Dear DAAD Friends and Alumni!🎓

Welcome to our first edition of the DAAD Australia Newsletter in 2024.

With the beginning of Autumn, we are delighted to share with you insightful articles from the DAAD and the research community in Australia and Germany, along with personal portraits and reflections on recent academic exchange experiences.

This Newsletter includes information and updates on our key topics:

DAAD University Winter Course 2024

  • Impressions by Jesse Allen

● DAAD Australia's upcoming events

  • Education fairs for university and school students
  • German Cultural Day

● News and Updates

  • International Women's Day in Germany
  • Research in Germany - "Women in Science"
  • DAAD and Federal Ministry of Education Launched Skilled Labour Initiave
  • DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Programme - "Mapping the Archive"
  • DAAD Alumni Australia News

● Announcements

  • Scholarships, Grants & Funding Programmes
  • University Advertisements

Last but not least, we would like to update you that with this copy we introduce a small change for the publishing period of our newsletter, which will now come to you in a quarterly sequence.

We hope you will enjoy reading this edition.

Stay in touch with the DAAD Information Centre in Sydney,

with kind regards, 

Silke Schoppe and Michael Rieke

DAAD Australia - Information Centre Sydney Contact Details

For enquiries and information, please contact the DAAD Information Centre in Sydney:



Teleconferencing: please contact us via email, and our friendly staff will arrange an appointment and provide you with an access link.

DAAD Australia News

Impressions from one of DAAD's University Winter Course 2024 participants

One of DAAD Australia's successful candidates, Jesse Allen, who travelled to Germany in January 2024 to participate in the Hochschulwinterkurs in Leipzig shares some of his experiences in the follwoing report:

"The HWK Program offered me a fantastic opportunity to further develop my language skills and apply these in the context of everyday life. I also came to see how German is truly a global language, by getting to know people from all around the world (Argentina, Chile, Namibia, etc.) whose friendliness, support, and jokes only further enriched my experience. Not to mention the history and culture of Leipzig itself: a particular highpoint was attending the Peace Prayer in the Nikolaikirche. Built in 1165, the building was host to demonstrations which played a key role in the Peaceful Revolution – which perfectly encapsulates the way in which the continuities of history are preserved in this city. My entire time in Germany was a great privilege, for which I am deeply thankful."

Jesse Allen, University of Melbourne

DAAD Hochschulwinterkurs

This scholarship program is designed for students, graduates and doctoral candidates. It aims to help them improve their knowledge of the German language as well as German regional and cultural studies.

Find further information about the DAAD University Winter Course here.

This year's deadline for applications for 2025 will be on 15 August 2024 (tbc).

DAAD Australia at the Upcoming Events

The National Learning Abroad Fair Circuit 2024

Sydney Abroad Fair on Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Bringing the world to campus: The annual Sydney Abroad Fair is an opportunity to discover all the global experiences available for students. The 2024 Sydney Abroad Fair will be held on 19 March from 10:30am to 2:30pm along Eastern Avenue, Camperdown campus.

Further information can be found here.

DAAD Australia will have an information booth for students who would like to find out about study and or exchange options in Germany.

Further information can be found here.

Think Global Fair at UTS Sydney, 20 March 2024

Come along to the Think Global Fair. The 2024 UTS Think Global Fair is the event that will get you inspired to take part in a variety of global opportunities.

Further information can be found here.

DAAD Australia will have an information booth for students who would like to find out about study and or exchange options in Germany.

Further information can be found here.

German Cultural Day in Sydney 2024

The German Cultural Day is back at the Goethe-Institut in Sydney!

Last year’s festival was an overwhelming success, with 3,500 people attending. Please come and spend a day celebrating German culture in all its diversity:

a vibrant mix of food, drink, music, dance, language, information, and lots of activities for kids.

On Saturday, 04 May 2024, let’s get together in-and-around the heritage building of the Goethe-Institut in the leafy Sydney suburb of Woollahra. The iconic piece of the Berlin Wall in the park forms the perfect backdrop for a vital assembly of live bands and artists, market stalls and vendors, food trucks and mobile bars, kids activities and many other fun things to do.

Further information can be found here.

German Day at the University of Technology Sydney

The purpose of this event is for high school students to gain insights into tertiary opportunities in languages, meet students of German from other schools and practise their language skills outside of the classroom. 

The day consists of presentations by participating universities (University of New South, Wales, University of Sydney, University of Technology Sydney, and Macquarie University), the Goethe-Institut and the DAAD, followed by games and activities designed to get the students interacting with each other and using their German language skills.

Further information can be found here.

International Women's Day in Germany 2024

Even though Germany ranks high in many OECD indicators, a significant issue still to be addressed is the gender inequality in the country.

International Women's Day is a global day celebrating women's social, economic, cultural, and political achievements. This date also invites people to mobilise to accelerate gender parity.

International Women's Day has been observed since the early 1900s. Clara Zetkin, a prominent German socialist leader, first proposed the idea of an International Women's Day in 1910. The first International Women's Day took place on March 19, 1911. And over 65 years later, in 1977, the United Nations recognised March 8 as International Women's Day.

Read the full article here.

Research in Germany: February 2024 Newsletter

A spotlight on: Women in Science

The topic that remains as relevant as ever: women in science. The reappraisal of past scientific eras continues to shine a light on formerly unrecognised female role models. However, women – and other genders outside the binary – are still underrepresented in many scientific fields today.

In 2021, the percentage of women in research and development in the EU was 33.7%. In Germany, the number of women in R&D in higher education and the government sector is considerably higher but continues to lag behind in company departments. Many initiatives, funding programmes and events are trying to raise that number. Speaking of which: Since 2015, UN-WOMEN and UNESCO have been implementing the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on 11 February. Look out for the hashtag #WomenInScience in the coming weeks!

Read the Research in Germany newsletter here.

DAAD and Federal Ministry of Education Launched Skilled Labour Initiave

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is launching an initiative to recruit international students and graduates and qualify them as future specialists for the German labour market. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is supporting the new initiative with a total of almost 120 million euros until 2028.

"Germany is in third place in the global ranking of the most popular countries to study in. For a large number of international students, the good prospects of remaining in Germany later in their careers have already been a key factor in deciding in favour of Germany as a place to study in the past. With the 'Campus Initiative for International Professionals', we want to provide international students with tailored support during their studies and in their transition to the German labour market. After all, we urgently need more bright minds and hard-working hands for growth and prosperity in our country," said Federal Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger.

Read the press release here.

DAAD Berlin Artists' Programme digitises treasures from six decades

The DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Programme (BKP) recently began offering insights into its many years of work promoting international artists in Germany. Following extensive digitisation, parts of the BKP archive are now accessible to the public for the first time, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the development of the Berlin art scene.

Find Berlin's finest art with the project "Mapping the Archive"

DAAD Almuni Australia News March 2024

Dear fellow alumni and friends,

After a strong and successful past year filled with plenty of DAAD alumni activities and events, we’re continuing our journey of broadening and strengthening our alumni engagement and activities with our alumni network and partners.

Our purpose

Our main purpose is to encourage and support academic, professional and cultural relations between Australia and Germany. We connect with alumni across academia, industry and government and boost disruptive thinking across all sectors. Our objective is to actively involve our alumni from all sectors and fields to share their latest research to reflect, challenge and discuss the key topics of today’s world.

For example, we focused on latest insights and experiences from a cross-disciplinary panel in our forum “Disruptive technology and the importance of cross-functional teams and values” last year.

Our communication channels

Our key communication channel is our LinkedIn group “DAAD Alumni Association Australia”. Please join our group today to stay updated on all future events and alumni activities in Australia. You can also invite fellow alumni to join the group so we can grow steadily!


We always encourage and appreciate supporting hands and ideas for future events. Please email us to share your contributions:

We’re in the process of organising our next events and look forward to seeing you there.

Best wishes,

Claudia Nelson and Michiko Weinmann

DAAD Alumni Australia Executive Team

Stay up to date via our LinkedIn group for further information and events.

Scholarships, Grants & Programs

Call for Applications

DAAD Research Grants - Short Term

Research grants provide doctoral candidates, young academics and scientists with an opportunity to carry out a research project or a course of continuing education in Germany for up to 6 months. The primary aim of this programme is to promote research projects within the context of doctoral programmes.

Application deadline: 3 April 2024 (Start of funding from August 2024)

Further information is available here

Call for Applications

DAAD Study Visits for Academics: Artists and Architects

This Study Visit Programme for Artists and Architects promotes artistic cooperation between Australia and Germany. Academic teachers of Architecture, Fine Art, Design, Visual Communications, Performing Arts and Music are invited to work on a research project in cooperation with a German host institution. The artistic cooperation stay is funded for a period up to three months.

Application Deadline: 3 April 2024 (Start of funding from August 2024)

Further information is available here.

Call for Applications

DAAD Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists

University teachers, established academics and scientists can apply for short-term research grants to engage in an exchange of experience and networking amongst international colleagues. Applicants are invited to carry out a research project at a hosting German educational institution for a period up to 3 months.

Application deadline: 3 April 2024 (Start of funding from August 2024)

Further information is available here.

Call for Applications

DAAD Alumni - Re-invitation Programme for former Scholarship Holders

This funding programme invites previous holders of scholarships and grants to return to Germany for research and working projects. DAAD Alumni from Australia can establish new contacts, promote cooperation and extend their network in Germany for up to 3 months.

Application Deadline: 3 April 2024 (Start of funding from August 2024)

Further information is available here.

Call for Applications

DAAD ‘ERA Felloships - Green Hydrogen’

Master Students, PhD Candidates and Postdocs from all scientific disciplines with a study or research focus on ‘Green Hydrogen’ are invited to apply. The DAAD Green Hydrogen Fellowships offer a range of funding opportunities for topic related master courses, research work and internships in Germany.

PhD students and Postdocs can apply at any time.

Master students - Application Deadline: 10 April 2024.

Further information is available here.

Call for Applications

HIAS Fellowships Academic Year 2025/26

The Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study (HIAS) in Germany invites to apply for individual research fellowships. HIAS appoints outstanding scholars and artists from all parts of the world who are granted full freedom to pursue their own research projects under excellent conditions on-site in Hamburg for a period of 3 to 10 months. Eligible to apply are researchers of all disciplines and all career stages from the postdoctoral level onwards, as well as outstanding artists and cultural professionals.

Application deadline: 15 April 2024

Further information is available here.

Call for Applications

Programme for Language Assistants

The German 'Pädagogischer Austauschdienst (PAD)' offers scholarships for language assistant positions in Germany. Language assistants are to help an Englisch teacher at a German secondary school to improve their students’ overall language ability with a focus on conversation and pronunciation. In addition to that the assistant will be given the chance to increase students’ knowledge on Australian life, culture, literature and current issues. The scholarship includes a monthly allowance as well as insurance, and the possibility to receive a one-off travel grant.

The Goethe-Institut and the Pädagogischer Austauschdienst will be hosting an online information event for interested Australians: 14 March 2024

Register for the meeting, here.

Application deadline: 15 April 2024

Further information on the programme is available here.

University Advertisements


Online Certificate Course Program 2024

Join Freie Universität Berlin’s Continuing Education Program to further key competencies in intercultural communication, leadership, resilience, diversity, sustainability, and more. Young professionals and life-long learners will gain practical knowledge and a certificate from one of the most renowned German universities to set their CVs apart.

Further information is available here.

Berlin Summer University of the Arts

New Programme 2024

Starting in June, the Berlin Summer University of the Arts offers a wide range of workshops in all artistic disciplines and beyond. This year's focus on "Territories and Interfaces" will centre around the city of Berlin as the venue, territory and object of artistic research. Get inspired and make lasting connections in an international setting. Registration is now open.

Further information is available here.

For further information or comments, please email us at
You can also download previous newsletters from our website.
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