10-24 months, the scholarship is suitable for foreign applicants who have gained a first university degree in the areas of Architecture, Interior Design, Monument Conservation, Urban Planning/Urban Development, Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture & Landscape Planning.

Application deadline: 30 September 2021 (for stays that start in October 2022)
Further information is available here
Call for Applications
Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists
This 1-3 months scholarship aims to support short-term research stays and promote both the exchange of experience and networking among colleagues. University teachers and scientists who have 1) completed a doctoral degree & 2) work at a university or research institute in their home country may apply.

Application Deadline: 15 October 2021 (for stays that start between March & July of 2022)
Further information is available here
Call for Applications
Re-invitation Program for Former Scholarship Holders
This program enables former scholarship holders (with over six month's previous funding) to maintain contacts as part of DAAD's global alumni network and to carry out research & working projects in Germany. Provides between 1-3 months funding.

Application deadline: 15 October, 2021 (for stays that start between March & July of 2022)
Further information is available here
Call for Applications
Study Visits for Academics - Artists & Architects
Suitable for university teachers from the architecture, fine art, film, design, visual communication, music, and performing arts disciplines, this 1-3 month program aims to promote artistic cooperation with German host institutions.

Application deadline: 15 October 2021 (for stays that start between March & July of 2022)
Further information is available here
Call for Applications
One-Year Research Grants - Doctoral Candidates, Academics & Scientists
Research grants provide doctoral candidates, young academics and scientists with an opportunity to carry out a research project or a course of continuing education at a German university or non-university research institute.

Application deadline: 20 October 2021 (for stays that start in October 2022)
Further information is available here
Call for Applications
Study Scholarships - Master Studies for All Academic Disciplines
This 10-24 month scholarship provides excellently-qualified graduates who have completed a first degree (Bachelor, Diplom or comparable academic degree, with the opportunity to continue their academic education in Germany.

Application deadline: 20 October 2021 (for stays that start in October 2022)
Further information is available here
External perspective - International perspectives on Germany in times of Corona
How is Germany seen in the world? 
The DAAD, GIZ and the Goethe-Institut are jointly approaching this question with the study “Outside Perspectives - International Perspectives on Germany in Times of Corona”. From the perspective of science, culture, economy, and politics. A particular focus is on the corona pandemic, which affects all areas.
Read about the interesting findings here.

"Research in Germany" August Newsletter
Who is behind R&D in Germany? Let us show you our recently revised brochure on the German research landscape! - and there is a lot more going on: browse through lots of current funding opportunities and learn more about the new star in the German quantum computing sky: the IBM Quantum System One, operated by the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft together with IBM - currently the most powerful system anywhere in Europe. Enjoy reading!

View the newsletter here.
26 September 2021 - The German Parliamentary (Bundestag) Election
Have you heard?
Germany is heading to the polls this September for the 2021 Bundestag election!
Occurring every four years, all those aged 18 and over who are eligible to vote cast their ballots. Find out more about the process, and the political parties that comprise the Bundestag currently here
University Advertisements
Berlin Professional School
Berlin Professional School
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Improve your leadership skills. Gain digital know-how. Study management in English. Become part of an international student body. Benefit from many corporate activities, valuable career consultation and coaching. Discover Berlin Germany’s startup hub, low cost of living, culturally rich and colourful.

Further information here.
Join Us!
For further information or comments, please email us at [email protected].
You can also download previous newsletters from our website.